Junit5 + mockito + Jacobo + H2 local database
Idea enhancement plugin
######################################################################################## ## ## Available variables: ## $entryList.methodList - List of method composites ## $entryList.privateMethodList - List of private method composites ## $entryList.fieldList - ArrayList of class scope field names ## $entryList.className - class name ## $entryList.packageName - package name ## $today - Todays date in MM/dd/yyyy format ## ## MethodComposite variables: ## $method.name - Method Name ## $method.signature - Full method signature in String form ## $method.reflectionCode - list of strings representing commented out reflection code to access method (Private Methods) ## $method.paramNames - List of Strings representing the method's parameters' names ## $method.paramClasses - List of Strings representing the method's parameters' classes ## ## You can configure the output class name using "testClass" variable below. ## Here are some examples: ## Test${entry.ClassName} - will produce TestSomeClass ## ${entry.className}Test - will produce SomeClassTest ## ######################################################################################## ## ## title case #macro (cap $strIn)$strIn.valueOf($strIn.charAt(0)).toUpperCase()$strIn.substring(1)#end ## Initial lowercase custom down #macro (down $strIn)$strIn.valueOf($strIn.charAt(0)).toLowerCase()$strIn.substring(1)#end ## Iterate through the list and generate testcase for every entry. #foreach ($entry in $entryList) #set( $testClass="${entry.className}Test") ## /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package $entry.packageName; import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; /** * ${entry.className} Tester */ public class $testClass { @Autowired private ${entry.className} #down(${entry.className}); @BeforeEach @DisplayName("Each unit test method is executed once before execution") public void before() throws Exception { } @AfterEach @DisplayName("Each unit test method is executed once before execution") public void after() throws Exception { } #foreach($method in $entry.methodList) @Test @DisplayName("Method description: ...") public void test#cap(${method.name})() throws Exception { //TODO: Test goes here... } #end #foreach($method in $entry.privateMethodList) @Test @DisplayName("Method description: ...") public void test#cap(${method.name})() throws Exception { //TODO: Test goes here... #foreach($string in $method.reflectionCode) $string #end } #end } #end
Configure test class generation path
Original configuration: ${sourcepath}/test/${package}/${filename}
Modified configuration: ${sourcepath}/..//test/java/${PACKAGE}/${FILENAME}
As shown in the figure:
Select class -> right click -> generate -> JUnit test to generate a test class
The result verification of all test cases must use the assertion pattern use Assertions.assertEquals Assertions.assertEquals(expectedJobDetail, actualJobDetail) The assertions assertion of junit5 is preferred, and the assertions of assertij are allowed in very few scenarios Comparison of objects before/after updating common scene databases Asserting the usingrecursive comparison pattern using assertj's assertThat Assertions.assertThat(actualObject).usingRecursiveComparison().isEqualTo(expectedObject);
Method | description | remarks |
Assertequals | judge whether two objects or two original types are equal | |
Assertnotequals | judge whether two objects or two original types are not equal | |
Asserttrue | judge whether the given Boolean value is true | |
Assertfalse | judge whether the given Boolean value is false | |
AssertNull | judge whether the given object reference is null | |
AssertNotNull | judge whether the given object reference is not null | |
Assert all | multiple judgment logics are processed together. As long as one error is reported, the overall test will fail |
Composite assertion The assertall method can process multiple judgment logics together. As long as one error is reported, the overall test will fail:
@Test @DisplayName("assert all") public void all() { //Multiple judgments are executed together. Only when all judgments are passed can they be considered as passed assertAll("Math", () -> assertEquals(2, 1 + 1), () -> assertTrue(1 > 0) ); }
Exception assertion
Assertions. The assertthrows method is used to test whether the executable instance throws an exception of the specified type when executing the execute method;
If the execute method does not throw an exception during execution, or the exception thrown is inconsistent with the expected type, the test will fail;
@Test @DisplayName("Assertion of exception") void exceptionTesting() { // When the execute method is executed, if an exception is thrown and the type of the exception is the first parameter of assertthrows (here is arithmeticexception. Class) // The return value is an instance of an exception Exception exception = assertThrows(ArithmeticException.class, () -> Math.floorDiv(1,0)); log.info("assertThrows pass,return instance:{}", exception.getMessage()); }
Object instance equality assertion
Use junitd's assertions assertEquals
Assertions.assertEquals(expectedJobDetail, actualJobDetail)
Not the same instance, but whether the attribute values of the comparison instance are exactly equal
