blob: b9d35b7faf09a48e842e8ac2107e1072c1e1ee2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "kudu/master/sentry_privileges_fetcher.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "kudu/common/table_util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/macros.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/map-util.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/port.h"
#include "kudu/gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "kudu/master/sentry_client_metrics.h"
#include "kudu/master/sentry_privileges_cache_metrics.h"
#include "kudu/sentry/sentry_action.h"
#include "kudu/sentry/sentry_authorizable_scope.h"
#include "kudu/sentry/sentry_client.h"
#include "kudu/sentry/sentry_policy_service_types.h"
#include "kudu/thrift/client.h"
#include "kudu/thrift/ha_client_metrics.h"
#include "kudu/util/async_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_tags.h"
#include "kudu/util/flag_validators.h"
#include "kudu/util/malloc.h"
#include "kudu/util/monotime.h"
#include "kudu/util/net/net_util.h"
#include "kudu/util/slice.h"
#include "kudu/util/test_util_prod.h"
#include "kudu/util/trace.h"
#include "kudu/util/ttl_cache_metrics.h"
DEFINE_string(sentry_service_rpc_addresses, "",
"Comma-separated list of RPC addresses of the Sentry service(s). When "
"set, Sentry integration is enabled, fine-grained access control is "
"enforced in the master, and clients are issued authorization tokens. "
"Must match the value of the sentry.service.client.server.rpc-addresses "
"option in the Sentry server configuration.");
DEFINE_string(server_name, "server1",
"Configures which server namespace the Kudu instance belongs to for defining "
"server-level privileges in Sentry. Used to distinguish a particular Kudu "
"cluster in case of a multi-cluster setup. Must match the value of the "
"hive.sentry.server option in the HiveServer2 configuration, and the value "
"of the --server_name in Impala configuration.");
DEFINE_string(kudu_service_name, "kudu",
"The service name of the Kudu server. Must match the service name "
"used for Kudu server of option in the "
"Sentry server configuration.");
DEFINE_string(sentry_service_kerberos_principal, "sentry",
"The service principal of the Sentry server. Must match the primary "
"(user) portion of sentry.service.server.principal option in the "
"Sentry server configuration.");
DEFINE_string(sentry_service_security_mode, "kerberos",
"Configures whether Thrift connections to the Sentry server use "
"SASL (Kerberos) security. Must match the value of the "
"‘’ option in the Sentry server "
DEFINE_int32(sentry_service_retry_count, 1,
"The number of times that Sentry operations will retry after "
"encountering retriable failures, such as network errors.");
TAG_FLAG(sentry_service_retry_count, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(sentry_service_send_timeout_seconds, 60,
"Configures the socket send timeout, in seconds, for Thrift "
"connections to the Sentry server.");
TAG_FLAG(sentry_service_send_timeout_seconds, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(sentry_service_recv_timeout_seconds, 60,
"Configures the socket receive timeout, in seconds, for Thrift "
"connections to the Sentry server.");
TAG_FLAG(sentry_service_recv_timeout_seconds, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(sentry_service_conn_timeout_seconds, 60,
"Configures the socket connect timeout, in seconds, for Thrift "
"connections to the Sentry server.");
TAG_FLAG(sentry_service_conn_timeout_seconds, advanced);
DEFINE_int32(sentry_service_max_message_size_bytes, 100 * 1024 * 1024,
"Maximum size of Sentry objects that can be received by the "
"Sentry client in bytes. Must match the value of the "
"sentry.policy.client.thrift.max.message.size option in the "
"Sentry server configuration.");
TAG_FLAG(sentry_service_max_message_size_bytes, advanced);
// TODO(aserbin): provide some reasonable default value for the
// --sentry_privileges_cache_capacity_mb flag. Maybe, make it
// a multiple of FLAG_sentry_service_max_message_size_bytes ?
