blob: 30a15626d7443304618e9aba7320875d8f440894 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <gflags/gflags_declare.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include "kudu/fs/dir_manager.h"
#include "kudu/fs/error_manager.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/ref_counted.h"
#include "kudu/util/env.h"
#include "kudu/util/metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/oid_generator.h"
#include "kudu/util/path_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/status.h"
namespace kudu {
namespace security {
class KeyProvider;
} // namespace security
} // namespace kudu
namespace kudu {
class BlockId;
class FileCache;
class InstanceMetadataPB;
class MemTracker;
class Timer;
namespace fs {
class BlockManager;
class DataDirManager;
class FsManagerTestBase_TestDuplicatePaths_Test;
class FsManagerTestBase_TestEIOWhileRunningUpdateDirsTool_Test;
class FsManagerTestBase_TestIsolatedMetadataDir_Test;
class FsManagerTestBase_TestMetadataDirInDataRoot_Test;
class FsManagerTestBase_TestMetadataDirInWALRoot_Test;
class FsManagerTestBase_TestOpenWithDuplicateInstanceFiles_Test;
class ReadableBlock;
class WritableBlock;
struct CreateBlockOptions;
struct FsReport;
} // namespace fs
namespace itest {
class MiniClusterFsInspector;
} // namespace itest
namespace tserver {
class MiniTabletServerTest_TestFsLayoutEndToEnd_Test;
} // namespace tserver
// Options that control the behavior of FsManager.
struct FsManagerOpts {
// Creates a new FsManagerOpts with default values.
// Creates a new FsManagerOpts with default values except 'wal_root' and
// 'data_roots', which are both initialized to 'root'.
// Should only be used in unit tests.
explicit FsManagerOpts(const std::string& root);
// The entity under which all metrics should be grouped. If null, metrics
// will not be produced.
// Defaults to null.
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> metric_entity;
// The memory tracker under which all new memory trackers will be parented.
// If null, new memory trackers will be parented to the root tracker.
// Defaults to null.
std::shared_ptr<MemTracker> parent_mem_tracker;
// The directory root where WALs will be stored. Cannot be empty.
std::string wal_root;
// The directory root where data blocks will be stored. If empty, Kudu will
// use the WAL root.
std::vector<std::string> data_roots;
// The directory root where metadata will be stored. If empty, Kudu will use
// the WAL root, or the first configured data root if metadata already exists
// in it from a previous deployment (the only option in Kudu 1.6 and below
// was to use the first data root).
std::string metadata_root;
// The block manager type. Must be either "file" or "log".
// Defaults to the value of FLAGS_block_manager.
std::string block_manager_type;
// Whether or not read-write operations should be allowed.
// Defaults to false.
bool read_only;
// Whether to update the on-disk instances when opening directories if
// inconsistencies are detected.
fs::UpdateInstanceBehavior update_instances;
// The file cache to be used for long-lived opened files (e.g. in the block
// manager). If null, opened files will not be cached.
// Defaults to null.
FileCache* file_cache;
// Whether or not to skip opening the block manager. FsManager operations that
// require the block manager will crash.
// Default to false.
bool skip_block_manager;
// FsManager provides helpers to read data and metadata files,
// and it's responsible for abstracting the file-system layout.
// The user should not be aware of where files are placed,
// but instead should interact with the storage in terms of "open the block xyz"
// or "write a new schema metadata file for table kwz".
// The current layout is:
// <kudu.root.dir>/data/
// <kudu.root.dir>/data/<prefix-0>/<prefix-2>/<prefix-4>/<name>
class FsManager {
static const char *kWalFileNamePrefix;
static const char *kWalsRecoveryDirSuffix;
FsManager(Env* env, FsManagerOpts opts);
// ==========================================================================
// Initialization
// ==========================================================================
// Initializes and loads the instance metadata files, and verifies that they
// are all matching, returning any root paths that do not have metadata
// files. Sets 'metadata_' on success, and returns NotFound if none of the
// metadata files could be read. This must be called before calling uuid().
// This only partially initialize the FsManager to expose the file
// system's UUID. To do anything more than that, call Open() or
// CreateInitialFileSystemLayout().
Status PartialOpen(CanonicalizedRootsList* missing_roots = nullptr);
// Initializes and loads the basic filesystem metadata, checking it for
// inconsistencies. If found, and if the FsManager was not constructed in
// read-only mode, an attempt will be made to repair them.
// If 'report' is not null, it will be populated with the results of the
// check (and repair, if applicable); otherwise, the results of the check
// will be logged and the presence of fatal inconsistencies will manifest as
// a returned error.
