=============================================================================== RPC


The RPC layer makes communication with remote processes look like local function calls. You can make either asynchronous calls, in which you provide a callback which is invoked later, or synchronous calls, where your thread blocks until the remote system responds.

The wire format of Kudu RPC is very close to the wire format of Hadoop IPC in hadoop-3 and beyond. It is not identical since there are still some java-isms left in Hadoop IPC which we did not want to inherit. In addition, Kudu RPC has developed some extra features such as deadline propagation which are not available in Hadoop. However, the overall structure of the wire protocol is very similar.

We use protocol buffers for serialization, and libev for non-blocking I/O.

For some code examples, look in rpc-test.cc and rpc_stub-test.


                                        | AcceptorPool                       |
                                        |   a pool of threads which          |
  +-------------------------+           |   call accept()                    |
  | Proxy                   |           +------------------------------------+
  |                         |                          | new socket
  | The proxy is the object |                          V
  | which has the remote    |           +------------------------------------+
  | method definitions.     | --------> | Messenger                          |
  |                         |           |                                    |
  +-------------------------+           | +-----------+ +-----------+        |
                                        | | reactor 1 | | reactor 2 | ...    |
  +-------------------------+           | +-----------+ +-----------+        |
  | ResponseCallback        | <-------- |                                    |<-.
  |                         |           +------------------------------------+  |
  | The callback which gets |                          |                        |
  | invoked when the remote |                          V                        |
  | end replies or the call |           +------------------------------------+  |
  | otherwise terminates.   |           | ServicePool                        |  |
  +-------------------------+           |   a pool of threads which          |  | Call responses
                                        |   pull new inbound calls from a    |  | sent back via
                                        |   work queue.                      |  | messenger.
                                        +------------------------------------+  |
                                                       |                        |
                                                       v                        |
                                        +------------------------------------+  |
                                        | ServiceIf                          |  |
                                        |   user-implemented class which     | /
                                        |   handles new inbound RPCs         |

Each reactor has a thread which uses epoll to handle many sockets using non-blocking I/O. Blocking calls are implemented by the Proxy using non-blocking calls-- from the point of view of the Messenger, all calls are non-blocking.

The acceptor pool and the service pool are optional components. If you don't expect anyone to be connecting to you, you do not have to start them. If a server expects to listen on multiple ports (eg for different protocols), multiple AcceptorPools may be attached.

Proxy classes

Proxy classes are used by the client to send calls to a remote service. Calls may be made synchronously or asynchronously -- the synchronous calls are simply a wrapper around the asynchronous version, which makes the call and then waits on the callback to be triggered.

In order to make a call, the user must provide a method name, a request protobuf, a response protobuf, an RpcController, and a callback.

Each RpcController object corresponds to exactly one in-flight call on the client. This class is where per-call settings may be adjusted before making an RPC -- currently this is just timeout functionality, but in the future may include other call properties such as tracing information, priority classes, deadline propagation, etc.

Upon issuing the asynchronous request, the RPC layer enqueues the call to be sent to the server and immediately returns. During this period, the caller thread may continue to send other RPCs or perform other processing while waiting for the callback to be triggered. In the future, we will provide an RPC cancellation function on the RpcController object in case the user determines that the call is no longer required.

When the call completes, the RPC layer will invoke the provided ResponseCallback function from within the context of the reactor thread. Given this, ResponseCallbacks should be careful to never block, as it would prevent other threads from concurrent sending or receiving RPCs.

The callback is invoked exactly one time, regardless of the call‘s termination state. The user can determine the call’s state by invoking methods on the RpcController object, for example to determine whether the call succeded, timed out, or suffered a transport error. In the case that the call succeeds, the user-provided response protobuf will have been initialized to contain the result.

Please see the accompanying documentation in the Proxy and RpcController classes for more information on the specific API, as well as the test cases in rpc-test.cc for example usage.

Generated Code

In general, clients will use auto-generated subclasses of Proxy and ServiceIf to get additional type safety and nicer APIs.

