blob: 17c448c9c06df9c9357db12ddf640350c3a66b35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
= Kudu Developer Documentation
== Building and installing Kudu
Follow the steps in the[documentation]
to build and install Kudu from source
=== Automatic rebuilding of dependencies
The script `thirdparty/` is invoked by cmake, so
new thirdparty dependencies added by other developers will be downloaded
and built automatically in subsequent builds if necessary.
To disable the automatic invocation of ``, set the
`NO_REBUILD_THIRDPARTY` environment variable:
This can be particularly useful when trying to run tools like `git bisect`
between two commits which may have different dependencies.
=== Building Kudu itself
# Add <root of kudu tree>/thirdparty/installed/bin to your $PATH
# before other parts of $PATH that may contain cmake, such as /usr/bin
# For example: "export PATH=$HOME/git/kudu/thirdparty/installed/bin:$PATH"
# if using bash
$ cmake .
$ make -j8 # or whatever level of parallelism your machine can handle
The build artifacts, including the test binaries, will be stored in
_build/latest/_, which itself is a symlink to a build-type specific
directory such as _build/debug_ or _build/release_.
To omit the Kudu unit tests during the build, add -DNO_TESTS=1 to the
invocation of cmake. For example:
$ cmake -DNO_TESTS=1 .
== Running unit/functional tests
To run the Kudu unit tests, you can use the `ctest` command from within the
root of the Kudu repository:
$ ctest -j8
This command will report any tests that failed, and the test logs will be
written to _build/test-logs_.
Individual tests can be run by directly invoking the test binaries in
_build/latest_. Since Kudu uses the Google C++ Test Framework (gtest),
specific test cases can be run with gtest flags:
# List all the tests within a test binary, then run a single test
$ ./build/latest/tablet-test --gtest_list_tests
$ ./build/latest/tablet-test --gtest_filter=TestTablet/9.TestFlush
gtest also allows more complex filtering patterns. See the upstream
documentation for more details.
=== Running tests with the clang AddressSanitizer enabled
AddressSanitizer is a nice clang feature which can detect many types of memory
errors. The Jenkins setup for kudu runs these tests automatically on a regular
basis, but if you make large changes it can be a good idea to run it locally
before pushing. To do so, you'll need to build using `clang`:
$ rm -Rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles/
$ CC=$(pwd)/thirdparty/clang-toolchain/bin/clang \
CXX=$(pwd)/thirdparty/clang-toolchain/bin/clang++ \
cmake -DKUDU_USE_ASAN=1 .
$ make -j8
$ make test
The tests will run significantly slower than without ASAN enabled, and if any
memory error occurs, the test that triggered it will fail. You can then use a
command like:
$ build/latest/failing-test 2>&1 | thirdparty/ | c++filt | less
to get a proper symbolized stack trace.
NOTE: For more information on AddressSanitizer, please see the[ASAN web page].
=== Running tests with the clang Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSAN) enabled
Similar to the above, you can use a special set of clang flags to enable the Undefined
Behavior Sanitizer. This will generate errors on certain pieces of code which may
not themselves crash but rely on behavior which isn't defined by the C++ standard
(and thus are likely bugs). To enable UBSAN, follow the same directions as for
ASAN above, but pass the `-DKUDU_USE_UBSAN=1` flag to the `cmake` invocation.
In order to get a stack trace from UBSan, you can use gdb on the failing test, and
set a breakpoint as follows:
(gdb) b __ubsan::Diag::~Diag
Then, when the breakpoint fires, gather a backtrace as usual using the `bt` command.
=== Running tests with the tcmalloc memory leak checker enabled
You can also run the tests with a tcmalloc feature that prints an error message
and aborts if it detects memory leaks in your program.
$ rm -Rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles/
$ cmake .
