blob: 0c3498afd063d958f450355db4addbefdeda93ce [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = 'proto3';
package spark.connect;
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "spark/connect/commands.proto";
import "spark/connect/common.proto";
import "spark/connect/expressions.proto";
import "spark/connect/relations.proto";
import "spark/connect/types.proto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "org.apache.kyuubi.shaded.spark.connect.proto";
option go_package = "internal/generated";
// A [[Plan]] is the structure that carries the runtime information for the execution from the
// client to the server. A [[Plan]] can either be of the type [[Relation]] which is a reference
// to the underlying logical plan or it can be of the [[Command]] type that is used to execute
// commands on the server.
message Plan {
oneof op_type {
Relation root = 1;
Command command = 2;
// User Context is used to refer to one particular user session that is executing
// queries in the backend.
message UserContext {
string user_id = 1;
string user_name = 2;
// To extend the existing user context message that is used to identify incoming requests,
// Spark Connect leverages the Any protobuf type that can be used to inject arbitrary other
// messages into this message. Extensions are stored as a `repeated` type to be able to
// handle multiple active extensions.
repeated google.protobuf.Any extensions = 999;
// Request to perform plan analyze, optionally to explain the plan.
message AnalyzePlanRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id specifies a spark session for a user id (which is specified
// by user_context.user_id). The session_id is set by the client to be able to
// collate streaming responses from different queries within the dedicated session.
// The id should be an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
string session_id = 1;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 17;
// (Required) User context
UserContext user_context = 2;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 3;
oneof analyze {
Schema schema = 4;
Explain explain = 5;
TreeString tree_string = 6;
IsLocal is_local = 7;
IsStreaming is_streaming = 8;
InputFiles input_files = 9;
SparkVersion spark_version = 10;
DDLParse ddl_parse = 11;
SameSemantics same_semantics = 12;
SemanticHash semantic_hash = 13;
Persist persist = 14;
Unpersist unpersist = 15;
GetStorageLevel get_storage_level = 16;
message Schema {
// (Required) The logical plan to be analyzed.
Plan plan = 1;
// Explains the input plan based on a configurable mode.
message Explain {
// (Required) The logical plan to be analyzed.
Plan plan = 1;
// (Required) For analyzePlan rpc calls, configure the mode to explain plan in strings.
ExplainMode explain_mode = 2;
// Plan explanation mode.
enum ExplainMode {
// Generates only physical plan.
// Generates parsed logical plan, analyzed logical plan, optimized logical plan and physical plan.
// Parsed Logical plan is a unresolved plan that extracted from the query. Analyzed logical plans
// transforms which translates unresolvedAttribute and unresolvedRelation into fully typed objects.
// The optimized logical plan transforms through a set of optimization rules, resulting in the
// physical plan.
// Generates code for the statement, if any and a physical plan.
// If plan node statistics are available, generates a logical plan and also the statistics.
// Generates a physical plan outline and also node details.
message TreeString {
// (Required) The logical plan to be analyzed.
Plan plan = 1;
// (Optional) Max level of the schema.
optional int32 level = 2;
message IsLocal {
// (Required) The logical plan to be analyzed.
Plan plan = 1;
message IsStreaming {
// (Required) The logical plan to be analyzed.
Plan plan = 1;
message InputFiles {
// (Required) The logical plan to be analyzed.
Plan plan = 1;
message SparkVersion { }
message DDLParse {
// (Required) The DDL formatted string to be parsed.
string ddl_string = 1;
// Returns `true` when the logical query plans are equal and therefore return same results.
message SameSemantics {
// (Required) The plan to be compared.
Plan target_plan = 1;
// (Required) The other plan to be compared.
Plan other_plan = 2;
message SemanticHash {
// (Required) The logical plan to get a hashCode.
Plan plan = 1;
message Persist {
// (Required) The logical plan to persist.
Relation relation = 1;
// (Optional) The storage level.
optional StorageLevel storage_level = 2;
message Unpersist {
// (Required) The logical plan to unpersist.
Relation relation = 1;
// (Optional) Whether to block until all blocks are deleted.
optional bool blocking = 2;
message GetStorageLevel {
// (Required) The logical plan to get the storage level.
Relation relation = 1;
// Response to performing analysis of the query. Contains relevant metadata to be able to
// reason about the performance.