Comparison of objects before/after updating common scene databases
Asserting the usingrecursive comparison pattern using assertj's assertthat
Assertions. assertThat(actualObject). usingRecursiveComparison(). isEqualTo(expectedObject);
ArrayList<JobRespProtocol> jobRespProtocolArrayList=service. batchChange(jobDetailReqBatchUpdate); //List is matched with the predicate of stream for assertion judgment Predicate<JobRespProtocol> statusPrecate = e -> e.getStatus()==0; assertEquals(2, jobRespProtocolArrayList.size()); assertTrue(jobRespProtocolArrayList.stream(). anyMatch(statusPrecate));
Sometimes we just test some apis or service modules, where the service or dao returns null values for some methods by default, but if the logic includes the judgment or secondary value of the returned null object, it is to throw some exceptions
PageInfo<UDFAddVo> pageInfo = udfService.getManagerPages(udfName, udfTypes, userName, curPage, pageSize); message = Message.ok(); // The pageInfo here is null, and subsequent get methods will have exceptions message.data("infoList", pageInfo.getList()); message.data("totalPage", pageInfo.getPages()); message.data("total", pageInfo.getTotal());
Example of mock simulation data:
PageInfo<UDFAddVo> pageInfo = new PageInfo<>(); pageInfo.setList(new ArrayList<>()); pageInfo.setPages(10); pageInfo.setTotal(100); // For udfService.getManagerPages method passes parameters arbitrarily, and the simulation returns the pageInfo object // With this simulation data, the above example will not have exceptions when executing the get method Mockito.when( udfService.getManagerPages( Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyCollection(), Mockito.anyString(), Mockito.anyInt(), Mockito.anyInt())) .thenReturn(pageInfo);
It can be roughly classified according to the major functions of the class
-The controller of the HTTP service provided by the controller cooperates with mockmvc for unit testing -Service layer of service business logic code -Dao and Dao layer of database operation -Util tool function class is a common function tool -Exception class is a custom exception class -Enum class -Entity class is used for DB interaction and parameter VO object and other entity classes processed by methods (if there are other user-defined functions besides normal get set, unit test is required)
Using mockmvc
It mainly verifies the requestmethod method of interface request, basic parameters and expected return results.
Main scenarios: scenarios with and without unnecessary parameters are abnormal
@Test public void testList() throws Exception { //Bring unnecessary parameters MultiValueMap<String, String> paramsMap = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(); paramsMap.add("startDate", String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); MvcResult mvcResult = mockMvc.perform(get("/jobhistory/list") .params(paramsMap)) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andExpect(content().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) .andReturn(); Message res = JsonUtils.jackson().readValue(mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString(), Message.class); assertEquals(res.getStatus(), MessageStatus.SUCCESS()); logger.info(mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString()); //Without unnecessary parameters mvcResult = mockMvc.perform(get("/jobhistory/list")) .andExpect(status().isOk()) .andExpect(content().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)) .andReturn(); res = JsonUtils.jackson().readValue(mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString(), Message.class); assertEquals(res.getStatus(), MessageStatus.SUCCESS()); logger.info(mvcResult.getResponse().getContentAsString()); }
Use H2 database, application. In the configuration file In properties, you need to configure the basic information of H2 database and the relevant path information of mybatis
#h2 database configuration spring.datasource.driver-class-name=org.h2.Driver # Script to connect database spring.datasource.url=jdbc:h2:mem:test;MODE=MySQL;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DATABASE_TO_LOWER=true #Script to initialize database tables spring.datasource.schema=classpath:create.sql #Script to initialize data for database tables spring.datasource.data=classpath:data.sql spring.datasource.username=sa spring.datasource.password= spring.datasource.hikari.connection-test-query=select 1 spring.datasource.hikari.minimum-idle=5 spring.datasource.hikari.auto-commit=true spring.datasource.hikari.validation-timeout=3000 spring.datasource.hikari.pool-name=linkis-test spring.datasource.hikari.maximum-pool-size=50 spring.datasource.hikari.connection-timeout=30000 spring.datasource.hikari.idle-timeout=600000 spring.datasource.hikari.leak-detection-threshold=0 spring.datasource.hikari.initialization-fail-timeout=1 #配置mybatis-plus的mapper信息 因为使用的是mybatis-plus,使用mybatis-plus mybatis-plus.mapper-locations=classpath:org/apache/linkis/jobhistory/dao/impl/JobDetailMapper.xml,classpath:org/apache/linkis/jobhistory/dao/impl/JobHistoryMapper.xml mybatis-plus.type-aliases-package=org.apache.linkis.jobhistory.entity mybatis-plus.configuration.log-impl=org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl
List is configured with predicate of stream to make assertion judgment and write specification