blob: a04b1e6c04bfb3a1c8f1c448dec293d1db338ef0 [file] [log] [blame]
Maven URL:
This bundle provides Karaf shell commands to manipulate the Karaf embedded OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository).
The following commands are available:
\u001B[36mobr:addUrl\u001B[0m Adds a list of repository URLs to the OBR service.
\u001B[36mobr:deploy\u001B[0m Deploys a list of bundles using OBR service.
\u001B[36mobr:find\u001B[0m Find OBR bundles for a given filter.
\u001B[36mobr:info\u001B[0m Prints information about OBR bundles.
\u001B[36mobr:list\u001B[0m Lists OBR bundles.
\u001B[36mobr:listUrl\u001B[0m Displays the repository URLs currently associated with the OBR service.
\u001B[36mobr:refreshUrl\u001B[0m Reloads the repositories to obtain a fresh list of bundles.
\u001B[36mobr:removeUrl\u001B[0m Removes a list of repository URLs from the OBR service.
\u001B[36mobr:resolve\u001B[0m Shows the resolution output for a given set of requirements.
\u001B[36mobr:source\u001B[0m Downloads the sources for an OBR bundle.
\u001B[36mobr:start\u001B[0m Deploys and starts a list of bundles using OBR.
\u001B[1mSEE ALSO\u001B[0m
\u001B[36mCommands\u001B[0m and \u001B[36mProvisioning\u001B[0m sections of the Karaf User Guide.