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| <p>This class represents an error which occurred in a write operation. |
| <a href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduError.html#details">More...</a></p> |
| |
| <p><code>#include <<a class="el" href="client_8h_source.html">client.h</a>></code></p> |
| <table class="memberdecls"> |
| <tr class="heading"><td colspan="2"><h2 class="groupheader"><a name="pub-methods"></a> |
| Public Member Functions</h2></td></tr> |
| <tr class="memitem:abd5c5cd46255c8587a5562aec197077c"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">const <a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1Status.html">Status</a> & </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduError.html#abd5c5cd46255c8587a5562aec197077c">status</a> () const </td></tr> |
| <tr class="separator:abd5c5cd46255c8587a5562aec197077c"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr> |
| <tr class="memitem:aaa1558d1db19ae85cf8ce1979b3e538a"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">const <a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduWriteOperation.html">KuduWriteOperation</a> & </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduError.html#aaa1558d1db19ae85cf8ce1979b3e538a">failed_op</a> () const </td></tr> |
| <tr class="separator:aaa1558d1db19ae85cf8ce1979b3e538a"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr> |
| <tr class="memitem:ae1a49bd16eeff4d2ab88fa70e1dc3c6a"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top"><a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduWriteOperation.html">KuduWriteOperation</a> * </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduError.html#ae1a49bd16eeff4d2ab88fa70e1dc3c6a">release_failed_op</a> ()</td></tr> |
| <tr class="separator:ae1a49bd16eeff4d2ab88fa70e1dc3c6a"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr> |
| <tr class="memitem:a178b3cee942e4fbbe21fef859c8da3aa"><td class="memItemLeft" align="right" valign="top">bool </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduError.html#a178b3cee942e4fbbe21fef859c8da3aa">was_possibly_successful</a> () const </td></tr> |
| <tr class="separator:a178b3cee942e4fbbe21fef859c8da3aa"><td class="memSeparator" colspan="2"> </td></tr> |
| </table> |
| <a name="details" id="details"></a><h2 class="groupheader">Detailed Description</h2> |
| <div class="textblock"><p>This class represents an error which occurred in a write operation. </p> |
| <p>Using an instance of this class, it is possible to track error details such as the operation which caused the error, along with whatever the actual error was. </p> |
| </div><h2 class="groupheader">Member Function Documentation</h2> |
| <a class="anchor" id="aaa1558d1db19ae85cf8ce1979b3e538a"></a> |
| <div class="memitem"> |
| <div class="memproto"> |
| <table class="memname"> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="memname">const <a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduWriteOperation.html">KuduWriteOperation</a>& kudu::client::KuduError::failed_op </td> |
| <td>(</td> |
| <td class="paramname"></td><td>)</td> |
| <td> const</td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| </div><div class="memdoc"> |
| <dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>The operation which failed. </dd></dl> |
| |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <a class="anchor" id="ae1a49bd16eeff4d2ab88fa70e1dc3c6a"></a> |
| <div class="memitem"> |
| <div class="memproto"> |
| <table class="memname"> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="memname"><a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduWriteOperation.html">KuduWriteOperation</a>* kudu::client::KuduError::release_failed_op </td> |
| <td>(</td> |
| <td class="paramname"></td><td>)</td> |
| <td></td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| </div><div class="memdoc"> |
| <p>Release the operation that failed.</p> |
| <p>This method must be called only once on an instance of the <a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1client_1_1KuduError.html" title="This class represents an error which occurred in a write operation. ">KuduError</a> class.</p> |
| <dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>Raw pointer to write operation object. The caller takes ownership of the returned object. </dd></dl> |
| |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <a class="anchor" id="abd5c5cd46255c8587a5562aec197077c"></a> |
| <div class="memitem"> |
| <div class="memproto"> |
| <table class="memname"> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="memname">const <a class="el" href="classkudu_1_1Status.html">Status</a>& kudu::client::KuduError::status </td> |
| <td>(</td> |
| <td class="paramname"></td><td>)</td> |
| <td> const</td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| </div><div class="memdoc"> |
| <dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>The actual error which occurred. </dd></dl> |
| |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <a class="anchor" id="a178b3cee942e4fbbe21fef859c8da3aa"></a> |
| <div class="memitem"> |
| <div class="memproto"> |
| <table class="memname"> |
| <tr> |
| <td class="memname">bool kudu::client::KuduError::was_possibly_successful </td> |
| <td>(</td> |
| <td class="paramname"></td><td>)</td> |
| <td> const</td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| </div><div class="memdoc"> |
| <p>Check if there is a chance that the requested operation was successful.</p> |
| <p>In some cases, it is possible that the server did receive and successfully perform the requested operation, but the client can't tell whether or not it was successful. For example, if the call times out, the server may still succeed in processing at a later time.</p> |
| <dl class="section return"><dt>Returns</dt><dd>This function returns <code>true</code> if there is some chance that the server did process the operation, and <code>false</code> if it can guarantee that the operation did not succeed. </dd></dl> |
| |
| </div> |
| </div> |
| <hr/>The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:<ul> |
| <li>include/kudu/client/<a class="el" href="client_8h_source.html">client.h</a></li> |
| </ul> |
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