blob: f4ea64716a3720d735e2c55c842ed8f2cf1ae413 [file] [log] [blame]
// create a domain-based "package" to keep the global namespace clean
var org;
if (!org) org = new Object();
if (!org.apache) org.apache = new Object();
if (!org.apache.lenya) org.apache.lenya = new Object();
if (!org.apache.lenya.editors) org.apache.lenya.editors = new Object();
//alert("Module 'org.apache.lenya.editors' loaded.");
* ObjectData constructor, the interface between generic editor usecases
* and editor modules.
* The idea is to use the same data structure for links, images and assets.
* Thus, insertLink, insertImage and insertAsset can all share most of the javascript code.
* FIXME: objectData is an exceptionally stupid term. Please fix if you can think of
* something that encompasses "data for to-be-inserted links, images and assets in general".
* @param an optional hash map of initial values
org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData = function(init) {
if (init) {
for (var i in this) {
if (typeof this[i] == "function") continue; // skip the methods!
//alert("Checking this[" + i + "], init[" + i + "] is '" + init[i] + "'.");
this[i] = init[i];
//alert("Created new ObjectData = " + this.toString());
* href for links, src for assets and images
org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype.url = undefined;
* XHTML title attribute:
org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype.title = undefined;
* element content for links and assets, alt text for images:
org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype.text = undefined;
* width for images
org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype.width = undefined;
* height for images
org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype.height = undefined;
* MIME Type for images and assets.
org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype.type = undefined;
* Utility function to ease debugging. Will dump all fields in
* a human-readable fashion, including their types.
org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype.toString = function() {
var s = "\n";
for (var i in this) {
if (typeof this[i] != "function") {
s += "\t" + i + ": [" + this[i] + "] (" + typeof this[i] + ")\n";
return s;
* set objectData object in editor
* This callback must be implemented in the editor window.
* It will be called when the usecase has completed successfully
* and make the obtained data available to your editor.
* Here you must implement the necessary code to either add the
* data to your editor area directly (you may want to use
* org.apache.lenya.editors.generateContentSnippet and
* org.apache.lenya.editors.insertContent as helpers), or
* to fill the values into some editor-specific dialog.
* If you want to allow for multiple active usecase windows in parallel,
* you can use the windowName parameter to uniquely identify each window
* and do your own bookkeeping.
* Consider using org.apache.lenya.editors.openUsecaseWindow to
* manage your windows.
* @param objectData a data object as defined by objectDataTemplate
* @param windowName the ID of the usecase window (
* @see org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData
org.apache.lenya.editors.setObjectData = function(objectData, windowName) {
alert("Programming error:\n You must override org.apache.lenya.editors.setObjectData(objectData, windowName)!");
* get objectData object from editor
* This callback must be implemented in the editor window.
* The usecase will query your editor for an objectData object, which
* it will use to fill form fields with default values (if provided).
* All form fields whose values in objectData are undefined will be
* deactivated, so that your editor can handle them.
* Usually, default values are based on selected text or user settings.
* @param windowName the ID of the usecase window (
* @returns an objectData object.
* @see org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData
* @see org.apache.lenya.editors.setObjectData
org.apache.lenya.editors.getObjectData = function(windowName) {
alert("Programming error:\n You must override org.apache.lenya.editors.getObjectData(windowName)!");
* sets default values of the usecase form
* The form field names must correspond to the properties of
* objectDataTemplate.
* Note: if a value in objectData is undefined (as opposed to ""),
* the corresponding form field will be disabled (greyed out).
* Editors should use this to deactivate properties they wish
* to handle themselves.
* @param formName the "name" attribute of the form
* @param objectData
* @see org.apache.lenya.editors.objectDataTemplate
org.apache.lenya.editors.setFormValues = function(formName, objectData) {
var form = document.forms[formName];
for (var i in org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype) {
if (form[i] !== undefined) {
if (objectData[i] !== undefined) {
form[i].value = objectData[i];
} else {
form[i].disabled = true;
form[i].title = "disabled by editor";
* reads the values from the usecase form
* The form field names must correspond to the properties of
* objectDataTemplate.
