layout: page title: Credits description: See a list of Libcloud team members and people who have contributed to the project.

{{ page.title }}

This page lists Libcloud team members and all the people who have contributed have contributed to the project and are recorded in the CHANGES file.


We would like to thank each and every person who has contributed to Libcloud in any form (be it a code change, documentation change, bug fix, typo fix, feature suggestion or similar).

Team Members



  • Alex Polvi (original Libcloud developer and founder)
  • Dan Di Spaltro (committer)
  • Ivan Meredith (committer)
  • Jed Smith (committer, PMC member)


  • Daniel Bruno - Fedora packages
  • Roman Bogorodskiy - FreeBSD port
  • Soren Hansen - Ubuntu packages


This section lists all the people who have contributed code or a documentation change to Libcloud. It's automatically generated from the [CHANGES][3] file so it might not be 100% accurate. If you have contributed, but your name is missing from this list, we would like to apologize and thank you again for your contribution!

All the names are sorted in an alphabetical order based on the contributor's last name.

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If there is no JIRA ticket number or Github pull request number next to someone‘s name, this simply means that a changelog line didn’t reference it.

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