// Next ID: 16
message AnalyzePlanResponse {
string session_id = 1;
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 15;
oneof result {
Schema schema = 2;
Explain explain = 3;
TreeString tree_string = 4;
IsLocal is_local = 5;
IsStreaming is_streaming = 6;
InputFiles input_files = 7;
SparkVersion spark_version = 8;
DDLParse ddl_parse = 9;
SameSemantics same_semantics = 10;
SemanticHash semantic_hash = 11;
Persist persist = 12;
Unpersist unpersist = 13;
GetStorageLevel get_storage_level = 14;
message Schema {
DataType schema = 1;
message Explain {
string explain_string = 1;
message TreeString {
string tree_string = 1;
message IsLocal {
bool is_local = 1;
message IsStreaming {
bool is_streaming = 1;
message InputFiles {
// A best-effort snapshot of the files that compose this Dataset
repeated string files = 1;
message SparkVersion {
string version = 1;
message DDLParse {
DataType parsed = 1;
message SameSemantics {
bool result = 1;
message SemanticHash {
int32 result = 1;
message Persist { }
message Unpersist { }
message GetStorageLevel {
// (Required) The StorageLevel as a result of get_storage_level request.
StorageLevel storage_level = 1;
// A request to be executed by the service.
message ExecutePlanRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id specifies a spark session for a user id (which is specified
// by user_context.user_id). The session_id is set by the client to be able to
// collate streaming responses from different queries within the dedicated session.
// The id should be an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
string session_id = 1;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 8;
// (Required) User context
// user_context.user_id and session+id both identify a unique remote spark session on the
// server side.
UserContext user_context = 2;
// (Optional)
// Provide an id for this request. If not provided, it will be generated by the server.
// It is returned in every ExecutePlanResponse.operation_id of the ExecutePlan response stream.
// The id must be an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
optional string operation_id = 6;
// (Required) The logical plan to be executed / analyzed.
Plan plan = 3;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 4;
// Repeated element for options that can be passed to the request. This element is currently
// unused but allows to pass in an extension value used for arbitrary options.
repeated RequestOption request_options = 5;
message RequestOption {
oneof request_option {
ReattachOptions reattach_options = 1;
// Extension type for request options
google.protobuf.Any extension = 999;
// Tags to tag the given execution with.
// Tags cannot contain ',' character and cannot be empty strings.
// Used by Interrupt with interrupt.tag.
repeated string tags = 7;
// The response of a query, can be one or more for each request. Responses belonging to the
// same input query, carry the same `session_id`.
// Next ID: 17
message ExecutePlanResponse {
string session_id = 1;
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 15;
// Identifies the ExecutePlan execution.
// If set by the client in ExecutePlanRequest.operationId, that value is returned.
// Otherwise generated by the server.
// It is an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
string operation_id = 12;
// Identified the response in the stream.
// The id is an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
string response_id = 13;
// Union type for the different response messages.
oneof response_type {
ArrowBatch arrow_batch = 2;
// Special case for executing SQL commands.
SqlCommandResult sql_command_result = 5;
// Response for a streaming query.
WriteStreamOperationStartResult write_stream_operation_start_result = 8;
// Response for commands on a streaming query.
StreamingQueryCommandResult streaming_query_command_result = 9;
// Response for 'SparkContext.resources'.
GetResourcesCommandResult get_resources_command_result = 10;
// Response for commands on the streaming query manager.
StreamingQueryManagerCommandResult streaming_query_manager_command_result = 11;
// Response for commands on the client side streaming query listener.
StreamingQueryListenerEventsResult streaming_query_listener_events_result = 16;
// Response type informing if the stream is complete in reattachable execution.
ResultComplete result_complete = 14;
// Response for command that creates ResourceProfile.
CreateResourceProfileCommandResult create_resource_profile_command_result = 17;
// (Optional) Intermediate query progress reports.
ExecutionProgress execution_progress = 18;
// Response for command that checkpoints a DataFrame.
CheckpointCommandResult checkpoint_command_result = 19;
// Support arbitrary result objects.
google.protobuf.Any extension = 999;
// Metrics for the query execution. Typically, this field is only present in the last
// batch of results and then represent the overall state of the query execution.
Metrics metrics = 4;
// The metrics observed during the execution of the query plan.
repeated ObservedMetrics observed_metrics = 6;
// (Optional) The Spark schema. This field is available when `collect` is called.