* @param formName the "name" attribute of the form
* @returns objectData
org.apache.lenya.editors.getFormValues = function(formName) {
var form = document.forms[formName];
var objectData = new org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData();
for (var i in org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype) {
if (form[i] !== undefined) {
objectData[i] = form[i].value;
return objectData;
org.apache.lenya.editors.findAncestor = function() {
// check our parent window:
return org.apache.lenya.editors.__findAncestor(;
org.apache.lenya.editors.__findAncestor = function(ancestor) {
// if ancestor is undefined, we don't have an ancestor that
// provides the org.apache.lenya.editors package.
if (!ancestor) {
alert("no ancestor found. baling out...");
return undefined;
try {
// probe for the package in the ancestor:
var probe =;
} catch (exception) {
alert("probe: " + probe + "\n" + exception);
// woops. no package. check the ancestor's parent.
return org.apache.lenya.editors.__findAncestor(;
// gotcha: ancestor has the package.
alert("found ancestor '" + + "' with package!");
return ancestor;
* handle the submit event of the form
* @param formName the "name" attribute of the form
org.apache.lenya.editors.handleFormSubmit = function(formName) {
var objectData = org.apache.lenya.editors.getFormValues(formName);,;
* handle the load event of the form
* @param formName the "name" attribute of the form
org.apache.lenya.editors.handleFormLoad = function(formName) {
var objectData =;
org.apache.lenya.editors.setFormValues(formName, objectData);
* default attributes for usecase windows (
org.apache.lenya.editors.usecaseWindowOptions =
+ "scrollbars=yes,"
+ "status=no,"
+ "resizable=yes,"
// + "dependent=yes," not in IE6, and the moz people want to get rid of it, too...
+ "width=600,"
+ "height=700";
org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTLINK = 'insertLink';
org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTIMAGE = 'insertImage';
org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTASSET = 'insertAsset';
org.apache.lenya.editors.generateUniqueWindowName = function() {
return new String("Lenya_" + Math.random().toString().substr(2));
* a helper function to open new usecase windows.
* If everyone used this, we'd save some maintenance work in the long run
* and can ensure consistent behaviour across different editors.
* @param usecase the name of the usecase to invoke, one of
* org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTLINK
* | org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTIMAGE
* | org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTASSET
* @param windowName the name of the new window, in case the editor needs
* that info later on.
* @returns the new window object
org.apache.lenya.editors.openUsecaseWindow = function(usecase, windowName) {
var currentBaseURL;
var usecaseWindow;
switch (usecase) {
case org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTLINK:
case org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTASSET:
case org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTIMAGE:
currentBaseURL = window.location.href.replace(/\?.*$/,"");
usecaseWindow =
currentBaseURL + "?lenya.usecase=editors." + usecase,
usecaseWindow.focus(); //IE6 likes to open windows in the back...
alert("openUsecaseWindow: Unknown usecase '" + usecase + "'. This is likely a programming error.");
return usecaseWindow;
* this data structure helps with the insertion of generated tags
org.apache.lenya.editors.ContentSnippet = function(
) {
this.beforeSelection = beforeSelection,
this.afterSelection = afterSelection,
this.replaceSelection = replaceSelection
* the characters to be inserted before the selected text
org.apache.lenya.editors.ContentSnippet.prototype.beforeSelection = "";
* the characters to be inserted after the selected text
org.apache.lenya.editors.ContentSnippet.prototype.afterSelection = "";
* the text to replace the currently selected area (if any)
org.apache.lenya.editors.ContentSnippet.prototype.replaceSelection = undefined;
* @see org.apache.lenya.editors.ObjectData.prototype.toString
org.apache.lenya.editors.ContentSnippet.prototype.toString =
* generates a content snippet to be inserted into the editor area
* @param usecase the usecase for which the snippet should be generated
* @param objectData an objectData object for the contents
* @param namespace an optional namespace URI (usually
* @returns an object of type ContentSnippet
* @see org.apache.lenya.editors.ContentSnippet
org.apache.lenya.editors.generateContentSnippet = function(usecase, objectData, namespace) {
var snippet = new org.apache.lenya.editors.ContentSnippet();
switch (usecase) {
case org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTLINK:
snippet.beforeSelection = '<a'
+ (namespace ? ' xmlns="' + namespace + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.url ? ' href="' + objectData.url + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.title ? ' title="' + objectData.title + '"' : '')
+ '>';
snippet.afterSelection = '</a>';
snippet.replaceSelection =
objectData.text ? objectData.text : undefined;
case org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTASSET:
snippet.beforeSelection = '<a'
+ (namespace ? ' xmlns="' + namespace + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.url ? ' href="' + objectData.url + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.title ? ' title="' + objectData.title + '"' : '')
+ ' class="lenya.asset">';
snippet.afterSelection = '</a>';
snippet.replaceSelection =
objectData.text ? objectData.text : undefined;
case org.apache.lenya.editors.USECASE_INSERTIMAGE:
snippet.beforeSelection = '<img'
+ (namespace ? ' xmlns="' + namespace + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.url ? ' src="' + objectData.url + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.title ? ' title="' + objectData.title + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.text ? ' alt="' + objectData.text + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.width ? ' width="' + objectData.width + '"' : '')
+ (objectData.height ? ' height="' + objectData.height + '"' : '')
+ '/>';
snippet.afterSelection = "";
snippet.replaceSelection = undefined;
alert("setObjectData: Unknown usecase " + currentUsecase + ". This is likely a programming error.");
return undefined;
return snippet;
* a cross-browser helper to obtain selected text
* @param sourceElement an XHTML input or window object (optional), such as
* document.forms['youreditor'].elements['content'] or
* You must specify it if you want to retrieve selections from
* form fields, or from frames other than "window" (the default).
