Source and Downloads

Source repositories

Our source repositories are available on GitHub:

Kibble-1 Main Server/UI

This is the main server and UI for Kibble. It consists of four parts parts:

  • A database (ElasticSearch)
  • An OpenAPI-driven WSGI interface for displaying pages and operating the JSON API (as well as printing the API docs).
  • A user interface for managing the database, user accounts and requesting visualizations
  • A visualization library for displaying all the various charts. Everything backend in Kibble is using Python 3. Everything frontend is using CoffeeScript transpiled to JavaScript.

Kibble-1 Scanner Applications

The kibble-scanners repository contains the scanning applications that gather data for the main server.

  • They are essentially tiny plugins managed by a main application ( and gather what they figure they can find about a data source.
  • They connect to the master server, fetch a list of data sources to analyse, and then each plugin decides whether it wants to work with that source, sorted by a run-order (so that fetching a git repository happens before analysing it etc).
  • They then collect and formalize data objects, which can be an email, a commit, a person, an issue etc, and pass all that back to the main server's database.

Kibble Web Site

This is our project web site. It uses the in the src folder to generate html from the markdown source. See BUILDING.txt there.

Kibble - the next generation is WIP

We are currently working on a roadmap to redesign and re-write Kibble so the current Kibble repository is a work in progress (WIP).The Kibble-1 repositories mentioned above contain the code used for our website demo.


Nothing available yet, sorry!