| == Build current trunk == |
| |
| * checkout the current lenya trunk |
| * an svn:external property will checkout for you a version of cocoon2.2 |
| * go to externals/ |
| * run build.sh : this script will apply a non-solve - for now - dependencie bug in cocoon and install it |
| * return to your lenya parent folder |
| * build with |
| * mvn install |
| o add "-Dmaven.test.skip=true" if you want to skip tests |
| |
| == Run into Jetty == |
| |
| * go to org.apache.lenya.webapp and execute : |
| * mvn jetty:run |
| * open browser and go to localhost:8888/ |
| * help us to build this version ! |
| |
| == Run into eclipse == |
| |
| * prepare the folder structure : |
| * go into your lenya root folder and type : |
| * mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-eclipse-plugin:2.6:eclipse |
| * This command is a workaround for a bug describe here : http://forums.atlassian.com/thread.jspa?threadID=34952&tstart=30 |