DataType schema = 7;
// A SQL command returns an opaque Relation that can be directly used as input for the next
// call.
message SqlCommandResult {
Relation relation = 1;
// Batch results of metrics.
message ArrowBatch {
// Count rows in `data`. Must match the number of rows inside `data`.
int64 row_count = 1;
// Serialized Arrow data.
bytes data = 2;
// If set, row offset of the start of this ArrowBatch in execution results.
optional int64 start_offset = 3;
message Metrics {
repeated MetricObject metrics = 1;
message MetricObject {
string name = 1;
int64 plan_id = 2;
int64 parent = 3;
map<string, MetricValue> execution_metrics = 4;
message MetricValue {
string name = 1;
int64 value = 2;
string metric_type = 3;
message ObservedMetrics {
string name = 1;
repeated Expression.Literal values = 2;
repeated string keys = 3;
int64 plan_id = 4;
message ResultComplete {
// If present, in a reattachable execution this means that after server sends onComplete,
// the execution is complete. If the server sends onComplete without sending a ResultComplete,
// it means that there is more, and the client should use ReattachExecute RPC to continue.
// This message is used to communicate progress about the query progress during the execution.
message ExecutionProgress {
// Captures the progress of each individual stage.
repeated StageInfo stages = 1;
// Captures the currently in progress tasks.
int64 num_inflight_tasks = 2;
message StageInfo {
int64 stage_id = 1;
int64 num_tasks = 2;
int64 num_completed_tasks = 3;
int64 input_bytes_read = 4;
bool done = 5;
// The key-value pair for the config request and response.
message KeyValue {
// (Required) The key.
string key = 1;
// (Optional) The value.
optional string value = 2;
// Request to update or fetch the configurations.
message ConfigRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id specifies a spark session for a user id (which is specified
// by user_context.user_id). The session_id is set by the client to be able to
// collate streaming responses from different queries within the dedicated session.
// The id should be an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
string session_id = 1;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 8;
// (Required) User context
UserContext user_context = 2;
// (Required) The operation for the config.
Operation operation = 3;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 4;
message Operation {
oneof op_type {
Set set = 1;
Get get = 2;
GetWithDefault get_with_default = 3;
GetOption get_option = 4;
GetAll get_all = 5;
Unset unset = 6;
IsModifiable is_modifiable = 7;
message Set {
// (Required) The config key-value pairs to set.
repeated KeyValue pairs = 1;
message Get {
// (Required) The config keys to get.
repeated string keys = 1;
message GetWithDefault {
// (Required) The config key-value paris to get. The value will be used as the default value.
repeated KeyValue pairs = 1;
message GetOption {
// (Required) The config keys to get optionally.
repeated string keys = 1;
message GetAll {
// (Optional) The prefix of the config key to get.
optional string prefix = 1;
message Unset {
// (Required) The config keys to unset.
repeated string keys = 1;
message IsModifiable {
// (Required) The config keys to check the config is modifiable.
repeated string keys = 1;
// Response to the config request.
// Next ID: 5
message ConfigResponse {
string session_id = 1;
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 4;
// (Optional) The result key-value pairs.
// Available when the operation is 'Get', 'GetWithDefault', 'GetOption', 'GetAll'.
// Also available for the operation 'IsModifiable' with boolean string "true" and "false".
repeated KeyValue pairs = 2;
// (Optional)
// Warning messages for deprecated or unsupported configurations.
repeated string warnings = 3;
// Request to transfer client-local artifacts.
message AddArtifactsRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id specifies a spark session for a user id (which is specified
// by user_context.user_id). The session_id is set by the client to be able to
// collate streaming responses from different queries within the dedicated session.
// The id should be an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
string session_id = 1;
// User context
UserContext user_context = 2;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 7;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 6;
// A chunk of an Artifact.
message ArtifactChunk {
// Data chunk.
bytes data = 1;
// CRC to allow server to verify integrity of the chunk.
int64 crc = 2;
// An artifact that is contained in a single `ArtifactChunk`.
// Generally, this message represents tiny artifacts such as REPL-generated class files.
message SingleChunkArtifact {
// The name of the artifact is expected in the form of a "Relative Path" that is made up of a
// sequence of directories and the final file element.
