blob: d6b4ffb7c9372d8da8d6e489fcd3c43429eddff9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = 'proto3';
package spark.connect;
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.kyuubi.shaded.spark.connect.proto";
option go_package = "internal/generated";
// This message describes the logical [[DataType]] of something. It does not carry the value
// itself but only describes it.
message DataType {
oneof kind {
NULL null = 1;
Binary binary = 2;
Boolean boolean = 3;
// Numeric types
Byte byte = 4;
Short short = 5;
Integer integer = 6;
Long long = 7;
Float float = 8;
Double double = 9;
Decimal decimal = 10;
// String types
String string = 11;
Char char = 12;
VarChar var_char = 13;
// Datatime types
Date date = 14;
Timestamp timestamp = 15;
TimestampNTZ timestamp_ntz = 16;
// Interval types
CalendarInterval calendar_interval = 17;
YearMonthInterval year_month_interval = 18;
DayTimeInterval day_time_interval = 19;
// Complex types
Array array = 20;
Struct struct = 21;
Map map = 22;
Variant variant = 25;
// UserDefinedType
UDT udt = 23;
// UnparsedDataType
Unparsed unparsed = 24;
message Boolean {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message Byte {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message Short {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message Integer {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message Long {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message Float {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message Double {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message String {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
string collation = 2;
message Binary {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message NULL {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message Timestamp {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message Date {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message TimestampNTZ {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message CalendarInterval {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message YearMonthInterval {
optional int32 start_field = 1;
optional int32 end_field = 2;
uint32 type_variation_reference = 3;
message DayTimeInterval {
optional int32 start_field = 1;
optional int32 end_field = 2;
uint32 type_variation_reference = 3;
// Start compound types.
message Char {
int32 length = 1;
uint32 type_variation_reference = 2;
message VarChar {
int32 length = 1;
uint32 type_variation_reference = 2;
message Decimal {
optional int32 scale = 1;
optional int32 precision = 2;
uint32 type_variation_reference = 3;
message StructField {
string name = 1;
DataType data_type = 2;
bool nullable = 3;
optional string metadata = 4;
message Struct {
repeated StructField fields = 1;
uint32 type_variation_reference = 2;
message Array {
DataType element_type = 1;
bool contains_null = 2;
uint32 type_variation_reference = 3;
message Map {
DataType key_type = 1;
DataType value_type = 2;
bool value_contains_null = 3;
uint32 type_variation_reference = 4;
message Variant {
uint32 type_variation_reference = 1;
message UDT {
string type = 1;
optional string jvm_class = 2;
optional string python_class = 3;
optional string serialized_python_class = 4;
DataType sql_type = 5;
message Unparsed {
// (Required) The unparsed data type string
string data_type_string = 1;