Linkis provides an adaption method by HTTP, for the convenience of the frontend of functional applications.
The data development IDE tool Scriptis combined both ways to adapt with Linkis. It communicates with Linkis by websocket in normal circumstances, and failover to HTTP protocol in case the Websocket connection was down.
Linkis defined its own specs for front-backend adaption.
1).URL specs
/api/rest_j/v1/{applicationName}/.+ /api/rest_s/v1/{applicationName}/.+
2).Request specs
{ "method":"/api/rest_j/v1/entrance/execute", "data":{}, "websocketTag":"37fcbd8b762d465a0c870684a0261c6e" }
3).Response specs
{"method":"/api/rest_j/v1/entrance/execute","status":0, "message":Success!","data":{}}
For HTTP API, polling should be used to retrieve the status, logs and progress information after submission.
1).Request execution
{ "method":"/api/rest_j/v1/entrance/execute", "data":{ "params": { "variable":{ "k1":"v1" }, "configuration":{ "special":{ "k2":"v2" }, "runtime":{ "k3":"v3" }, "startup":{ "k4":"v4" } } }, "executeApplicationName":"spark", "executionCode":"show tables", "runType":"sql", "source":{ "scriptPath": "/home/Linkis/Linkis.sql" }, "websocketTag":"37fcbd8b762d465a0c870684a0261c6e" } }
-Description of parameters in the request body data
Parameter Name | Parameter Definition | Type | Comments |
executeApplicationName | The Engine service expected by the user, such as Spark or hive | String | Not null |
requestApplicationName | The name of the system launching this request | String | Nullable |
params | User-defined parameters to run services | Map | Required, but values are nullable |
executionCode | The execution code submitted by the user | String | Not null |
runType | Assuming that the user executes a spark job, he may choose python, R or SQL as runType | String | Not null |
scriptPath | The script path of the execution code | String | For Scriptest, it shouldn't be null with executionCode at the same time |
Table 1 Descriptions for the parameters
{ "method": "/api/rest_j/v1/entrance/execute", "status": 0, "message": "Execution request succeeded", "data": { "execID": "030418IDEhivebdpdwc010004:10087IDE_johnnwang_21", "taskID": "123" } }
2).Retrieve status
{ "method": "/api/rest_j/v1/entrance/{execID}/status", "status": 0, "message": "Succeeded to retrieve status", "data": { "execID": "${execID}", "status": "Running" } }
3).Retrieve logs
{ "method": "/api/rest_j/v1/entrance/${execID}/log", "status": 0, "message": "Return logs information", "data": { "execID": "${execID}", "log": ["errorLogs","warnLogs","infoLogs", "allLogs], "fromLine": 56 } }
4).Retrieve progress
{ "method": "/api/rest_j/v1/entrance/{execID}/progress", "status": 0, "message": "Return progress information", "data": { "execID": "${execID}", "progress": 0.2, "progressInfo": [ { "id": "job-1", "succeedTasks": 2, "failedTasks": 0, "runningTasks": 5, "totalTasks": 10 }, { "id": "job-2", "succeedTasks": 5, "failedTasks": 0, "runningTasks": 5, "totalTasks": 10 } ] } }
5).kill task
{ "method": "/api/rest_j/v1/entrance/{execID}/kill", "status": 0, "message": "OK", "data": { "execID":"${execID}" } }