$ make -j
$ # Note: LP_BIND_NOW=1 required below, see:
$ PPROF_PATH=thirdparty/installed/bin/pprof HEAPCHECK=normal LD_BIND_NOW=1 ctest -j8
NOTE: For more information on the heap checker, please see:
NOTE: The AddressSanitizer doesn't play nice with tcmalloc, so sadly the
HEAPCHECK environment has no effect if you have enabled ASAN. However, recent
versions of ASAN will also detect leaks, so the tcmalloc leak checker is of
limited utility.
=== Running tests with ThreadSanitizer enabled
ThreadSanitizer (TSAN) is a clang feature which can detect improperly synchronized access to data
along with many other threading bugs. To enable TSAN, pass `-DKUDU_USE_TSAN=1` to the `cmake`
invocation, recompile, and run tests.
. Enabling TSAN supressions while running tests
Note that we rely on a list of runtime suppressions in _build-support/tsan-suppressions.txt_.
If you simply run a unit test like _build/latest/foo-test_, you won't get these suppressions.
Instead, use a command like:
$ ctest -R foo-test
...and then view the logs in _build/test-logs/_
In order for all of the suppressions to work, you need libraries with debug
symbols installed, particularly for libstdc\+\+. On Ubuntu 13.10, the package
libstdc++6-4.8-dbg is needed for TSAN builds to pass. It's not a bad idea to
install debug symbol packages for libboost, libc, and cyrus-sasl as well.
TSAN may truncate a few lines of the stack trace when reporting where the error
is. This can be bewildering. It's documented for TSANv1 here:
It is not mentioned in the documentation for TSANv2, but has been observed.
In order to find out what is _really_ happening, set a breakpoint on the TSAN
report in GDB using the following incantation:
$ gdb -ex 'set disable-randomization off' -ex 'b __tsan::PrintReport' ./some-test
=== Generating code coverage reports
In order to generate a code coverage report, you must build with gcc (not clang)
and use the following flags:
$ make -j4
$ ctest -j4
This will generate the code coverage files with extensions .gcno and .gcda. You can then
use a tool like `lcov` or `gcovr` to visualize the results. For example, using gcovr:
$ mkdir cov_html
$ ./thirdparty/gcovr-3.0/scripts/gcovr -r src/
Or using `lcov` (which seems to produce better HTML output):
$ lcov --capture --directory src --output-file
$ genhtml --output-directory out
=== Running lint checks
Kudu uses from Google to enforce coding style guidelines. You can run the
lint checks via cmake using the `ilint` target:
$ make ilint
This will scan any file which is dirty in your working tree, or changed since the last
gerrit-integrated upstream change in your git log. If you really want to do a full
scan of the source tree, you may use the `lint` target instead.
=== Building Kudu documentation
Kudu's documentation is written in asciidoc and lives in the _docs_ subdirectory.
To build the documentation, use the `docs` target:
$ make docs
This will invoke `asciidoctor` to process the doc sources and produce the HTML
documentation, emitted to _build/docs_. The target expects to find `asciidoctor`
on the system path. To install it, make sure you have Ruby installed first, then
issue the following command as root:
$ gem install asciidoctor
Or, if you'd prefer to install asciidoctor without root, do:
$ gem install --user-install asciidoctor
If asciidoctor is installed in your user directory, it probably won't be found
in your `PATH`. You'll need to modify `PATH` when building the docs, using
something like this (make sure to replace 2.1.0 with your Ruby version):
$ PATH=$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin:$PATH make docs
=== Updating the documentation in the Kudu web site
To update the documentation that is integrated into the Kudu web site, you
need to first check out another copy of this repository, with the 'gh-pages'
branch checked out.
