tree: dbc1ac57c1a898757c5fc62e84b62eb2ae82f917 [path history] [tgz]
  1. public/
  2. src/
  3. .env
  4. .env.development
  5. .env.production
  6. .eslintrc
  7. .gitignore
  8. .prettierrc
  9. index.html
  10. package-lock.json
  11. package.json
  12. pnpm-lock.yaml
  14. tsconfig.json
  15. tsconfig.node.json
  16. vite.config.ts
  17. vitest.config.ts

Kyuubi Web UI

Start Using

For the best experience, we recommend using node 16.x.x. You can learn how to install the corresponding version from its official website.

Install Dependencies

npm install

Development Project


Before you start the Web UI project, please make sure the Kyuubi server has been started.

Kyuubi Web UI will proxy the requests to Kyuubi server, with the default endpoint path tohttp://localhost:10099. Modify VITE_APP_DEV_WEB_URL in .env.development for customizing targeted endpoint path.

Why proxy to http://localhost:10099

Currently kyuubi server binds on in case your are running kyuubi server in MacOS or Windows(If in linux, you should config kyuubi server, or change VITE_APP_DEV_WEB_URL in .env.development).

npm run dev

Build Project

npm run build

Code Format

Usually after you modify the code, you need to perform code formatting operations to ensure that the code in the project is the same style.

npm run prettier


If you want to save disk space and boost installation speed, we recommend using pnpm 8.x.x to instead of npm. You can learn how to install the corresponding version from its official website.

# Install Dependencies
pnpm install

# Development Project
pnpm run dev

# Build Project
pnpm run build

# Code Format
pnpm run prettier