blob: b79855e39431203e5a04008fa9ab6887d5c916b6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 Cloudera, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <sys/timex.h>
#include "kudu/server/hybrid_clock.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/bind.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/util/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "kudu/util/errno.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/locks.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
DEFINE_int32(max_clock_sync_error_usec, 10 * 1000 * 1000, // 10 secs
"Maximum allowed clock synchronization error as reported by NTP "
"before the server will abort.");
TAG_FLAG(max_clock_sync_error_usec, advanced);
TAG_FLAG(max_clock_sync_error_usec, runtime);
DEFINE_bool(use_hybrid_clock, true,
"Whether HybridClock should be used as the default clock"
" implementation. This should be disabled for testing purposes only.");
TAG_FLAG(use_hybrid_clock, hidden);
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, hybrid_clock_timestamp,
"Hybrid Clock Timestamp",
"Hybrid clock timestamp.");
METRIC_DEFINE_gauge_uint64(server, hybrid_clock_error,
"Hybrid Clock Error",
"Server clock maximum error.");
using kudu::Status;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace server {
namespace {
// Returns the clock modes and checks if the clock is synchronized.
Status GetClockModes(timex* timex) {
// this makes ntp_adjtime a read-only call
timex->modes = 0;
int rc = ntp_adjtime(timex);
return Status::ServiceUnavailable(
Substitute("Error reading clock. Clock considered unsynchronized. Return code: $0", rc));
// TODO what to do about leap seconds? see KUDU-146
LOG(ERROR) << Substitute("TODO Server undergoing leap second. Return code: $0", rc);
return Status::OK();
// Returns the current time/max error and checks if the clock is synchronized.
kudu::Status GetClockTime(ntptimeval* timeval) {
int rc = ntp_gettime(timeval);
return Status::ServiceUnavailable(
Substitute("Error reading clock. Clock considered unsynchronized. Errno: $0",
// TODO what to do about leap seconds? see KUDU-146
LOG(ERROR) << Substitute("TODO Server undergoing leap second. Return code: $0", rc);
return kudu::Status::OK();
Status CheckDeadlineNotWithinMicros(const MonoTime& deadline, int64_t wait_for_usec) {
if (!deadline.Initialized()) {
// No deadline.
return Status::OK();
int64_t us_until_deadline = deadline.GetDeltaSince(
if (us_until_deadline <= wait_for_usec) {
return Status::TimedOut(Substitute(
"specified time is $0us in the future, but deadline expires in $1us",
wait_for_usec, us_until_deadline));
return Status::OK();
} // anonymous namespace
Status CheckClockSynchronized() {
ntptimeval junk;
return GetClockTime(&junk);
// Left shifting 12 bits gives us 12 bits for the logical value
// and should still keep accurate microseconds time until 2100+
const int HybridClock::kBitsToShift = 12;
// This mask gives us back the logical bits.
const uint64_t HybridClock::kLogicalBitMask = (1 << kBitsToShift) - 1;
const uint64_t HybridClock::kNanosPerSec = 1000000;
const double HybridClock::kAdjtimexScalingFactor = 65536;
: divisor_(0),
state_(kNotInitialized) {
Status HybridClock::Init() {
timex timex;
// if the clock is synchronized but has max_error beyond max_clock_sync_error_usec
// we still abort
ntptimeval now;
if (now.maxerror > FLAGS_max_clock_sync_error_usec) {
return Status::ServiceUnavailable(Substitute("Cannot initialize HybridClock. "
"Clock synchronized but error was too high ($0 us).", timex.maxerror));
// read whether the STA_NANO bit is set to know whether we'll get back nanos
// or micros in timeval.time.tv_usec. See:
// set the timeval.time.tv_usec divisor so that we always get micros
if (timex.status & STA_NANO) {
divisor_ = 1000;
} else {
divisor_ = 1;
// Calculate the sleep skew adjustment according to the max tolerance of the clock.