// If the filesystem has not been initialized, returns NotFound. In that
// case, CreateInitialFileSystemLayout() may be used to initialize the
// on-disk and in-memory structures.
// If 'read_instance_metadata_files' and 'read_data_directories' are not nullptr,
// they will be populated with time spent reading the instance metadata files
// and time spent reading data directories respectively.
// If 'containers_processed' and 'containers_total' are not nullptr, they will
// be populated with total containers attempted to be opened/processed and
// total containers present respectively in the subsequent calls made to
// the block manager.
Status Open(fs::FsReport* report = nullptr,
Timer* read_instance_metadata_files = nullptr,
Timer* read_data_directories = nullptr,
std::atomic<int>* containers_processed = nullptr,
std::atomic<int>* containers_total = nullptr );
// Create the initial filesystem layout. If 'uuid' is provided, uses it as
// uuid of the filesystem. Otherwise generates one at random. If 'server_key',
// 'server_key_iv', and 'server_key_version' are provided, they are used as
// the server key of the filesystem. Otherwise, if encryption is enabled,
// generates one at random.
// Returns an error if the file system is already initialized.
Status CreateInitialFileSystemLayout(
std::optional<std::string> uuid = std::nullopt,
std::optional<std::string> server_key = std::nullopt,
std::optional<std::string> server_key_iv = std::nullopt,
std::optional<std::string> server_key_version = std::nullopt);
// ==========================================================================
// Error handling helpers
// ==========================================================================
// Registers an error-handling callback with the FsErrorManager.
// If a disk failure is detected, this callback will be invoked with the
// relevant DataDir's UUID as its input parameter.
void SetErrorNotificationCb(fs::ErrorHandlerType e, fs::ErrorNotificationCb cb);
// Unregisters the error-handling callback with the FsErrorManager.
// This must be called before the callback's callee is destroyed. Calls to
// this are idempotent and are safe even if a callback has not been set.
void UnsetErrorNotificationCb(fs::ErrorHandlerType e);
// ==========================================================================
// Data read/write interfaces
// ==========================================================================
// Creates a new block based on the options specified in 'opts'.
// Block will be synced on close.
Status CreateNewBlock(const fs::CreateBlockOptions& opts,
std::unique_ptr<fs::WritableBlock>* block);
Status OpenBlock(const BlockId& block_id,
std::unique_ptr<fs::ReadableBlock>* block);
bool BlockExists(const BlockId& block_id) const;
// ==========================================================================
// on-disk path
// ==========================================================================
std::vector<std::string> GetDataRootDirs() const;
std::string GetWalsRootDir() const {
return JoinPathSegments(canonicalized_wal_fs_root_.path, kWalDirName);
std::string GetTabletWalDir(const std::string& tablet_id) const {
return JoinPathSegments(GetWalsRootDir(), tablet_id);
std::string GetTabletWalRecoveryDir(const std::string& tablet_id) const;
std::string GetWalSegmentFileName(const std::string& tablet_id,
uint64_t sequence_number) const;
// Return the directory where tablet superblocks should be stored.
std::string GetTabletMetadataDir() const;
// Return the path for a specific tablet's superblock.
std::string GetTabletMetadataPath(const std::string& tablet_id) const;
// List the tablet IDs in the metadata directory.
Status ListTabletIds(std::vector<std::string>* tablet_ids);
// Return the path where InstanceMetadataPB is stored.
std::string GetInstanceMetadataPath(const std::string& root) const;
// Return the directory where the consensus metadata is stored.
std::string GetConsensusMetadataDir() const {
return JoinPathSegments(canonicalized_metadata_fs_root_.path, kConsensusMetadataDirName);
// Return the path where ConsensusMetadataPB is stored.
std::string GetConsensusMetadataPath(const std::string& tablet_id) const {
return JoinPathSegments(GetConsensusMetadataDir(), tablet_id);
Env* env() { return env_; }
bool read_only() const {
return opts_.read_only;
// Return the UUID persisted in the local filesystem. If PartialOpen() or
// Open() have not been called, this will crash.
const std::string& uuid() const;
// Return the server key persisted on the local filesystem. After the server
// key is decrypted, it can be used to encrypt/decrypt file keys on the
// filesystem. If PartialOpen() or Open() have not been called, this will
// crash. If the file system is not encrypted, it returns an empty string.
const std::string& server_key() const;
// Return the initialization vector for the server key.
const std::string& server_key_iv() const;
// Return the version of the server key.