DEFINE_uint32(sentry_privileges_cache_capacity_mb, 256,
"Capacity for the authz cache, in MiBytes. The cache stores "
"information received from Sentry. A value of 0 means Sentry "
"responses will not be cached.");
TAG_FLAG(sentry_privileges_cache_capacity_mb, advanced);
DEFINE_uint32(sentry_privileges_cache_ttl_factor, 10,
"Factor of multiplication for the authz token validity interval "
"defined by --authz_token_validity_seconds flag. The result of "
"the multiplication of this factor and authz token validity "
"defines the TTL of entries in the authz cache.");
TAG_FLAG(sentry_privileges_cache_ttl_factor, advanced);
DEFINE_uint32(sentry_privileges_cache_scrubbing_period_sec, 20,
"The interval to run the periodic task that scrubs the "
"privileges cache of expired entries. A value of 0 means expired "
"entries are only evicted when inserting new entries into a full "
TAG_FLAG(sentry_privileges_cache_scrubbing_period_sec, advanced);
DEFINE_uint32(sentry_privileges_cache_max_scrubbed_entries_per_pass, 32,
"Maximum number of entries in the privileges cache to process "
"in one pass of the periodic scrubbing task. A value of 0 means "
"there is no limit, i.e. all expired entries, if any, "
"are invalidated every time the scrubbing task runs. Note "
"that the cache is locked while the scrubbing task is running.");
TAG_FLAG(sentry_privileges_cache_max_scrubbed_entries_per_pass, advanced);
using kudu::sentry::AuthorizableScopesSet;
using kudu::sentry::SentryAction;
using kudu::sentry::SentryAuthorizableScope;
using kudu::sentry::SentryClient;
using sentry::TListSentryPrivilegesRequest;
using sentry::TListSentryPrivilegesResponse;
using sentry::TSentryAuthorizable;
using sentry::TSentryGrantOption;
using sentry::TSentryPrivilege;
using std::make_shared;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::unique_ptr;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::vector;
using strings::Substitute;
namespace kudu {
namespace master {
// Validates the sentry_service_rpc_addresses gflag.
static bool ValidateAddresses(const char* flag_name, const string& addresses) {
vector<HostPort> host_ports;
Status s = HostPort::ParseStringsWithScheme(addresses,
if (!s.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid flag " << flag_name << ": " << s.ToString();
return s.ok();
DEFINE_validator(sentry_service_rpc_addresses, &ValidateAddresses);
// This group flag validator enforces the logical dependency of the Sentry+Kudu
// fine-grain authz scheme on the integration with HMS catalog.
// The validator makes it necessary to set the --hive_metastore_uris flag
// if the --sentry_service_rpc_addresses flag is set.
// Even if Kudu could successfully fetch information on granted privileges from
// Sentry to allow or deny commencing DML operations on already existing
// tables, the information on privileges in Sentry would become inconsistent
// after DDL operations (e.g., renaming a table).
bool ValidateSentryServiceRpcAddresses() {
if (!FLAGS_sentry_service_rpc_addresses.empty() &&
FLAGS_hive_metastore_uris.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Hive Metastore catalog is required (--hive_metastore_uris) "
"to run Kudu with Sentry-backed authorization scheme "
return false;
return true;
namespace {
// Fetching privileges from Sentry gets more expensive the broader the scope of
// the authorizable is, since the API used in a fetch returns all ancestors and
// all descendents of an authorizable in its hierarchy tree.
// Even if requesting privileges at a relatively broad scope, e.g. DATABASE,
// fill in the authorizable to request a narrower scope, since the broader
// privileges (i.e. the ancestors) will be returned from Sentry anyway.
void NarrowAuthzScopeForFetch(const string& db, const string& table,
TSentryAuthorizable* authorizable) {
if (authorizable->db.empty()) {
if (authorizable->table.empty()) {
// Returns an authorizable based on the given database and table name and the
// given scope.
Status GetAuthorizable(const string& db, const string& table,
SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope,
TSentryAuthorizable* authorizable) {
// We should only ever request privileges from Sentry for authorizables of
// scope equal to or higher than 'TABLE'.