// Examples of "Relative Path"s: "jars/test.jar", "classes/xyz.class", "", "a/b/X.jar".
// The server is expected to maintain the hierarchy of files as defined by their name. (i.e
// The relative path of the file on the server's filesystem will be the same as the name of
// the provided artifact)
string name = 1;
// A single data chunk.
ArtifactChunk data = 2;
// A number of `SingleChunkArtifact` batched into a single RPC.
message Batch {
repeated SingleChunkArtifact artifacts = 1;
// Signals the beginning/start of a chunked artifact.
// A large artifact is transferred through a payload of `BeginChunkedArtifact` followed by a
// sequence of `ArtifactChunk`s.
message BeginChunkedArtifact {
// Name of the artifact undergoing chunking. Follows the same conventions as the `name` in
// the `Artifact` message.
string name = 1;
// Total size of the artifact in bytes.
int64 total_bytes = 2;
// Number of chunks the artifact is split into.
// This includes the `initial_chunk`.
int64 num_chunks = 3;
// The first/initial chunk.
ArtifactChunk initial_chunk = 4;
// The payload is either a batch of artifacts or a partial chunk of a large artifact.
oneof payload {
Batch batch = 3;
// The metadata and the initial chunk of a large artifact chunked into multiple requests.
// The server side is notified about the total size of the large artifact as well as the
// number of chunks to expect.
BeginChunkedArtifact begin_chunk = 4;
// A chunk of an artifact excluding metadata. This can be any chunk of a large artifact
// excluding the first chunk (which is included in `BeginChunkedArtifact`).
ArtifactChunk chunk = 5;
// Response to adding an artifact. Contains relevant metadata to verify successful transfer of
// artifact(s).
// Next ID: 4
message AddArtifactsResponse {
// Session id in which the AddArtifact was running.
string session_id = 2;
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 3;
// The list of artifact(s) seen by the server.
repeated ArtifactSummary artifacts = 1;
// Metadata of an artifact.
message ArtifactSummary {
string name = 1;
// Whether the CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) is successful on server verification.
// The server discards any artifact that fails the CRC.
// If false, the client may choose to resend the artifact specified by `name`.
bool is_crc_successful = 2;
// Request to get current statuses of artifacts at the server side.
message ArtifactStatusesRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id specifies a spark session for a user id (which is specified
// by user_context.user_id). The session_id is set by the client to be able to
// collate streaming responses from different queries within the dedicated session.
// The id should be an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
string session_id = 1;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 5;
// User context
UserContext user_context = 2;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 3;
// The name of the artifact is expected in the form of a "Relative Path" that is made up of a
// sequence of directories and the final file element.
// Examples of "Relative Path"s: "jars/test.jar", "classes/xyz.class", "", "a/b/X.jar".
// The server is expected to maintain the hierarchy of files as defined by their name. (i.e
// The relative path of the file on the server's filesystem will be the same as the name of
// the provided artifact)
repeated string names = 4;
// Response to checking artifact statuses.
// Next ID: 4
message ArtifactStatusesResponse {
// Session id in which the ArtifactStatus was running.
string session_id = 2;
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 3;
// A map of artifact names to their statuses.
map<string, ArtifactStatus> statuses = 1;
message ArtifactStatus {
// Exists or not particular artifact at the server.
bool exists = 1;
message InterruptRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id specifies a spark session for a user id (which is specified
// by user_context.user_id). The session_id is set by the client to be able to
// collate streaming responses from different queries within the dedicated session.
// The id should be an UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`
string session_id = 1;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 7;
// (Required) User context
UserContext user_context = 2;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 3;
// (Required) The type of interrupt to execute.
InterruptType interrupt_type = 4;
enum InterruptType {
// Interrupt all running executions within the session with the provided session_id.
// Interrupt all running executions within the session with the provided operation_tag.
// Interrupt the running execution within the session with the provided operation_id.
oneof interrupt {
// if interrupt_tag == INTERRUPT_TYPE_TAG, interrupt operation with this tag.
string operation_tag = 5;
// if interrupt_tag == INTERRUPT_TYPE_OPERATION_ID, interrupt operation with this operation_id.
string operation_id = 6;
// Next ID: 4
message InterruptResponse {
// Session id in which the interrupt was running.
string session_id = 1;
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 3;
// Operation ids of the executions which were interrupted.
repeated string interrupted_ids = 2;
message ReattachOptions {
// If true, the request can be reattached to using ReattachExecute.