const std::string& server_key_version() const;
// ==========================================================================
// file-system helpers
// ==========================================================================
bool Exists(const std::string& path) const {
return env_->FileExists(path);
Status ListDir(const std::string& path, std::vector<std::string> *objects) const {
return env_->GetChildren(path, objects);
fs::DataDirManager* dd_manager() const {
return dd_manager_.get();
fs::BlockManager* block_manager() {
return block_manager_.get();
// Prints the file system trees under the file system roots.
void DumpFileSystemTree(std::ostream& out);
bool meta_on_xfs() const {
return meta_on_xfs_;
FRIEND_TEST(fs::FsManagerTestBase, TestDuplicatePaths);
FRIEND_TEST(fs::FsManagerTestBase, TestEIOWhileRunningUpdateDirsTool);
FRIEND_TEST(fs::FsManagerTestBase, TestIsolatedMetadataDir);
FRIEND_TEST(fs::FsManagerTestBase, TestMetadataDirInWALRoot);
FRIEND_TEST(fs::FsManagerTestBase, TestMetadataDirInDataRoot);
FRIEND_TEST(fs::FsManagerTestBase, TestOpenWithDuplicateInstanceFiles);
FRIEND_TEST(tserver::MiniTabletServerTest, TestFsLayoutEndToEnd);
friend class itest::MiniClusterFsInspector; // for access to directory names
// Initializes, sanitizes, and canonicalizes the filesystem roots.
// Determines the correct filesystem root for tablet-specific metadata.
Status Init();
// Select and create an instance of the appropriate block manager.
// Does not actually perform any on-disk operations.
void InitBlockManager();
// Creates filesystem roots from 'canonicalized_roots', writing new on-disk
// instances using 'metadata'.
// All created directories and files will be appended to 'created_dirs' and
// 'created_files' respectively. It is the responsibility of the caller to
// synchronize the directories containing these newly created file objects.
Status CreateFileSystemRoots(CanonicalizedRootsList canonicalized_roots,
const InstanceMetadataPB& metadata,
std::vector<std::string>* created_dirs,
std::vector<std::string>* created_files);
// Create a new InstanceMetadataPB.
Status CreateInstanceMetadata(std::optional<std::string> uuid,
std::optional<std::string> server_key,
std::optional<std::string> server_key_iv,
std::optional<std::string> server_key_version,
InstanceMetadataPB* metadata);
// Save a InstanceMetadataPB to the filesystem.
// Does not mutate the current state of the fsmanager.
Status WriteInstanceMetadata(const InstanceMetadataPB& metadata,
const std::string& root);
// ==========================================================================
// file-system helpers
// ==========================================================================
// Prints the file system tree for the objects in 'objects' under the given
// 'path'. Prints lines with the given 'prefix'.
void DumpFileSystemTree(std::ostream& out,
const std::string& prefix,
const std::string& path,
const std::vector<std::string>& objects);
// Deletes leftover temporary files in all "special" top-level directories
// (e.g. WAL root directory).
// Logs warnings in case of errors.
void CleanTmpFiles();
// Checks that the permissions of the root data directories conform to the
// configured umask, and tightens them as necessary if they do not.
void CheckAndFixPermissions();
// Returns true if 'fname' is a valid tablet ID.
bool IsValidTabletId(const std::string& fname);
static const char *kDataDirName;
static const char *kTabletMetadataDirName;
static const char *kWalDirName;
static const char *kInstanceMetadataFileName;
static const char *kConsensusMetadataDirName;
// The environment to be used for all filesystem operations.
Env* env_;
// The options that the FsManager was created with.
const FsManagerOpts opts_;
// Canonicalized forms of the root directories. Constructed during Init()
// with ordering maintained.
// - The first data root is used as the metadata root.
// - Common roots in the collections have been deduplicated.
CanonicalizedRootAndStatus canonicalized_wal_fs_root_;
CanonicalizedRootAndStatus canonicalized_metadata_fs_root_;
CanonicalizedRootsList canonicalized_data_fs_roots_;
CanonicalizedRootsList canonicalized_all_fs_roots_;
std::unique_ptr<InstanceMetadataPB> metadata_;
std::unique_ptr<fs::FsErrorManager> error_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<fs::DataDirManager> dd_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<fs::BlockManager> block_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<security::KeyProvider> key_provider_;
ObjectIdGenerator oid_generator_;
bool initted_;
// Cache whether or not the metadata directory is on an XFS directory.
bool meta_on_xfs_;
} // namespace kudu