DCHECK_NE(scope, SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope::COLUMN);
switch (scope) {
case SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope::TABLE:
case SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope::DATABASE:
case SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope::SERVER:
LOG(FATAL) << "unsupported SentryAuthorizableScope: "
<< sentry::ScopeToString(scope);
return Status::OK();
// A utility class to help with Sentry privilege scoping, generating sequence
// of keys to lookup corresponding entries in the cache.
class AuthzInfoKey {
// The maximum possible number of the elements in the key lookup sequence
// returned by the key_sequence() method (see below). Maximum number of keys
// to lookup in the cache is 2. See the comment for the GenerateKeySequence()
// method below for more details.
constexpr static size_t kKeySequenceMaxSize = 2;
AuthzInfoKey(const string& user,
const ::sentry::TSentryAuthorizable& authorizable);
// Get the key to lookup the corresponding entry in the cache with the scope
// of the authorizable widened as specified by the 'scope' parameter.
// E.g., if the original scope of the autorizable specified in the constructor
// was COLUMN, with the 'scope' set to TABLE the returned key is 'U/S/D/T',
// while the key for the authorizable as is would be 'U/S/D/T/C'.
const string& GetKey(SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope) const;
// This method returns the sequence of keys to look up in the cache
// if retrieving privileges granted to the 'user' on the 'authorizable'
// specified in the constructor.
const vector<string>& key_sequence() const {
return key_sequence_;
// Generate the raw key sequence: a sequence of keys for the authz scope
// hierarchy, starting from the very top (i.e. SERVER scope) and narrowing
// down to the scope of the 'authorizable' specified in the constructor.
// For example, for user 'U' and authorizable { server:S, db:D, table:T }
// the raw sequence of keys is { 'U/S', 'U/S/D', 'U/S/D/T' }.
static vector<string> GenerateRawKeySequence(
const string& user, const ::sentry::TSentryAuthorizable& authorizable);
// Generate the cache key lookup sequence: a sequence of keys to use while
// looking up corresponding entry in the authz cache. The maximum
// length of the returned sequence is limited by kCacheKeySequenceMaxSize.
// For authorizables of the TABLE scope and narrower, it returns sequence
// { 'U/S/D', 'U/S/D/T' }. For authorizables of the DATABASE scope it returns
// { 'U/S/D' }. For authorizables of the SERVER scope it returns { 'U/S' }.
static vector<string> GenerateKeySequence(const vector<string>& raw_sequence);
// Convert the Sentry authz scope to an index in the list
static size_t ScopeToRawSequenceIdx(SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope);
const vector<string> raw_key_sequence_;
const vector<string> key_sequence_;
AuthzInfoKey::AuthzInfoKey(const string& user,
const ::sentry::TSentryAuthorizable& authorizable)
: raw_key_sequence_(GenerateRawKeySequence(user, authorizable)),
key_sequence_(GenerateKeySequence(raw_key_sequence_)) {
DCHECK_GE(kKeySequenceMaxSize, key_sequence_.size());
const string& AuthzInfoKey::GetKey(SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope) const {
const size_t level = ScopeToRawSequenceIdx(scope);
if (level < raw_key_sequence_.size()) {
return raw_key_sequence_[level];
return raw_key_sequence_.back();
vector<string> AuthzInfoKey::GenerateRawKeySequence(
const string& user, const ::sentry::TSentryAuthorizable& authorizable) {
if (!authorizable.__isset.db || authorizable.db.empty()) {
return {
Substitute("$0/$1", user, authorizable.server),
if (!authorizable.__isset.table || authorizable.table.empty()) {
auto k0 = Substitute("$0/$1", user, authorizable.server);
auto k1 = Substitute("$0/$1", k0, authorizable.db);
return { std::move(k0), std::move(k1), };
if (!authorizable.__isset.column || authorizable.column.empty()) {
auto k0 = Substitute("$0/$1", user, authorizable.server);
auto k1 = Substitute("$0/$1", k0, authorizable.db);
auto k2 = Substitute("$0/$1", k1, authorizable.table);
return { std::move(k0), std::move(k1), std::move(k2), };
auto k0 = Substitute("$0/$1", user, authorizable.server);
auto k1 = Substitute("$0/$1", k0, authorizable.db);
auto k2 = Substitute("$0/$1", k1, authorizable.table);
auto k3 = Substitute("$0/$1", k2, authorizable.column);
return { std::move(k0), std::move(k1), std::move(k2), std::move(k3), };
vector<string> AuthzInfoKey::GenerateKeySequence(
const vector<string>& raw_sequence) {
vector<string> sequence;
const auto idx_db = ScopeToRawSequenceIdx(SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE);
if (idx_db < raw_sequence.size()) {
const auto idx_table = ScopeToRawSequenceIdx(SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE);
if (idx_table < raw_sequence.size()) {
if (sequence.empty()) {
DCHECK_GE(kKeySequenceMaxSize, sequence.size());
return sequence;
size_t AuthzInfoKey::ScopeToRawSequenceIdx(SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope) {
size_t idx = 0;
switch (scope) {
case SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope::SERVER:
idx = 0;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope::DATABASE:
idx = 1;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope::TABLE:
idx = 2;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope::COLUMN:
idx = 3;
LOG(DFATAL) << "unexpected scope: " << static_cast<int16_t>(scope);
return idx;
// Returns a unique string key for the given authorizable, at the given scope.
