Prototype of messaging components and reactive streams

Example for combining reactor and mqtt

The example MqttExampleComponent receives Integers from the topic “input”, computes the average over a sliding window of 2 elements and writes the results to the topic “output”.

This example show how to combine reactor with an protocols in a loosely coupled way that does not strictly couple your user code to the protocol.


mvn clean install


Install and start a MQTT server. I recommend using mosquitto. You also need a MQTT client.


feature:install scr
config:property-set -p component.mqtt.MqttComponent serverUrl tcp://localhost:1883
install -s mvn:org.eclipse.paho/org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3/1.1.1
install -s mvn:org.reactivestreams/reactive-streams/1.0.0
install -s mvn:io.projectreactor/reactor-core/3.0.7.RELEASE
install -s wrap:mvn:io.projectreactor.addons/reactor-extra/3.0.7.RELEASE
install -s mvn:javax.mail/mail/1.5.0-b01
install -s


Start mqtt client

Subscribe to topic “output”. Send two messages containing the values “1”, “2” and “3” to the topic “input”.

You should receive the following on the topic output: “1.5”, “2.5”