Enter the /conf/linkis-spring-cloud-services/linkis-mg-gateway directory and execute the command:
vim linkis-server.properties
Add LDAP related configuration:
wds.linkis.ldap.proxy.url=ldap:// #LDAP service URL wds.linkis.ldap.proxy.baseDN=dc=webank,dc=com #Configuration of LDAP service
Enter the /conf/linkis-spring-cloud-services/linkis-mg-gateway directory and execute the command:
vim linkis-server.properties
Turn on the test mode and the parameters are as follows:
wds.linkis.test.mode=true # Open test mode wds.linkis.test.user=hadoop # Specify which user to delegate all requests to in test mode
We provide the following login-related interfaces:
Login In
Login Out
Heart Beat
{ "method": "", "status": 0, "message": "", "data": {} }
For more information about the Linkis Restful interface specification, please refer to: Linkis Restful Interface Specification
Interface /api/rest_j/v1/user/login
Submission method POST
{ "userName": "", "password": "" }
{ "method": null, "status": 0, "message": "login successful(登录成功)!", "data": { "isAdmin": false, "userName": "" } }
Among them:
-isAdmin: Linkis only has admin users and non-admin users. The only privilege of admin users is to support viewing the historical tasks of all users in the Linkis management console.
Interface /api/rest_j/v1/user/logout
Submission method POST
No parameters
Return to example
{ "method": "/api/rest_j/v1/user/logout", "status": 0, "message": "Logout successful(退出登录成功)!" }
Interface /api/rest_j/v1/user/heartbeat
Submission method POST
No parameters
Return to example
{ "method": "/api/rest_j/v1/user/heartbeat", "status": 0, "message": "Maintain heartbeat success(维系心跳成功)!" }