// The authorizable must be a well-formed at the given scope.
string GetKey(const string& server,
const string& db,
const string& table,
const string& column,
SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope) {
switch (scope) {
case SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER:
return server;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE:
return Substitute("$0/$1", server, db);
case SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE:
return Substitute("$0/$1/$2", server, db, table);
case SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN:
return Substitute("$0/$1/$2/$3", server, db, table, column);
LOG(DFATAL) << "not reachable";
return "";
} // anonymous namespace
const ::sentry::TSentryAuthorizable& authorizable,
const TListSentryPrivilegesResponse& response) {
DoInit(authorizable, response);
size_t SentryPrivilegesBranch::memory_footprint() const {
size_t res = kudu_malloc_usable_size(this);
// This is a simple approximation: the exact information could be available
// from the allocator of std::vector and std::string.
res += privileges_.capacity() * sizeof(AuthorizablePrivileges);
for (const auto& p : privileges_) {
res += p.db_name.capacity();
res += p.table_name.capacity();
res += p.column_name.capacity();
res += sizeof(decltype(p.allowed_actions));
return res;
void SentryPrivilegesBranch::Merge(const SentryPrivilegesBranch& other) {
std::copy(other.privileges_.begin(), other.privileges_.end(),
void SentryPrivilegesBranch::Split(
SentryPrivilegesBranch* other_scope_db,
SentryPrivilegesBranch* other_scope_table) const {
SentryPrivilegesBranch scope_db;
SentryPrivilegesBranch scope_table;
for (const auto& e : privileges_) {
switch (e.scope) {
case SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER:
case SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE:
case SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE:
case SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN:
LOG(DFATAL) << "not reachable";
*other_scope_db = std::move(scope_db);
*other_scope_table = std::move(scope_table);
void SentryPrivilegesBranch::DoInit(
const ::sentry::TSentryAuthorizable& authorizable,
const TListSentryPrivilegesResponse& response) {
unordered_map<string, AuthorizablePrivileges> privileges_map;
for (const auto& privilege_resp : response.privileges) {
SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope;
SentryAction::Action action;
if (!SentryPrivilegesFetcher::SentryPrivilegeIsWellFormed(
privilege_resp, authorizable, &scope, &action)) {
VLOG(1) << "ignoring privilege response: " << privilege_resp;
const auto& db = privilege_resp.dbName;
const auto& table = privilege_resp.tableName;
const auto& column = privilege_resp.columnName;
const string authorizable_key = GetKey(privilege_resp.serverName,
db, table, column, scope);
auto& privilege = LookupOrInsert(&privileges_map, authorizable_key,
AuthorizablePrivileges(scope, db, table, column));
InsertIfNotPresent(&privilege.allowed_actions, action);
if (action == SentryAction::ALL || action == SentryAction::OWNER) {
privilege.all_with_grant =
(privilege_resp.grantOption == TSentryGrantOption::ENABLED);
if (VLOG_IS_ON(1)) {
if (action != SentryAction::ALL && action != SentryAction::OWNER &&
privilege_resp.grantOption == TSentryGrantOption::ENABLED) {
VLOG(1) << "ignoring ENABLED grant option for unknown action: "
<< static_cast<int16_t>(action);
EmplaceValuesFromMap(std::move(privileges_map), &privileges_);
scoped_refptr<MetricEntity> metric_entity)
: metric_entity_(std::move(metric_entity)) {
if (metric_entity_) {
std::unique_ptr<SentryClientMetrics> metrics(
new SentryClientMetrics(metric_entity_));
Status SentryPrivilegesFetcher::Start() {
// The semantics of SentryAuthzProvider's Start()/Stop() don't guarantee
// immutability of the Sentry service's end-point between restarts. So, since
// the information in the cache might become irrelevant after restarting
// 'sentry_client_' with different Sentry address, it makes sense to clear
// the cache of all accumulated entries.
