[tool] Add tool to copy replica from local filesystem

Add tool to copy replica from local filesystem, it would
be faster than copy from remote peers, it can be use when
add more disk drivers and make data rebalanced faster between
disk drivers, or can be used when migrate data from the only
disk driver to another.
This tool will also make data more dense than data on old
data directories, that means we can save much disk space
and speedup server bootstrap.
We can use the tool like:
kudu local_replica copy_from_local <tablet_id> [-src_fs_wal_dir=<dir>] [-src_fs_metadata_dir=<dir>] [-src_fs_data_dirs=<dirs>] [-dst_fs_wal_dir=<dir>] [-dst_fs_metadata_dir=<dir>] [-dst_fs_data_dirs=<dirs>]

There are some tips to use this tool:
- Using --src_* and --dst_* prefixes to clarify what directories
  are operating on
- The server on the source filesystem must stop before coping
  replicas. Because the tool is standalone, it can't anchor
  replica's data blocks or log segments.
- This tool will not delete data in the source filesystem, you
  should delete data manully if you want, by using
  kudu local_replica delete ...

Change-Id: I1dcafeaad900b66f297914760c54dba887874e95
Reviewed-on: http://gerrit.cloudera.org:8080/18374
Tested-by: Kudu Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Andrew Wong <awong@cloudera.com>
19 files changed