blob: 17b5cb4b048666fe0abb58b913bd007166de34fb [file] [log] [blame]
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The Karaf client allows for connecting remotely to a running Karaf instance.
It acts as a SSH client and sends commands to the running Karaf instance. If no commands are provided, the Karaf
client displays the Karaf instance shell on which you can interact.
To start the Karaf client, you can use the following arguments:
\u001B[36m-a [port] specify the port to connect to\u001B[0m
\u001B[36m-h [host] specify the host to connect to\u001B[0m
\u001B[36m-u [user] specify the user name\u001B[0m
\u001B[36m-p [password] specify the password\u001B[0m
\u001B[36m--help show help\u001B[0m
\u001B[36m-v raise verbosity\u001B[0m
\u001B[36m-r [attempts] retry connection establishment (up to attempts time)\u001B[0m
\u001B[36m-d [delay] intra-retry delay (default is 2 secondes)\u001B[0m
\u001B[36m[commands] commands to run\u001B[0m
\u001B[1mSEE ALSO\u001B[0m
\u001B[31mUsing remote instances\u001B[0m section of the Karaf User Guide.