vector<HostPort> addresses;
thrift::ClientOptions options;
options.enable_kerberos = boost::iequals(
FLAGS_sentry_service_security_mode, "kerberos");
options.service_principal =
options.send_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(
options.recv_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(
options.conn_timeout = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(
options.max_buf_size =
options.retry_count =
return sentry_client_.Start(std::move(addresses), std::move(options));
void SentryPrivilegesFetcher::Stop() {
Status SentryPrivilegesFetcher::ResetCache() {
const auto cache_capacity_bytes =
FLAGS_sentry_privileges_cache_capacity_mb * 1024 * 1024;
shared_ptr<PrivilegeCache> new_cache;
if (cache_capacity_bytes != 0) {
const auto cache_entry_ttl = MonoDelta::FromSeconds(
FLAGS_authz_token_validity_seconds *
MonoDelta cache_scrubbing_period; // explicitly non-initialized variable
if (FLAGS_sentry_privileges_cache_scrubbing_period_sec > 0) {
cache_scrubbing_period = std::min(cache_entry_ttl, MonoDelta::FromSeconds(
new_cache = make_shared<PrivilegeCache>(
cache_capacity_bytes, cache_entry_ttl, cache_scrubbing_period,
if (metric_entity_) {
unique_ptr<SentryPrivilegesCacheMetrics> metrics(
new SentryPrivilegesCacheMetrics(metric_entity_));
std::lock_guard<rw_spinlock> l(cache_lock_);
cache_ = new_cache;
return Status::OK();
Status SentryPrivilegesFetcher::GetSentryPrivileges(
SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope requested_scope,
const string& table_ident,
const string& user,
SentryCaching caching,
SentryPrivilegesBranch* privileges) {
Slice db_slice;
Slice table_slice;
RETURN_NOT_OK(ParseHiveTableIdentifier(table_ident, &db_slice, &table_slice));
const string table = table_slice.ToString();
const string db = db_slice.ToString();
// 1. Put together the requested authorizable.
TSentryAuthorizable authorizable;
RETURN_NOT_OK(GetAuthorizable(db, table, requested_scope, &authorizable));
if (PREDICT_FALSE(requested_scope == SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER &&
!IsGTest())) {
// A request for an authorizable of the scope wider than DATABASE is served,
// but the response from Sentry is not cached. With current privilege
// scheme, SentryPrivilegesFetcher is not expected to request authorizables
// of the SERVER scope unless this method is called from test code.
LOG(DFATAL) << Substitute(
"requesting privileges of the SERVER scope from Sentry "
"on authorizable '$0' for user '$1'", table_ident, user);
// Not expecting requests for authorizables of the scope narrower than TABLE,
// even in tests.
DCHECK_NE(SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN, requested_scope);
const AuthzInfoKey requested_info(user, authorizable);
// Do not query Sentry for authz scopes narrower than 'TABLE'.
const auto& requested_key = requested_info.GetKey(SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE);
const auto& requested_key_seq = requested_info.key_sequence();
// 2. Check the cache to see if it contains the requested privileges.
// Copy the shared pointer to the cache. That's necessary because:
// * the cache_ member may be reset by concurrent ResetCache()
// * TTLCache is based on Cache that doesn't allow for outstanding handles
// if the cache itself destructed (in this case, goes out of scope).
shared_ptr<PrivilegeCache> cache;
shared_lock<rw_spinlock> l(cache_lock_);
cache = cache_;
vector<typename PrivilegeCache::EntryHandle> handles;
if (PREDICT_TRUE(cache)) {
for (const auto& e : requested_key_seq) {
auto handle = cache->Get(e);
VLOG(3) << Substitute("'$0': '$1' key lookup", requested_key, e);
if (!handle) {
VLOG(2) << Substitute("'$0': '$1' key found", requested_key, e);
// If the cache contains all the necessary information, repackage the
// cached information and return as the result.
if (handles.size() == requested_key_seq.size()) {
SentryPrivilegesBranch result;
for (const auto& e : handles) {
*privileges = std::move(result);
return Status::OK();
// 3. The required privileges do not exist in the cache. Fetch them from
// Sentry.
