blob: 90d98db5047f69939394d3f142e78623b4e86439 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
these are the configuration settings for TinyMCE. a complete list
of options can be found in the excellent manual at
currentURL = location.href.replace(/\?.*$/,"");
config = {
/* enable customizable theme */
theme : "advanced",
/* only the element whose ID is listed under "elements" will be editable */
mode : "exact",
elements : "tinymce.content",
/* enable plugins for custom save function, fullscreen editing
and search-and-replace. */
//plugins : "save,fullscreen,searchreplace,table,contextmenu,simplebrowser,xhtmlxtras",
plugins : "searchreplace,table,contextmenu,simplebrowser",
/* grey out the "save" button unless there are unsaved changes: */
//save_enablewhendirty : false,
/* some special settings for fullscreen mode (they override the
settings further down) */
fullscreen_new_window : true,
fullscreen_settings : {
auto_resize : false,
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom"
/* auto-resize the editing area. docs say this is "experimental"! */
auto_resize : true,
/* characters that should be replaced by named XHTML entities.
cocoon does not define entities by default, so we use none. */
entities : "",
/* do not make unicode references, output all special characters unchanged. */
entity_encoding : "raw",
/* keep linebreaks, don't put everything on one line. this is
important for advanced users who want to use the source editor. */
remove_linebreaks : false,
/* prettyprint sourcecode on saving FIXME: test. does this do anything? */
apply_source_formatting : true,
/* if the user inserts a table into a p, split p to create correct code.
for nested lists, the inner list is correctly placed in a <li/> */
fix_list_elements: true,
fix_table_elements: true,
/* force all stray text nodes into a <p/> element. */
forced_root_block: "p",
/* let tinymce do the layout by itself */
theme_advanced_layout_manager : "SimpleLayout",
/* the toolbar is placed at the top of the editable area. */
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top",
/* the statusbar is placed at the bottom. it displays the element path. */
theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom",
/* the following items define the function buttons your users get to see.
for a complete list, see */
theme_advanced_buttons1 :
"save,undo,redo,search,replace,separator," +
"cleanup,code,charmap,visualaid,fullscreen,separator," +
theme_advanced_buttons2 :
"bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,sub,sup,removeformat,separator," +
"bullist,numlist,table,separator," +
"indent,outdent,separator," +
"anchor,link,unlink,image,separator," +
/* three button rows are active by default. override. */
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
//for xhtmlxtras, use this:
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "cite,ins,del,abbr,acronym,attribs",
/* the following items define the elements presented in the "Format" dropdown.
the default setting is very restrictive to enforce a corporate design and clean
code at the expense of flexibility. */
theme_advanced_blockformats : "p,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6",
/* Lenya/TinyMCE glue code */
/* the simplebrowser plugin is used to wire the generic editors.insertFOO usecases into TinyMCE */
plugin_simplebrowser_browselinkurl : currentURL + '?lenya.usecase=editors.insertLink',
plugin_simplebrowser_browseimageurl : currentURL + '?lenya.usecase=editors.insertImage',
plugin_simplebrowser_browseflashurl : '',
/* this callback can override arbitrary tinymce commands. neato!
currently used hooks are "insert image", "insert link" and "save".
the handler sits in tiny_lenya_glue.js. */
execcommand_callback : "LenyaExecCommandHandler",
/* insert custom save handler to do some extra clean-up. */
save_callback : "LenyaSaveContent"