// ReattachExecute can be used either if the stream broke with a GRPC network error,
// or if the server closed the stream without sending a response with StreamStatus.complete=true.
// The server will keep a buffer of responses in case a response is lost, and
// ReattachExecute needs to back-track.
// If false, the execution response stream will will not be reattachable, and all responses are
// immediately released by the server after being sent.
bool reattachable = 1;
message ReattachExecuteRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id of the request to reattach to.
// This must be an id of existing session.
string session_id = 1;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 6;
// (Required) User context
// user_context.user_id and session+id both identify a unique remote spark session on the
// server side.
UserContext user_context = 2;
// (Required)
// Provide an id of the request to reattach to.
// This must be an id of existing operation.
string operation_id = 3;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 4;
// (Optional)
// Last already processed response id from the response stream.
// After reattach, server will resume the response stream after that response.
// If not specified, server will restart the stream from the start.
// Note: server controls the amount of responses that it buffers and it may drop responses,
// that are far behind the latest returned response, so this can't be used to arbitrarily
// scroll back the cursor. If the response is no longer available, this will result in an error.
optional string last_response_id = 5;
message ReleaseExecuteRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id of the request to reattach to.
// This must be an id of existing session.
string session_id = 1;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 7;
// (Required) User context
// user_context.user_id and session+id both identify a unique remote spark session on the
// server side.
UserContext user_context = 2;
// (Required)
// Provide an id of the request to reattach to.
// This must be an id of existing operation.
string operation_id = 3;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 4;
// Release and close operation completely.
// This will also interrupt the query if it is running execution, and wait for it to be torn down.
message ReleaseAll {}
// Release all responses from the operation response stream up to and including
// the response with the given by response_id.
// While server determines by itself how much of a buffer of responses to keep, client providing
// explicit release calls will help reduce resource consumption.
// Noop if response_id not found in cached responses.
message ReleaseUntil {
string response_id = 1;
oneof release {
ReleaseAll release_all = 5;
ReleaseUntil release_until = 6;
// Next ID: 4
message ReleaseExecuteResponse {
// Session id in which the release was running.
string session_id = 1;
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 3;
// Operation id of the operation on which the release executed.
// If the operation couldn't be found (because e.g. it was concurrently released), will be unset.
// Otherwise, it will be equal to the operation_id from request.
optional string operation_id = 2;
message ReleaseSessionRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id of the request to reattach to.
// This must be an id of existing session.
string session_id = 1;
// (Required) User context
// user_context.user_id and session+id both identify a unique remote spark session on the
// server side.
UserContext user_context = 2;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 3;
// Next ID: 3
message ReleaseSessionResponse {
// Session id of the session on which the release executed.
string session_id = 1;
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 2;
message FetchErrorDetailsRequest {
// (Required)
// The session_id specifies a Spark session for a user identified by user_context.user_id.
// The id should be a UUID string of the format `00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff`.
string session_id = 1;
// (Optional)
// Server-side generated idempotency key from the previous responses (if any). Server
// can use this to validate that the server side session has not changed.
optional string client_observed_server_side_session_id = 5;
// User context
UserContext user_context = 2;
// (Required)
// The id of the error.
string error_id = 3;
// Provides optional information about the client sending the request. This field
// can be used for language or version specific information and is only intended for
// logging purposes and will not be interpreted by the server.
optional string client_type = 4;
// Next ID: 5
message FetchErrorDetailsResponse {
// Server-side generated idempotency key that the client can use to assert that the server side
// session has not changed.
string server_side_session_id = 3;
string session_id = 4;
// The index of the root error in errors. The field will not be set if the error is not found.
optional int32 root_error_idx = 1;
// A list of errors.
repeated Error errors = 2;
message StackTraceElement {
// The fully qualified name of the class containing the execution point.
string declaring_class = 1;
// The name of the method containing the execution point.
string method_name = 2;
// The name of the file containing the execution point.
optional string file_name = 3;
// The line number of the source line containing the execution point.
int32 line_number = 4;
// QueryContext defines the schema for the query context of a SparkThrowable.
// It helps users understand where the error occurs while executing queries.
message QueryContext {
// The type of this query context.
enum ContextType {
SQL = 0;
ContextType context_type = 10;
// The object type of the query which throws the exception.