// Tolerance comes in parts per million but needs to be applied a scaling factor.
tolerance_adjustment_ = (1 + ((timex.tolerance / kAdjtimexScalingFactor) / 1000000.0));
LOG(INFO) << "HybridClock initialized. Resolution in nanos?: " << (divisor_ == 1000)
<< " Wait times tolerance adjustment: " << tolerance_adjustment_
<< " Current error: " << now.maxerror;
state_ = kInitialized;
return Status::OK();
Timestamp HybridClock::Now() {
Timestamp now;
uint64_t error;
boost::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
NowWithError(&now, &error);
return now;
Timestamp HybridClock::NowLatest() {
Timestamp now;
uint64_t error;
boost::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
NowWithError(&now, &error);
uint64_t now_latest = GetPhysicalValueMicros(now) + error;
uint64_t now_logical = GetLogicalValue(now);
return TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(now_latest, now_logical);
Status HybridClock::GetGlobalLatest(Timestamp* t) {
Timestamp now = Now();
uint64_t now_latest = GetPhysicalValueMicros(now) + FLAGS_max_clock_sync_error_usec;
uint64_t now_logical = GetLogicalValue(now);
*t = TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(now_latest, now_logical);
return Status::OK();
void HybridClock::NowWithError(Timestamp* timestamp, uint64_t* max_error_usec) {
DCHECK_EQ(state_, kInitialized) << "Clock not initialized. Must call Init() first.";
ntptimeval now;
Status s = GetClockTime(&now);
uint64_t now_usec = GetTimeUsecs(&now);
if (PREDICT_FALSE(!s.ok())) {
LOG(FATAL) << Substitute("Couldn't get the current time: Clock unsynchronized. "
"Status: $0", s.ToString());
// Test that the clock error didn't go past a pre-defined maximum error.
if (PREDICT_FALSE(now.maxerror > FLAGS_max_clock_sync_error_usec)) {
LOG(FATAL) << Substitute("Couldn't get the current time: Clock synchronized, "
"but error: $0, is past the maximum allowable error: $1",
now.maxerror, FLAGS_max_clock_sync_error_usec);
// If the current time surpasses the last update just return it
if (PREDICT_TRUE(now_usec > last_usec_)) {
last_usec_ = now_usec;
next_logical_ = 1;
*timestamp = TimestampFromMicroseconds(last_usec_);
*max_error_usec = now.maxerror;
VLOG(2) << "Current clock is higher than the last one. Resetting logical values."
<< " Physical Value: " << now_usec << " usec Logical Value: 0 Error: "
<< now.maxerror;
// We don't have the last time read max error since it might have originated
// in another machine, but we can put a bound on the maximum error of the
// timestamp we are providing.
// In particular we know that the "true" time falls within the interval
// now_usec +- now.maxerror so we get the following situations:
// 1)
// --------|----------|----|---------|--------------------------> time
// now - e now last now + e
// 2)
// --------|----------|--------------|------|-------------------> time
// now - e now now + e last
// Assuming, in the worst case, that the "true" time is now - error we need to
// always return: last - (now - e) as the new maximum error.
// This broadens the error interval for both cases but always returns
// a correct error interval.
*max_error_usec = last_usec_ - (now_usec - now.maxerror);
*timestamp = TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(last_usec_,
VLOG(2) << "Current clock is lower than the last one. Returning last read and incrementing"
" logical values. Physical Value: " << now_usec << " usec Logical Value: "
<< next_logical_ << " Error: " << *max_error_usec;
Status HybridClock::Update(const Timestamp& to_update) {
boost::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
Timestamp now;
uint64_t error_ignored;
NowWithError(&now, &error_ignored);
if (PREDICT_TRUE(now.CompareTo(to_update) > 0)) return Status::OK();
uint64_t to_update_physical = GetPhysicalValueMicros(to_update);
uint64_t to_update_logical = GetLogicalValue(to_update);
uint64_t now_physical = GetPhysicalValueMicros(now);
// we won't update our clock if to_update is more than 'max_clock_sync_error_usec'
// into the future as it might have been corrupted or originated from an out-of-sync
// server.
if ((to_update_physical - now_physical) > FLAGS_max_clock_sync_error_usec) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("Tried to update clock beyond the max. error.");
last_usec_ = to_update_physical;
next_logical_ = to_update_logical + 1;
return Status::OK();
bool HybridClock::SupportsExternalConsistencyMode(ExternalConsistencyMode mode) {
return true;
Status HybridClock::WaitUntilAfter(const Timestamp& then_latest,
const MonoTime& deadline) {
TRACE_EVENT0("clock", "HybridClock::WaitUntilAfter");
Timestamp now;
uint64_t error;
boost::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
NowWithError(&now, &error);
// "unshift" the timestamps so that we can measure actual time
uint64_t now_usec = GetPhysicalValueMicros(now);
uint64_t then_latest_usec = GetPhysicalValueMicros(then_latest);
uint64_t now_earliest_usec = now_usec - error;
// Case 1, event happened definitely in the past, return
if (PREDICT_TRUE(then_latest_usec < now_earliest_usec)) {
return Status::OK();
// Case 2 wait out until we are sure that then_latest has passed
// We'll sleep then_latest_usec - now_earliest_usec so that the new
// nw.earliest is higher than then.latest.
