Scan Optimization & Partition Pruning


Kudu has a flexible partitioning design that allows rows to be distributed among tablets through a combination of hash and range partitioning. The design allows operators to have control over data locality in order to optimize for the expected workload.

Every table has a partition schema, which is comprised of zero or more hash components, and a range component. The hash components have one or more columns. Each column must be part of the primary key column set, and any column may not be in two hash components. The range component may have zero or more columns, all of which must be part of the primary key.

Rows in a Kudu table are mapped to tablets using a partition key. A row‘s partition key is created by encoding the column values of the row according to the table’s partition schema. For each hash bucket component, the partition key contains the hash of the column values in the component. For each column in the range component, the key will contain the row‘s encoded value for that column. Every tablet has a start and end partition key which covers the hash bucket and range assignment of the tablet. Finding the tablet for a row requires finding the tablet with the partition key range which contains the row’s partition key.

Currently, Kudu does not take full advantage of partition information when executing scans. This results in missed opportunities to ‘prune’, or skip tablets during a scan based on the scan‘s predicates and the tablet’s hash bucket and range assignments. This remainder of this design doc will detail the specific opportunities we can take advantage of to prune partitions, provide an overview of how we will accomplish this on client and on the server, and provide alternatives for discussion.

Sample Schemas

The following sections will reference two example table schemas:

CREATE TABLE 'machine_metrics'
(STRING host, STRING metric, TIMESTAMP time, DOUBLE value)
PRIMARY KEY (host, metric, time)
  HASH (host, metric) INTO 2 BUCKETS
  RANGE (time) SPLIT ROWS [(1451606400000)];

with the following tablets:

A: bucket(host, metric) = 0, range(time) = [(min), (1451606400000))
B: bucket(host, metric) = 0, range(time) = [(1451606400000), (max))
C: bucket(host, metric) = 1, range(time) = [(min), (1451606400000))
D: bucket(host, metric) = 1, range(time) = [(1451606400000), (max))


CREATE TABLE 'user_clicks'
(INT64 user_id, INT64 target_id, INT64 click_id)
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, target_id, click_id)
DISTRIBUTE BY RANGE (user_id, target_id) SPLIT ROWS [(1000, 1000)];

with the following tablets:

A: range(user_id, target_id) = [(min, min), (1000, 1000))
B: range(user_id, target_id) = [(1000, 1000), (max, max))

Scan Constraints

Kudu has two mechanisms for limiting and filtering scan results: column predicates and primary key bounds. The mechanisms can be used to express different constraints on the scan, but there is some overlap in the constraints they can represent.

Predicate and primary key bound constraints should be considered when evaluating optimization and pruning opportunities, but for most pruning opportunities it is easier to consider only one or the other. In order to simplify the pruning logic and capture the most pruning opportunities, the Kudu client shares constraints between the column predicates and primary key bounds when possible. This is done by ‘lifting’ implicit predicates from the primary key bounds into the predicate set, and ‘pushing’ predicate constraints into the primary key bounds.

For example, the following query:

SELECT * FROM 'user_clicks'
WHERE primary_key >= (500, 500)
  AND primary_key < (500, 750);

can lift the following constraints into the predicate set:

user_id = 500
target_id >= 500
target_id < 750

As an example of pushing predicates into the primary key bounds, the following query:

SELECT * FROM 'user_clicks'
WHERE user_id = 500
  AND target_id < 700;

will result in the following primary key bounds:

primary_key >= (500, min)
primary_key  < (500, 700)

Pruning Opportunities

Range Pruning

If the table is range partitioned with split rows and the scan contains predicates over a prefix of the range columns, then the scan may be able to prune tablets based on those predicates. For example, the query:

SELECT * FROM 'machine_metrics'
WHERE time < 500;

can prune tablets B and D.

Primary Key Pruning

When a table is range partitioned on a prefix of the primary key columns (like user_clicks but unlike machine_metrics), a special form of the Range Pruning optimization becomes available. Instead of pruning based on the scan predicates, the tablet‘s range bounds can be compared to the scan’s upper and lower primary key bounds. Since the upper and lower primary key bounds are always at least as constrained as the predicates when the range columns are a primary key prefix, the primary key bounds may provide additional pruning opportunities. For example:

SELECT * FROM 'user_clicks'
WHERE primary_key >= (500, 0)
  AND primary_key  < (1000, 500);

Allows the following predicates to be lifted from the primary key range:

user_id >= 500
user_id  < 1001

The scan can be satisfied entirely by tablet A, but the lifted predicates are unable to prune B. By using the primary key bounds, tablet B can be pruned.

Hash Bucket Pruning

If a scan specifies equality predicates on all columns in a hash component, then the scan may prune all tablets which do not fall in the corresponding bucket. For example:

-- Allows hash bucket pruning
SELECT * from 'machine_metrics'
WHERE host = ""
  AND metric = "load-avg-1min";

-- Does not allow hash bucket pruning
SELECT * from 'machine_metrics'
WHERE host = "";

Tablet Lookup Optimization

In order for the client to scan a tablet it must retrieve the tablet location from the master. When a tablet is going to be pruned from a scan, its tablet location is not needed, so the client can speed up metadata operations by not looking up metadata for pruned tablets.


We will implement partition pruning in the client and on the server so that in all cases the minimum amount of work must be done to satisify queries. Duplicating the work on the server is not strictly necessary, but it is a low-overhead operation in comparison with accessing disk, and it allows for client implementations which don't implement the optimizations to benefit.

In the client, the scan's constraints will be evaluated once per scan into a set of partition key ranges which cover the non-pruned tablets in the scan. Using these partition key ranges, only the tablet metadata necessary for the scan can be requested from the master.

The server will go one step further by adding the tablet‘s primary key bounds to the scan spec during scan initialization, which may provide additional pruning opportunities in the case that the tablet’s primary key bounds are more constrained than the scan primary key bounds. The server will immediately return an empty result if its partition can be pruned.


Prune based on tablet primary key bounds in the client

We could have clients add the tablet's upper and lower primary key bounds and re-run the range bounds and hash bucket analysis for each tablet in the scan. I propose that we do not do this, since in practice it will require copying multiple data structures on the client for each tablet, and is not expected to yield better pruning oppurtunities often. On the server, it is a lighter weight operation since the original scan predicate does not need to be copied (because it can be mutated in place), and most of the optimization steps are already happening anyway.