Misc improvements to command output.
3 files changed
tree: a0d366fc98e0296d7e7e39a8124975803be2a0f8
  1. cache/
  2. commands/
  3. core/
  4. feature/
  5. itests/
  6. services/
  7. urlhandler/
  8. utils/
  9. .gitignore
  10. LICENSE.txt
  11. pom.xml
  12. README.md

Karaf JClouds Integration

This project currently hosts a Karaf feature for easy installation of JClouds inside Apache Karaf.

Usage Instructions

On Karaf 2.2.0 or later:

Install JClouds AWS Modules

Install the feature and a provider for blobstore and compute service:

karaf@root> features:addurl mvn:org.jclouds.karaf/jclouds-karaf/1.3.0-SNAPSHOT/xml/features
karaf@root> features:install jclouds-aws-s3
karaf@root> features:install jclouds-aws-ec2

Install Karaf Commands:

karaf@root> features:install jclouds-commands


Jclouds Karaf provides Managed Service Factories for blobstores, so creating a BlobStore Service is as easy as creating configuration.

Create a sample blobstore service, by using the console:

karaf@root> config:edit  org.jclouds.blobstore-s3
karaf@root> config:propset provider aws-s3
karaf@root> config:propset identity XXXXXXXXX
karaf@root> config:propset credential XXXXXXXXX
karaf@root> config:update

You can use the shell commands to list, create, delete, read or write to a blob:

karaf@root> jclouds:blobstore-write BUCKET_NAME BLOB_NAME payload
karaf@root> jclouds:blobstore-read BUCKET_NAME BLOB_NAME

This works well for String payloads, but for binary payloads the user can use the url to be used as input or output for the commands:

karaf@root> jclouds:blobstore-write BUCKET_NAME BLOB_NAME URL_POINTING_TO_THE_PAYLOAD.
karaf@root> jclouds:blobstore-read BUCKET_NAME BLOB_NAME LOCAL_FILE_TO_STORE_THE_BLOB.

If the payload represents a URI the content of the URL will be written instead. You can bypass this by specifying the --store-url and store the url as a string.

BlobStore URL Handler

The commands above are usefull when using the shell, but most of the time you will want the use of blobstore to be transparent. Jclouds Karaf also provides a url handler which will allow you to use blobstore by using URLs of the following format:


A Funny Example: You can copy a bundle to a blob and install it directly from there:

karaf@root> features:install jclouds-url-handler
karaf@root>osgi:install -s blob:/PROVIDER/CONTAINER/PATH_TO_BUNDLE 

Compute Service

Managed Service Factories are also provided for ComputeService. Again all you need to do is to create a configuration and the service will automatically created and exported for you.

karaf@root> config:edit  org.jclouds.compute-ec2
karaf@root> config:propset provider aws-ec2
karaf@root> config:propset identity XXXXXXXXX
karaf@root> config:propset credential XXXXXXXXX
karaf@root> config:propset jclouds.ec2.ami-owners  XXXXXXXXX
karaf@root> config:update

Use the compute service commands

karaf@root> jclouds:node-create YOUR_IMAGE_ID YOUR_LOCATION_ID GROUPNAME
karaf@root> jclouds:node-list.

Note: You can supply additional options to select hardware etc.

Run a script to a single node or a group of nodes:

karaf@root> jclouds:group-runscript --script-url URL_OF_THE_SCRIPT GROUPNAME.
karaf@root> jclouds:node-runscript --script-url URL_OF_THE_SCRIPT NODEID.

Shutdown all your nodes or the nodes of a specific group:

karaf@root> jclouds:group-destroy GROUPNAME
karaf@root> jclouds:node-destroy-all GROUPNAME

Code completion

Most of the commands support tab completion, in order to help the user easily complete node ids, images, locations, blob containers etc.


Copyright (C) 2009-2011 jclouds, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0