
This file contains some example code for the C++ client. It will
probably be eventually removed in favor of actual runnable examples,
but serves as a guide/docs for the client API design for now.

See class docs for KuduClient, KuduSession, KuduTable for proper docs.

// This is an example of explicit batching done by the client.
// This would be used in contexts like interactive webapps, where
// you are likely going to set a short timeout.
void ExplicitBatchingExample() {
  // Get a reference to the tablet we want to insert into.
  // Note that this may be done without a session, either before or
  // after creating a session, since a session isn't tied to any
  // particular table or set of tables.
  scoped_refptr<KuduTable> t;
  CHECK_OK(client_->OpenTable("my_table", &t));

  // Create a new session. All data-access operations must happen through
  // a session.
  shared_ptr<KuduSession> session(client->NewSession());

  // Setting flush mode to MANUAL_FLUSH makes the session accumulate
  // all operations until the next Flush() call. This is sort of like
  // TCP_CORK.

  // Insert 100 rows.
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    Insert* ins = t->NewInsert();
    ins->mutable_row()->SetInt64("key", i);
    ins->mutable_row()->SetInt64("val", i * 2);
    // The insert should return immediately after moving the insert
    // into the appropriate buffers. This always returns OK unless the
    // Insert itself is invalid (eg missing a key column).

  // Update a row.
  gscoped_ptr<Update> upd = t->NewUpdate();
  upd->mutable_row()->SetInt64("key", 1);
  upd->mutable_row()->SetInt64("val", 1 * 2 + 1);

  // Delete a row.
  gscoped_ptr<Delete> del = t->NewDelete();
  del->mutable_row()->SetInt64("key", 2); // only specify key.

  // Setting a timeout on the session applies to the next Flush call.

  // After accumulating all of the stuff in the batch, call Flush()
  // to send the updates in one go. This may be done either sync or async.
  // Sync API example:
    // Returns an Error if any insert in the batch had an issue.
    // Call session->GetPendingErrors() to get errors.

  // Async API example:
    // Returns immediately, calls Callback when either success or failure.
    // TBD: should you be able to use the same session before the Callback has
    // been called? Or require that you do nothing with this session while
    // in-flight (which is more like what JDBC does I think)

// This is an example of how a "bulk ingest" program might work -- one in
// which the client just wants to shove a bunch of data in, and perhaps
// fail if it ever gets an error.
void BulkIngestExample() {
  scoped_refptr<KuduTable> t;
  CHECK_OK(client_->OpenTable("my_table", &t));
  shared_ptr<KuduSession> session(client->NewSession());

  // If the amount of buffered data in RAM is larger than this amount,
  // blocks the writer from performing more inserts until memory has
  // been freed (either by inserts succeeding or timing out).
  session->SetBufferSpace(32 * 1024 * 1024);

  // Set a long timeout for this kind of usecase. This determines how long
  // Flush() may block for, as well as how long Apply() may block due to
  // the buffer being full.
  session->SetTimeoutMillis(60 * 1000);

  // In AUTO_FLUSH_BACKGROUND mode, the session will try to accumulate batches
  // for optimal efficiency, rather than flushing each operation.

  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
    gscoped_ptr<Insertion> ins = t->NewInsertion();
    ins->SetInt64("key", i);
    ins->SetInt64("val", i * 2);
    // This will start getting written in the background.
    // If there are any pending errors, it will return a bad Status,
    // and the user should call GetPendingErrors()
    // This may block if the buffer is full.
    if (session->HasErrors())) {
      LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to insert some rows: " << DumpErrors(session);
  // Blocks until remaining buffered operations have been flushed.
  // May also use the async API per above.
  Status s = session->Flush());
  if (!s.ok()) {
    LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to insert some rows: " << DumpErrors(session);