layout: page title: Media

{{ page.title }}

This page contains images and project logo files you can use if you want to link to our website.

For more information on how you are allowed to use those images (besides linking to our website), please refer to the [Apache Trademark Policy][2].

To save bandwidth, we ask you to download those images and serve them from your servers instead of directly linking to the files on our servers.

Large logo with text

Dimensions: 800x800px
Format: Raster (.png)
Formats: [Raster (.*png)][4], [Vector (.eps)][5], [Vector (.svg)][6]

Large logo without text

Dimensions: 500x306px
Formats: [Raster (.*png)][3], [Vector (.eps)][7], [Vector (.svg)][8]

[1]: {{ page.title }} [2]: [3]: {{ site.url }}/images/media/libcloud-logo-without-text-large.png [4]: {{ site.url }}/images/media/libcloud-logo-with-text-large.png [5]: {{ site.url }}/images/media/with-text/libcloud-logo-with-text.eps [6]: {{ site.url }}/images/media/with-text/libcloud-logo-with-text.svg [7]: {{ site.url }}/images/media/without-text/libcloud-logo-without-text.eps [8]: {{ site.url }}/images/media/without-text/libcloud-logo-without-text.svg