tree: 86fcdef72a3a5434ab483e038738e1908e696e1b [path history] [tgz]
  1. karaf-camel-example-blueprint/
  2. karaf-camel-example-features/
  3. karaf-camel-example-java/
  4. pom.xml

Apache Karaf Camel Example


This example shows how to use Apache Camel in Karaf. Apache Camel is a integration framework, allowing you to integrate several systems and applications all together.

Apache Camel supports several DSL. This example shows how to use the Camel Java DSL and the Camel Blueprint DSL.

It creates several Camel routes, exposing HTTP endpoint and using a Content Based Router EIP (Enterprise Integration Pattern).


  • karaf-camel-example-java is a bundle containing routes described using the Camel Java DSL loaded by SCR.
  • karaf-camel-example-blueprint is just a wrapper containing routes described using Blueprint. Karaf supports deployment of this DSL directly (in the deploy folder for instance) or packaged as a bundle.
  • karaf-camel-example-features provides a Karaf features repository used for the deployment.


The build uses Apache Maven. Simply use:

mvn clean install

Feature and Deployment

On a running Karaf instance, register the features repository using:

karaf@root()> feature:repo-add mvn:org.apache.karaf.examples/karaf-camel-example-features/LATEST/xml

Then, you can install either Camel Java or Blueprint features:

karaf@root()> feature:install karaf-camel-example-java
karaf@root()> feature:install karaf-camel-example-blueprint


Once you have installed a Camel feature, the main route started and bind HTTP endpoint on http://localhost:9090/example.

We can test payloads testing different paths of the content based router.

First, let's try an e-mail request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/example -d '{ "notification": { "type": "email", "to": "", "message": "This is a test" }}'

You can see in the log that the e-mail route has been called in the log:

karaf@root()> log:display
10:24:22.453 INFO [qtp1790923892-140] [EXAMPLE INBOUND] Received: { "notification": { "type": "email", "to": "", "message": "This is a test" }}
10:24:22.465 INFO [qtp1790923892-140] [EXAMPLE INBOUND] Received email notification
10:24:22.466 INFO [qtp1790923892-140] [EXAMPLE EMAIL] Sending notification email

And we have the curl response confirming it:

{ "status": "email sent", "to": "", "subject": "Notification"}

We can also test the http path of the content based router:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:9090/example -d '{ "notification": { "type": "http", "service": "http://foo" }}'

We can see the response confirming the call to the http route path:

{ "status": "http requested", "service": "http://foo" }

and the corresponding log messages:

11:17:28.372 INFO [qtp1790923892-138] [EXAMPLE INBOUND] Received: { "notification": { "type": "http", "service": "http://foo" }}
11:17:28.374 INFO [qtp1790923892-138] [EXAMPLE INBOUND] Received http notification
11:17:28.374 INFO [qtp1790923892-138] [EXAMPLE HTTP] Sending http notification