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| This text document is generated from the XML source |
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by Andreas Hartmann
The following list describes the setup that is tested and recommended.
Several items, e.g. the servlet container, may be replaced by other products.
* Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (recommended: J2SE 1.4.2) []
* Apache Tomcat for JDK 1.4 (recommended: 4.1.29)Tomcat release builds []
Pick one of the jakarta-tomcat-4.1.24-LE-jdk14 files!
* Apache Ant (recommended: 1.6b2)Ant main distribution directory []
* Apache Cocoon (required: Cocoon 2.1.2)Cocoon download page []
* Endorsed Libraries (recommended: Xalan 2.5.0 Xerces 2.5.0)
by Jan Prill, Andreas Hartmann, Gregor J. Rothfuss
1. Example directory structure
2. Installation
1. Example directory structure
If you're new to all this, it is recommended to use the following directory
your_home (or c:\ on Windows, NOT My Dcouments)
/cocoon-lenya $LENYA_HOME
/cocoon-2.1 $COCOON_HOME
/tomcat-4.1.24 $TOMCAT_HOME
2. Installation
1. Get the Java SDK (see Prerequisites [prerequisites.html])
2. Get Apache Tomcat (see Prerequisites [prerequisites.html])
3. Install Tomcat
See Running The Tomcat 4.0 Servlet/JSP Container []
MS Windows:
Basically this is setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable and
double-clicking on tomcat-4.1.24.exe. Decide to run Tomcat as a Windows NT/2000/XP-Service.
Make sure you do not install at a location with spaces in the path
4. Check if Tomcat is running
http://localhost:8080 [http://localhost:8080].
5. Stop the Tomcat service
MS Windows:
If you don't know how, try Start > Help > Services.
6. Get Apache Ant (see Prerequisites [prerequisites.html])
7. Install Ant
See section Installing Ant [] of the Ant Manual
MS Windows
Set a few environment variables, e.g.:
* JAVA_HOME = C:\Programme\j2sdk1.4.1_01
* ANT_HOME = C:\Programme\Apache Group\apache-ant-1.5.2
* CATALINA_HOME = C:\build\tomcat-4.1.24
* CLASSPATH = .\;C:\Programme\Apache Group\apache-ant-1.5.2\lib
* PATH = <snip>;C:\Programme\j2sdk1.4.1_01\bin;C:\Programme\Apache Group\apache-ant-1.5.2\bin
8. Get Apache Cocoon (see Prerequisites [prerequisites.html])
9. Copy the Cocoon build properties supplied by Lenya
Copy the files
from $LENYA_HOME/src/cocoon to $COCOON_HOME.
10. Compile Cocoon
MS Windows
$COCOON_HOME > build.bat
$COCOON_HOME > ./ -Dinclude.webapp.libs=yes webapp
See also Installing Apache Cocoon []
If you have downloaded the source version: Extract Lenya
Extract the downloaded Lenya archive to a directory of your choice.
12. Configure Lenya
Copy $LENYA_HOME/ to
Edit For the described configuration the following
settings will work (MS Windows: Don't use backslashes "\"
for directory separation.). It is important that tomcat.home.dir is an
absolute path. The asterisk (*) has to be replaced by the appropriate version number.
Replace $TOMCAT_HOME by your tomcat installation directory.
* cocoon.webapp.dir=$COCOON_HOME/build/webapp
* pubs.root.dirs=src/webapp/lenya/pubs
* tomcat.home.dir=$TOMCAT_HOME
13. Build Lenya
$LENYA_HOME > ant install
14. Restart the Tomcat service
MS Windows:Start > All Programs > Apache Tomcat > Stop TomcatStart > All Programs > Apache Tomcat > Start Tomcat
$TOMCAT_HOME\bin > shutdown.bat
$TOMCAT_HOME\bin > startup.bat
$TOMCAT_HOME/bin > ./
$TOMCAT_HOME/bin > ./
15. Test the installation
http://localhost:8080/lenya [http://localhost:8080/lenya]