// If the exception is directly from the main query, it should be an empty string.
// Otherwise, it should be the exact object type in upper case. For example, a "VIEW".
string object_type = 1;
// The object name of the query which throws the exception.
// If the exception is directly from the main query, it should be an empty string.
// Otherwise, it should be the object name. For example, a view name "V1".
string object_name = 2;
// The starting index in the query text which throws the exception. The index starts from 0.
int32 start_index = 3;
// The stopping index in the query which throws the exception. The index starts from 0.
int32 stop_index = 4;
// The corresponding fragment of the query which throws the exception.
string fragment = 5;
// The user code (call site of the API) that caused throwing the exception.
string call_site = 6;
// Summary of the exception cause.
string summary = 7;
// SparkThrowable defines the schema for SparkThrowable exceptions.
message SparkThrowable {
// Succinct, human-readable, unique, and consistent representation of the error category.
optional string error_class = 1;
// The message parameters for the error framework.
map<string, string> message_parameters = 2;
// The query context of a SparkThrowable.
repeated QueryContext query_contexts = 3;
// Portable error identifier across SQL engines
// If null, error class or SQLSTATE is not set.
optional string sql_state = 4;
// Error defines the schema for the representing exception.
message Error {
// The fully qualified names of the exception class and its parent classes.
repeated string error_type_hierarchy = 1;
// The detailed message of the exception.
string message = 2;
// The stackTrace of the exception. It will be set
// if the SQLConf spark.sql.connect.serverStacktrace.enabled is true.
repeated StackTraceElement stack_trace = 3;
// The index of the cause error in errors.
optional int32 cause_idx = 4;
// The structured data of a SparkThrowable exception.
optional SparkThrowable spark_throwable = 5;
message CheckpointCommandResult {
// (Required) The logical plan checkpointed.
CachedRemoteRelation relation = 1;
// Main interface for the SparkConnect service.
service SparkConnectService {
// Executes a request that contains the query and returns a stream of [[Response]].
// It is guaranteed that there is at least one ARROW batch returned even if the result set is empty.
rpc ExecutePlan(ExecutePlanRequest) returns (stream ExecutePlanResponse) {}
// Analyzes a query and returns a [[AnalyzeResponse]] containing metadata about the query.
rpc AnalyzePlan(AnalyzePlanRequest) returns (AnalyzePlanResponse) {}
// Update or fetch the configurations and returns a [[ConfigResponse]] containing the result.
rpc Config(ConfigRequest) returns (ConfigResponse) {}
// Add artifacts to the session and returns a [[AddArtifactsResponse]] containing metadata about
// the added artifacts.
rpc AddArtifacts(stream AddArtifactsRequest) returns (AddArtifactsResponse) {}
// Check statuses of artifacts in the session and returns them in a [[ArtifactStatusesResponse]]
rpc ArtifactStatus(ArtifactStatusesRequest) returns (ArtifactStatusesResponse) {}
// Interrupts running executions
rpc Interrupt(InterruptRequest) returns (InterruptResponse) {}
// Reattach to an existing reattachable execution.
// The ExecutePlan must have been started with ReattachOptions.reattachable=true.
// If the ExecutePlanResponse stream ends without a ResultComplete message, there is more to
// continue. If there is a ResultComplete, the client should use ReleaseExecute with
rpc ReattachExecute(ReattachExecuteRequest) returns (stream ExecutePlanResponse) {}
// Release an reattachable execution, or parts thereof.
// The ExecutePlan must have been started with ReattachOptions.reattachable=true.
// Non reattachable executions are released automatically and immediately after the ExecutePlan
// RPC and ReleaseExecute may not be used.
rpc ReleaseExecute(ReleaseExecuteRequest) returns (ReleaseExecuteResponse) {}
// Release a session.
// All the executions in the session will be released. Any further requests for the session with
// that session_id for the given user_id will fail. If the session didn't exist or was already
// released, this is a noop.
rpc ReleaseSession(ReleaseSessionRequest) returns (ReleaseSessionResponse) {}
// FetchErrorDetails retrieves the matched exception with details based on a provided error id.
rpc FetchErrorDetails(FetchErrorDetailsRequest) returns (FetchErrorDetailsResponse) {}