title: How to Participate in Website Project Contribution sidebar_position: 2.1


dev is the development branch, please fork to your own repository, create a fix/feature branch based on the dev branch, and then perform development and modification on this branch.

dev #development branch
asf-site   #The official environment of asf-site official website is accessed through https://linkis.apache.org
asf-staging #The asf-staging official website test environment is accessed through https://linkis.staged.apache.org

1 Preview and generate static files

This website is compiled using node, using Docusaurus framework components

  1. Download and install nodejs (version>12.5.0)
  2. Clone the code to the local git clone git@github.com:{githubid}/linkis-website.git
  3. Run npm install to install the required dependent libraries.
  4. Run npm run start in the root directory, you can visit http://localhost:3000 to view the English mode preview of the site
  5. Run npm run start-zh in the root directory, you can visit http://localhost:3000 to view the Chinese mode preview of the site
  6. To generate static website resource files, run npm run build. The static resources of the build are in the build directory.

2 Directory structure

|-- blog
|-- community 
|-- docs     //The next version of the document that will be released soon
|-- download 
|-- faq      //Q&A
|-- i18n    
|   `-- zh-CN  //Internationalized Chinese
|       |-- code.json
|       |-- docusaurus-plugin-content-blog
|       |-- docusaurus-plugin-content-docs
|       |-- docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-community
|       |-- docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-download
|       |-- docusaurus-plugin-content-docs-faq
|       `-- docusaurus-theme-classic
|-- resource  // Original project files for architecture/timing diagram/flow chart, etc.
|-- src
|   |-- components
|   |-- css
|   |-- js
|   |-- pages
|   |   |-- home
|   |   |-- index.jsx
|   |   |-- team
|   |   |-- user
|   |   `-- versions
|   |-- styles
|-- static //Picture static resource
|   |-- Images
|   |-- Images-zh
|   |-- faq
|   |-- home
|   `-- img
|-- docusaurus.config.js
|-- versioned_docs //Historical version archive
|   `-- version-1.0.2
|-- versioned_sidebars
|   `-- version-1.0.2-sidebars.json
`-- versions.json

The following table illustrates how versioned files are mapped to their version and generated URL.

file PathVersionhttp URL
versioned_docs/version-1.0.2/hello.md1.0.2 (latest current stable version)/docs/latest/hello
docs/hello.mdcurrent (the next version 1.0.3 to be released)/docs/1.0.3/hello

Current version information

VersionAccess PathEnglish Document PathChinese Document Path
1.0.2https://linkis.apache.org/docs/latest/xxx (https://linkis.apache.org/zh-CN/docs/latest/xxx)versioned_docs/version-1.0.2/i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-1.0.2
1.0.3https://linkis.apache.org/docs/1.0.3/xxx (https://linkis.apache.org/zh-CN/docs/1.0.3/xxx)/docsi18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current

3 Specification

3.1 Directory naming convention

Use all lowercase, separated by underscores. If there is a plural structure, use plural nomenclature, and do not use plural abbreviations

Positive example: scripts / styles / components / images / utils / layouts / demo_styles / demo-scripts / img / doc

Counter example: script / style / demoStyles / imgs / docs

3.2 Vue and the naming convention of static resource files

All lowercase, separated by a dash

Positive example: render-dom.js / signup.css / index.html / company-logo.png

Counter example: renderDom.js / UserManagement.html

3.3 Resource path

Image resources are unified under static/{module name}

css and other style files are placed in the src/css directory

3.4 Page content modification

Except for the homepage, team, user, Docs>All Version module page, all other pages can be directly jumped to the corresponding github resource modification page through the‘Edit this page’ button at the bottom

3.5 Home page modification

Visit the page https://linkis.apache.org Located in src/pages/home

│ config.json Home page Chinese and English configuration
│ index.less homepage style

3.6 Team page modification

Visit the page https://linkis.apache.org/team Located in src/pages/team

│ config.json
│ index.js
│ index.less

3.7 User list page modification

Visit the page https://linkis.apache.org/user

Located in `src/pages/user`

3.8 Version list page modification

Visit the page https://linkis.apache.org/versions

Located in `src/pages/versions`

3.9 User list page modification

Visit the page https://linkis.apache.org/user

Company logo Located in static/home/user, and the picture size must be 176 × 88.

3.10 Path specification

If you want to link from a markdown document to another, it is best to use absolute path. For example, if you want to link to quick-deploy.md, the path should be /docs/deployment/quick-deploy.md.

3.11 Version document

For version documents (i.e. the corresponding documents for each version) Next version document (corresponding to the upcoming version) CN: i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/current/xxx EN: versioned_docs/current/user-guide/xxx

The latest version of the document (such as the document corresponding to the latest released version in 1.3.2) CN: i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/version-1.3.2/xxx EN: versioned_docs/version-1.3.2/xxx

  • If there are errors in stock documents (such as spelling errors, typos, formatting, etc.), it is best to adjust all versions, including both Chinese and English
  • If the content of the document is optimized and not related to the version (such as supplementary design documents), update the latest two versions of the document, including both Chinese and English
  • If it is a new version feature document that is strongly related to the version, such as the newly added feature description document in this version, it only needs to be added to the latest version document, including both Chinese and English

English document title specification

English siderbar titles should be capitalized except for prepositions, and only the first word of the title in the markdwon document should be capitalized.

4 New documents

#f03c15 The md document is recommended to be viewed by visiting the official website and viewing the md document through github. There is a problem that static resources such as pictures cannot be displayed correctly

  • The English document docs/ corresponds to the next Next version to be released, and the historical archive version is stored in the versioned_docs/version-${versionno} directory.
  • Chinese documents are placed in the corresponding directory of i18n/zh-CN/docusaurus-plugin-content-docs/, current is the next version to be released. version-${versionno} is the historical archive version.
  • Image resources are placed in the static/ directory

5 How to deploy

The official website of linkis is divided into test environment and formal environment -Test environment access URL https://linkis.staged.apache.org -Official environment visit URL https://linkis.apache.org

When the dev branch code is updated, git action will automatically execute the source build of the dev branch, and automatically update the compiled resource results to the asf-staging branch. The internal mechanism of Apache will deploy the content of the asf-staging branch to the test environment, so when the git action is successfully executed, it can be verified by visiting https://linkis.staged.apache.org. After the verification is correct, the asf-staging branch can be merged to the asf-site branch. The internal mechanism of Apache will deploy the content of the asf-site branch to the formal environment. After the merge, the formal environment is considered to be updated successfully.

6 Points for attention

  • When adding Chinese documents, you need to add English documents at the same time, otherwise the added page cannot be displayed
  • When adding a document, pay attention to the document node name and node sorting fields, as shown in the following figure

7 Acknowledgments

Deploys by Netlify Netlify kindly provides pull request builds, checks and previews for this website.

8 Other

The naming convention refers to “Alibaba Front-end Development Specification”