uint64_t wait_for_usec = (then_latest_usec - now_earliest_usec);
// Additionally adjust the sleep time with the max tolerance adjustment
// to account for the worst case clock skew while we're sleeping.
wait_for_usec *= tolerance_adjustment_;
// Check that sleeping wouldn't sleep longer than our deadline.
RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckDeadlineNotWithinMicros(deadline, wait_for_usec));
VLOG(1) << "WaitUntilAfter(): Incoming time(latest): " << then_latest_usec
<< " Now(earliest): " << now_earliest_usec << " error: " << error
<< " Waiting for: " << wait_for_usec;
return Status::OK();
Status HybridClock::WaitUntilAfterLocally(const Timestamp& then,
const MonoTime& deadline) {
while (true) {
Timestamp now;
uint64_t error;
boost::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
NowWithError(&now, &error);
if (now.CompareTo(then) > 0) {
return Status::OK();
uint64_t wait_for_usec = GetPhysicalValueMicros(then) - GetPhysicalValueMicros(now);
// Check that sleeping wouldn't sleep longer than our deadline.
RETURN_NOT_OK(CheckDeadlineNotWithinMicros(deadline, wait_for_usec));
bool HybridClock::IsAfter(Timestamp t) {
// Manually get the time, rather than using Now(), so we don't end up
// causing a time update.
ntptimeval now_ntp;
uint64_t now_usec = GetTimeUsecs(&now_ntp);
boost::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
now_usec = std::max(now_usec, last_usec_);
Timestamp now;
if (now_usec > last_usec_) {
now = TimestampFromMicroseconds(now_usec);
} else {
// last_usec_ may be in the future if we were updated from a remote
// node.
now = TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(last_usec_, next_logical_);
return t.value() < now.value();
// Used to get the timestamp for metrics.
uint64_t HybridClock::NowForMetrics() {
return Now().ToUint64();
// Used to get the current error, for metrics.
uint64_t HybridClock::ErrorForMetrics() {
Timestamp now;
uint64_t error;
boost::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> lock(lock_);
NowWithError(&now, &error);
return error;
void HybridClock::RegisterMetrics(const scoped_refptr<MetricEntity>& metric_entity) {
Bind(&HybridClock::NowForMetrics, Unretained(this)))
Bind(&HybridClock::ErrorForMetrics, Unretained(this)))
string HybridClock::Stringify(Timestamp timestamp) {
return StringifyTimestamp(timestamp);
uint64_t HybridClock::GetTimeUsecs(ntptimeval* timeval) {
return timeval->time.tv_sec * kNanosPerSec + timeval->time.tv_usec / divisor_;
uint64_t HybridClock::GetLogicalValue(const Timestamp& timestamp) {
return timestamp.value() & kLogicalBitMask;
uint64_t HybridClock::GetPhysicalValueMicros(const Timestamp& timestamp) {
return timestamp.value() >> kBitsToShift;
Timestamp HybridClock::TimestampFromMicroseconds(uint64_t micros) {
return Timestamp(micros << kBitsToShift);
Timestamp HybridClock::TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(
uint64_t micros,
uint64_t logical_value) {
return Timestamp((micros << kBitsToShift) + logical_value);
Timestamp HybridClock::AddPhysicalTimeToTimestamp(const Timestamp& original,
const MonoDelta& to_add) {
uint64_t new_physical = GetPhysicalValueMicros(original) + to_add.ToMicroseconds();
uint64_t old_logical = GetLogicalValue(original);
return TimestampFromMicrosecondsAndLogicalValue(new_physical, old_logical);
string HybridClock::StringifyTimestamp(const Timestamp& timestamp) {
return Substitute("P: $0 usec, L: $1",
} // namespace server
} // namespace kudu