// Narrow the scope of the authorizable to limit the number of privileges
// sent back from Sentry to be relevant to the provided table.
NarrowAuthzScopeForFetch(db, table, &authorizable);
const AuthzInfoKey full_authz_info(user, authorizable);
const string& full_key = full_authz_info.GetKey(SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE);
Synchronizer sync;
bool is_first_request = false;
// The result (i.e. the retrieved informaton on privileges) might be used
// independently by multiple threads. The shared ownership approach simplifies
// passing the information around.
shared_ptr<SentryPrivilegesBranch> fetched_privileges;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(pending_requests_lock_);
auto& pending_request = LookupOrEmplace(&pending_requests_,
full_key, SentryRequestsInfo());
// Is the queue of pending requests for the same key empty?
// If yes, that's the first request being sent out.
is_first_request = pending_request.callbacks.empty();
if (is_first_request) {
pending_request.result = make_shared<SentryPrivilegesBranch>();
fetched_privileges = pending_request.result;
if (!is_first_request) {
TRACE("Waiting for in-flight request to Sentry");
*privileges = *fetched_privileges;
return Status::OK();
TRACE("Fetching privileges from Sentry");
const auto s = FetchPrivilegesFromSentry(FLAGS_kudu_service_name,
user, authorizable,
// 4. Cache the privileges from Sentry.
if (s.ok() && PREDICT_TRUE(cache)) {
// Put the result into the cache. Negative results (i.e. errors) are not
// cached. Split the information on privileges into at most two cache
// entries, for authorizables of scope:
// From this perspective, privileges on a corresponding authorizable of the
// DATABASE scope might be cached as a by-product when the original request
// comes for an authorizable of the TABLE scope.
SentryPrivilegesBranch priv_srv_db;
SentryPrivilegesBranch priv_table_column;
fetched_privileges->Split(&priv_srv_db, &priv_table_column);
if (requested_scope != SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER) {
unique_ptr<SentryPrivilegesBranch> result_ptr(
new SentryPrivilegesBranch(std::move(priv_srv_db)));
const auto& db_key = full_authz_info.GetKey(SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE);
const auto result_footprint =
result_ptr->memory_footprint() + db_key.capacity();
cache->Put(db_key, std::move(result_ptr), result_footprint);
VLOG(2) << Substitute(
"added entry of size $0 bytes for key '$1' (server-database scope)",
result_footprint, db_key);
if (caching == ALL) {
unique_ptr<SentryPrivilegesBranch> result_ptr(
new SentryPrivilegesBranch(std::move(priv_table_column)));
const auto& table_key = full_authz_info.GetKey(SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE);
const auto result_footprint =
result_ptr->memory_footprint() + table_key.capacity();
cache->Put(table_key, std::move(result_ptr), result_footprint);
VLOG(2) << Substitute(
"added entry of size $0 bytes for key '$1' (table-column scope)",
result_footprint, table_key);
// 5. Run any pending callbacks and return.
SentryRequestsInfo info;
std::lock_guard<simple_spinlock> l(pending_requests_lock_);
info = EraseKeyReturnValuePtr(&pending_requests_, full_key);
CHECK_LE(1, info.callbacks.size());
for (auto& cb : info.callbacks) {
*privileges = *fetched_privileges;
return Status::OK();
// In addition to sanity checking of the contents of TSentryPrivilege in
// 'privilege', this function has DCHECKs to spot programmer's errors
// with regard to correctly setting fields of the 'requested_authorizable'
// parameter.
bool SentryPrivilegesFetcher::SentryPrivilegeIsWellFormed(
const TSentryPrivilege& privilege,
const TSentryAuthorizable& requested_authorizable,
SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope* scope,
SentryAction::Action* action) {
DCHECK_EQ(FLAGS_server_name, requested_authorizable.server);
// A requested table must be accompanied by a database.
bool authorizable_has_db = !requested_authorizable.db.empty();
bool authorizable_has_table = !requested_authorizable.table.empty();
DCHECK((authorizable_has_db && authorizable_has_table) || !authorizable_has_table);
// Ignore anything that isn't a Kudu-related privilege.