* @returns the selected text or the empty string.
* NOTE: This function is really versatile and powerful. It is also not
* particularly well tested except with IE 6/7 and Firefox under Windows and Linux.
org.apache.lenya.editors.getSelectedText = function(sourceElement) {
var debug = false;
if (!sourceElement) sourceElement = window;
// FF and friends if a form input element was specified
if (sourceElement.selectionStart) {
debug && alert("FF or similar, using 'selectionStart' on an XHTML <input> element named '" + + "'.");
return sourceElement.value.substr(
sourceElement.selectionEnd - sourceElement.selectionStart);
} else
// FF and friends in other parts of the document
if (sourceElement.getSelection) {
debug && alert("FF or similar, using a 'getSelection()' on a window element named '" + + "'.");
return sourceElement.getSelection().toString();
} else
// IE if a window element was specified
if (sourceElement.document.selection) {
debug && alert("IE, using using 'selection' on the document element of a window named '" + + "'.");
return sourceElement.document.selection.createRange().text;
} else {
// IE if a form object was specified (ignore it and use document instead)
if (window.document.selection) {
debug && alert("IE, ignoring form element and using 'selection' on the document element of the current window '" + + "'.");
return window.document.selection.createRange().text;
} else
debug && alert("Sorry, your browser apparently doesn't support text selection via javascript.");
return "";
* a cross-browser helper to insert data at the selected position in a form field (textarea etc.)
* @param formElement a XHTML form element (document.forms[foo].bar)
* @param contentSnippet a org.apache.lenya.editors.ContentSnippet with the text to insert
* inspired by
org.apache.lenya.editors.insertContent = function(formElement, snippet) {
//alert("snippet: '" + snippet.toString() + "'\n");
// Danger, Will Robinson: you are leaving the w3c sector!
// Selections are not properly standardized yet...
// Firefox and friends will support this for textareas etc.
if (formElement.selectionStart !== undefined) {
var begin = formElement.selectionStart;
var end = formElement.selectionEnd;
var content = formElement.value;
var selection = content.substring(begin, end);
// alert("Found selection beginning at [" + begin + "], ending at [" + end + "].");
formElement.value = content.substr(0, begin)
+ snippet.beforeSelection
+ (snippet.replaceSelection ? snippet.replaceSelection : selection)
+ snippet.afterSelection
+ content.substr(end);
// update cursor position:
formElement.selectionStart = begin;
formElement.selectionEnd = begin;
} else
// IE does it thusly:
if (document.selection) {
alert("Hey, you are using IE, right? Please get in touch with to test this feature!");
var range = document.selection.createRange();
var selection = range.text;
range.text = snippet.beforeSelection
+ (snippet.replaceSelection ? snippet.replaceSelection : selection)
+ snippet.afterSelection;;
} else {
// for all other browsers, paste the stuff at the end...
alert("Hey, what kind of browser is this? Please get in touch with to make this feature work properly for you!");
formElement.value = formElement.value
+ snippet.beforeSelection
+ (snippet.replaceSelection ? snippet.replaceSelection : selection)
+ snippet.afterSelection;