The generated proxy object has the same API as the generic Proxy, except that methods are generated for each RPC defined within the protobuf service. Each RPC has a synchronous and async version, corresponding to Proxy::AsyncRequest and Proxy::SyncRequest. These generated methods have an identical API to the generic one except that they are type-safe and do not require the method name to be passed.

The generated ServiceIf class contains pure virtual methods for each of the RPCs in the service. Each method to be implemented has an API like:

void MethodName(const RequestPB *req, ResponsePB *resp, ::kudu::rpc::RpcContext *context);

The request PB is the user-provided request, and the response PB is a cleared protobuf ready to store the RPC response. Once the RPC response has been filled in, the service should call context->RespondSuccess(). This method may be called from any thread in the application at any point either before or after the actual handler method returns.

In the case of an unexpected error, the generated code may alternatively call context->RespondFailure(...). However, for any error responses which should be parseable by the client code, it is preferable to define an error response inside the response protobuf itself -- this is a much more flexible way of returning actionable information with an error, given that Status just holds a string and not much else.

See rpc/rpc-test-base.h for an example service implementation, as well as the documentation comments in rpc/service_if.h.

ServiceIf classes

ServiceIf classes are abstract interfaces that the server implements to handle incoming RPCs. In general, each generated service has several virtual methods which you can override in order to implement the relevant function call.

There is a ServicePool which you can use to coordinate several worker threads handling callbacks.

RPC Sidecars

RPC sidecars are used to avoid excess copies for large volumes of data. Prior to RPC sidecars, the sequence of steps for creating an RPC response on the server side would be as follows:

  1. Write the prepared response to a Google protobuf message.
  2. Pass the message off to the InboundCall class, which serializes the protobuf into a process-local buffer.
  3. Copy the process-local buffer to the kernel buffer (send() to a socket).

The client follows these steps in reverse order. On top of the extra copy, this procedure also forces us to use std::string, which is difficult for compilers to inline code for and requires that reserved bytes are nulled out, which is an unnecessary call to memset.

Instead, sidecars provide a mechanism to indicate the need to pass a large store of data to the InboundCall class, which manages the response to a single RPC on the server side. When send()-ing the rest of the message (i.e., the protobuf), the sidecar's data is directly written to the socket.

The data is appended directly after the main message protobuf. Here's what a typical message looks like without sidecars:

| Total message length (4 bytes)                 |
| RPC Header protobuf length (variable encoding) |
| RPC Header protobuf                            |
| Main message length (variable encoding)        |
| Main message protobuf                          |

In this case, the main message length is equal to the protobuf‘s byte size. Since there are no sidecars, the header protobuf’s sidecar_offsets list will will be empty.

Here's what it looks like with the sidecars:

| Total message length (4 bytes)                 |
| RPC Header protobuf length (variable encoding) |
| RPC Header protobuf                            |
| Main message length (variable encoding)        |
+------------------------------------------------+ --- 0
| Main message protobuf                          |
+------------------------------------------------+ --- sidecar_offsets(0)
| Sidecar 0                                      |
+------------------------------------------------+ --- sidecar_offsets(1)
| Sidecar 1                                      |
+------------------------------------------------+ --- sidecar_offsets(2)
| Sidecar 2                                      |
+------------------------------------------------+ --- ...
| ...                                            |

When there are sidecars, the sidecar_offsets member in the header will be a nonempty list, whose values indicate the offset, measured from the beginning of the main message protobuf, of the start of each sidecar. The number of offsets will indicate the number of sidecars.

Then, on the client side, the sidecars locations are decoded and made available by RpcController::GetSidecars() (which returns the pointer to the array of all the sidecars). The caller must be sure to check that the sidecar index in the sidecar array is correct and in-bounds.

More information is available in rpc/rpc_sidecar.h.

Wire Protocol

Connection establishment and connection header

After the client connects to a server, the client first sends a connection header. The connection header consists of a magic number “hrpc” and three byte flags, for a total of 7 bytes:

|  "hrpc" 4 bytes                  |
|  Version (1 byte)                |
|  ServiceClass (1 byte)           |
|  AuthProtocol (1 byte)           |

Currently, the RPC version is 9. The ServiceClass and AuthProtocol fields are unused.

