LENS-754 : Remove DISCLAIMER file from install and run docs
1 file changed
tree: 9ce9b65b75c92739d188943758353b46d62a52cb
  1. bin-dist-files/
  2. checkstyle/
  3. lens-api/
  4. lens-cli/
  5. lens-client/
  6. lens-cube/
  7. lens-dist/
  8. lens-docker/
  9. lens-driver-es/
  10. lens-driver-hive/
  11. lens-driver-jdbc/
  12. lens-examples/
  13. lens-ml-dist/
  14. lens-ml-lib/
  15. lens-query-lib/
  16. lens-regression/
  17. lens-server/
  18. lens-server-api/
  19. lens-storage-db/
  20. src/
  21. tools/
  22. .gitignore
  23. .reviewboardrc
  25. License-Header.txt
  26. NOTICE
  27. pom.xml
  28. README.md

Apache Lens

Apache Lens is a unified Analytics Platform. Lens aims to cut the Data Analytics silos by providing a single view of data across multiple tiered data stores and optimal execution environment for the analytical query.

Prerequisites : Apache Lens requires JDK(1.7) and Apache Maven(3.x) to be installed for the build. Build does not pass with JDK(1.8) yet. JAVA_HOME is required for running tests.

Confirm versions :

java -version

mvn --version

echo ${JAVA_HOME}

Additionally MAVEN_OPTS can be configured as :

export MAVEN_OPTS=“-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m”

Build the project :

mvn clean package

See [Development Environment Setup] (http://lens.apache.org/developer/contribute.html#Development_Environment_Setup) and [Building from source] (http://lens.apache.org/developer/contribute.html#Building_from_source) docs for more details.

Detailed documentation for the project is available here