Basic Kudu-Python example

This is a very basic example of usage for the Kudu Python client. It demonstrates much of the standard capabilities within the client.

To install the Python client

Building from source

It's assumed the commands below are run from the directory where this file is located, i.e. from $KUDU_HOME/examples/python/basic-python-example.

NOTE: This example assumes that all Kudu C++ components are already built in $KUDU_HOME/build/latest. That directory is pointing to the latest build, which is often times a debug build. If this is not the desired approach, you will need to point the latest symbolic link to the release build Kudu directory.

export KUDU_HOME=/path/to/kudu
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KUDU_HOME/build/latest/lib/exported
# For OS X
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KUDU_HOME/build/latest/lib/exported
pushd $KUDU_HOME/python
pip install -r requirements.txt
python build_ext --inplace
python install

Installing from pypi

NOTE: This example is pointing to the latest build, which is often times a debug build. If this is not the desired approach, you will need to point this to the release build.

export KUDU_HOME=/path/to/kudu
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KUDU_HOME/build/latest/lib/exported
# For OS X
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KUDU_HOME/build/latest/lib/exported
pip install kudu-python

Running the example

python --masters master1.address --ports 7051