Message framing and request/response headers

Aside from the initial connection header described above, all other messages are serialized as follows:

  total_size: (32-bit big-endian integer)
    the size of the rest of the message, not including this 4-byte header

  header: varint-prefixed header protobuf
    - client->server messages use the RequestHeader protobuf
    - server->client messages use the ResponseHeader protobuf

  body: varint-prefixed protobuf
    - for typical RPC calls, this is the user-specified request or response
    - for RPC calls which caused an error, the response is a ErrorResponsePB
    - during SASL negotiation, this is a SaslMessagePB

Example packet capture

An example call (captured with strace on rpc-test.cc) follows:

   "\x00\x00\x00\x17"   (total_size: 23 bytes to follow)
   "\x09"  RequestHeader varint: 9 bytes
    "\x08\x0a\x1a\x03\x41\x64\x64\x20\x01" (RequestHeader protobuf)
      Decoded with protoc --decode=RequestHeader rpc_header.proto:
      callId: 10
      methodName: "Add"
      requestParam: true

   "\x0c"  Request parameter varint: 12 bytes
    "\x08\xd4\x90\x80\x91\x01\x10\xf8\xcf\xc4\xed\x04" Request parameter
      Decoded with protoc --decode=kudu.rpc_test.AddRequestPB rpc/rtest.proto
      x: 304089172
      y: 1303455736

SASL negotiation

After the initial connection header is sent, SASL negotiation begins. Kudu always uses SASL regardless of security settings. In the case that no strong authentication is required, SASL PLAIN is used with no password.

This SASL negotiation protocol matches the Hadoop protocol. The negotiation proceeds as described in this diagram:

                                CLIENT |        | SERVER
                                       |        |
(1) SaslMessagePB }                    |        |
state=NEGOTIATE   } --------------------------> |
                                       |        |
                                       |        | { (2) SaslMessagePB
                                       |        | { state=NEGOTIATE
                                       | <------- { auths=<list of supported mechanisms>
                                       |        |
(3) SaslMessagePB                  }   |        |
state=INITIATE                     }   |        |
auths[0]=<chosen mechanism>        }   |        |
token=<challenge response, if any> } ---------> |
                                       |        |
                                       |        | { (4) SaslMessagePB
                                       |        | { state=CHALLENGE (or SUCCESS)
                                       | <------- { token=<challenge token, if applicable>
                                       |        |
(5) SaslMessagePB          }           |        |
state=RESPONSE             }           |        |
token=<challenge response> } -----------------> |
                                       |        |
                                       |        | { GOTO (4) above
                                       |        |

Each of the SaslMessagePBs above is framed as usual using RequestHeader or ResponseHeader protobufs. For each SASL message, the CallId should be set to ‘-33’.

RPC Feature Flags

During connection negotiation the client and server exchange the set of RPC feature flags, so that subsequent RPCs request and responses are aware of what is supported. There are several advantages of feature flags over version numbers:

  • since we have both a Java and C++ client, this allows us to add features in different orders, or decide to not support a feature at all in one client or the other. For example, the C++ client is likely to gain support for a shared-memory transport long before the Java one.
  • this allows much more flexibility in backporting RPC system features across versions. For example, if we introduce feature ‘A’ in Kudu 2.0, and feature ‘B’ in Kudu 2.1, we are still able to selectively backport ‘B’ without ‘A’ to Kudu 1.5.
  • currently, the set of supported features is determined only by code-level support, but we could later decide to conditionally enable features based on configuration or machine capability.

Connection Context:

Once the SASL negotiation is complete, before the first request, the client sends the server a special call with call_id -3. The body of this call is a ConnectionContextPB. The server should not respond to this call.

Steady state

During steady state operation, the client sends call protobufs prefixed by RequestHeader protobufs. The server sends responses prefixed by ResponseHeader protobufs.

The client must send calls in strictly increasing ‘call_id’ order. The server may reject repeated calls or calls with lower IDs. The server's responses may arrive out-of-order, and use the ‘call_id’ in the response to associate a response with the correct call.