SentryAuthorizableScope granted_scope;
SentryAction granted_action;
Status s = SentryAuthorizableScope::FromString(privilege.privilegeScope, &granted_scope)
.AndThen([&] {
return SentryAction::FromString(privilege.action, &granted_action);
if (!s.ok()) {
return false;
// Make sure that there aren't extraneous fields set in the privilege.
for (const auto& empty_field : ExpectedEmptyFields(granted_scope.scope())) {
switch (empty_field) {
case SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN:
if (!privilege.columnName.empty()) {
return false;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE:
if (!privilege.tableName.empty()) {
return false;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE:
if (!privilege.dbName.empty()) {
return false;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER:
if (!privilege.serverName.empty()) {
return false;
LOG(DFATAL) << Substitute("Granted privilege has invalid scope: $0",
// Make sure that all expected fields are set, and that they match those in
// the requested authorizable. Sentry auhtorizables are case-insensitive
// due to the properties of Kudu-HMS integration.
for (const auto& nonempty_field : ExpectedNonEmptyFields(granted_scope.scope())) {
switch (nonempty_field) {
case SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN:
if (!privilege.__isset.columnName || privilege.columnName.empty()) {
return false;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE:
if (!privilege.__isset.tableName || privilege.tableName.empty() ||
(authorizable_has_table &&
!boost::iequals(privilege.tableName, requested_authorizable.table))) {
return false;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE:
if (!privilege.__isset.dbName || privilege.dbName.empty() ||
(authorizable_has_db &&
!boost::iequals(privilege.dbName, requested_authorizable.db))) {
return false;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER:
if (privilege.serverName.empty() ||
!boost::iequals(privilege.serverName, requested_authorizable.server)) {
return false;
LOG(DFATAL) << Substitute("Granted privilege has invalid scope: $0",
*scope = granted_scope.scope();
*action = granted_action.action();
return true;
const AuthorizableScopesSet& SentryPrivilegesFetcher::ExpectedEmptyFields(
SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope) {
static const AuthorizableScopesSet kServerFields{ SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE,
SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN };
static const AuthorizableScopesSet kDbFields{ SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE,
SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN };
static const AuthorizableScopesSet kTableFields{ SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN };
static const AuthorizableScopesSet kColumnFields{};
switch (scope) {
case SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER:
return kServerFields;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE:
return kDbFields;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE:
return kTableFields;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN:
return kColumnFields;
LOG(DFATAL) << "not reachable";
return kColumnFields;
const AuthorizableScopesSet& SentryPrivilegesFetcher::ExpectedNonEmptyFields(
SentryAuthorizableScope::Scope scope) {
static const AuthorizableScopesSet kColumnFields{ SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER,
SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN };
static const AuthorizableScopesSet kTableFields{ SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER,
SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE };
static const AuthorizableScopesSet kDbFields{ SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER,
SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE };
static const AuthorizableScopesSet kServerFields{ SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER };
switch (scope) {
case SentryAuthorizableScope::COLUMN:
return kColumnFields;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::TABLE:
return kTableFields;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::DATABASE:
return kDbFields;
case SentryAuthorizableScope::SERVER:
return kServerFields;
LOG(DFATAL) << "not reachable";
return kColumnFields;
Status SentryPrivilegesFetcher::FetchPrivilegesFromSentry(
const string& service_name,
const string& user,
const TSentryAuthorizable& authorizable,
SentryPrivilegesBranch* result) {
TListSentryPrivilegesRequest request;
TListSentryPrivilegesResponse response;
[&] (SentryClient* client) {
return client->ListPrivilegesByUser(request, &response);
*result = SentryPrivilegesBranch(authorizable, response);
return Status::OK();
} // namespace master
} // namespace kudu