For example, you can check out a shallow clone which shares its objects with
your main repository using a command like:
$ git clone $(git config --get remote.origin.url) --reference $(pwd) -b gh-pages --depth 1 /tmp/kudu-pages
Additionally, you'll need to ensure that the `tilt` and `jekyll` Ruby gems are
installed on your machine. Refer to the `asciidoctor` instructions above for
Now you can build the docs and pass the path to this checked-out repository:
$ ./docs/support/scripts/ --site /tmp/kudu-pages/
You can proceed to commit the changes in the pages repository and send a code
review for your changes. In the future, this step will be automated whenever
changes are checked into the main Kudu repository.
== Improving build times
=== Caching build output
The kudu build is compatible with ccache. Simply install your distro's _ccache_ package,
prepend _/usr/lib/ccache_ to your `PATH`, and watch your object files get cached. Link
times won't be affected, but you will see a noticeable improvement in compilation
times. You may also want to increase the size of your cache using "ccache -M new_size".
=== Improving linker speed
One of the major time sinks in the Kudu build is linking. GNU ld is historically
quite slow at linking large C++ applications. The alternative linker `gold` is much
better at it. It's part of the `binutils` package in modern distros (try `binutils-gold`
in older ones). To enable it, simply repoint the _/usr/bin/ld_ symlink from `ld.bfd` to
Note that gold doesn't handle weak symbol overrides properly (see[this bug report] for details).
As such, it cannot be used with shared objects (see below) because it'll cause
tcmalloc's alternative malloc implementation to be ignored.
=== Building Kudu with dynamic linking
Kudu can be built into shared objects, which, when used with ccache, can result in a
dramatic build time improvement in the steady state. Even after a `make clean` in the build
tree, all object files can be served from ccache. By default, `debug` and `fastdebug` will
use dynamic linking, while other build types will use static linking. To enable
dynamic linking explicitly, run:
$ cmake -DKUDU_LINK=dynamic .
Subsequent builds will create shared objects instead of archives and use them when
linking the kudu binaries and unit tests. The full range of options for `KUDU_LINK` are
`static`, `dynamic`, and `auto`. The default is `auto` and only the first letter
matters for the purpose of matching.
NOTE: Dynamic linking is incompatible with ASAN and static linking is incompatible
with TSAN.
== Developing Kudu in Eclipse
Eclipse can be used as an IDE for Kudu. To generate Eclipse project files, run:
$ rm -rf CMakeCache.txt CMakeFiles/
$ cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" .
It's critical that _CMakeCache.txt_ be removed prior to running the generator,
otherwise the extra Eclipse generator logic (the CMakeFindEclipseCDT4.make module)
won't run and standard system includes will be missing from the generated project.
By default, the Eclipse CDT indexer will index everything under the _kudu/_
source tree. It tends to choke on certain complicated source files within
_thirdparty/llvm_. In CDT 8.7.0, the indexer will generate so many errors that
it'll exit early, causing many spurious syntax errors to be highlighted. In older
versions of CDT, it'll spin forever.
Either way, _thirdparty/llvm_ must be excluded from indexing. To do this, right
click on the project in the Project Explorer and select Properties. In the
dialog box, select "C/C++ Project Paths", select the Source tab, highlight
"Exclusion filter: (None)", and click "Edit...". In the new dialog box, click
"Add...". Click "Browse..." and select _thirdparty/llvm-3.4.2.src_. Click OK all
the way out and rebuild the project index by right clicking the project in the
Project Explorer and selecting Index --> Rebuild.
With this exclusion, the only false positives (shown as "red squigglies") that
CDT presents appear to be in atomicops functions (`NoBarrier_CompareAndSwap` for
example) and in VLOG() function calls.
Another Eclipse annoyance stems from the "[Targets]" linked resource that Eclipse
generates for each unit test. These are probably used for building within Eclipse,
but one side effect is that nearly every source file appears in the indexer twice:
once via a target and once via the raw source file. To fix this, simply delete the
[Targets] linked resource via the Project Explorer. Doing this should have no effect
on writing code, though it may affect your ability to build from within Eclipse.
== Building on OS X
Support for[compiling Kudu on OS X]
is planned, but not yet complete.