blob: 9e95b1cb555fdcdd3f52c69a8593157367033c0e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package kafka.producer
import kafka.utils.{ZKStringSerializer, ZkUtils, ZKConfig}
import collection.mutable.HashMap
import collection.mutable.Map
import kafka.utils.Logging
import collection.immutable.TreeSet
import kafka.cluster.{Broker, Partition}
import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher.Event.KeeperState
import org.I0Itec.zkclient.{IZkStateListener, IZkChildListener, ZkClient}
import collection.SortedSet
private[producer] object ZKBrokerPartitionInfo {
* Generate a mapping from broker id to (brokerId, numPartitions) for the list of brokers
* specified
* @param topic the topic to which the brokers have registered
* @param brokerList the list of brokers for which the partitions info is to be generated
* @return a sequence of (brokerId, numPartitions) for brokers in brokerList
private def getBrokerPartitions(zkClient: ZkClient, topic: String, brokerList: List[Int]): SortedSet[Partition] = {
val brokerTopicPath = ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic
val numPartitions = => ZkUtils.readData(zkClient, brokerTopicPath + "/" + bid).toInt)
val brokerPartitions =
val sortedBrokerPartitions = brokerPartitions.sortWith((id1, id2) => id1._1 < id2._1)
var brokerParts = SortedSet.empty[Partition]
sortedBrokerPartitions.foreach { bp =>
for(i <- 0 until bp._2) {
val bidPid = new Partition(bp._1, i)
brokerParts = brokerParts + bidPid
* If zookeeper based auto partition discovery is enabled, fetch broker info like
* host, port, number of partitions from zookeeper
private[producer] class ZKBrokerPartitionInfo(config: ZKConfig, producerCbk: (Int, String, Int) => Unit) extends BrokerPartitionInfo with Logging {
private val zkWatcherLock = new Object
private val zkClient = new ZkClient(config.zkConnect, config.zkSessionTimeoutMs, config.zkConnectionTimeoutMs,
// maintain a map from topic -> list of (broker, num_partitions) from zookeeper
private var topicBrokerPartitions = getZKTopicPartitionInfo
// maintain a map from broker id to the corresponding Broker object
private var allBrokers = getZKBrokerInfo
// use just the brokerTopicsListener for all watchers
private val brokerTopicsListener = new BrokerTopicsListener(topicBrokerPartitions, allBrokers)
// register listener for change of topics to keep topicsBrokerPartitions updated
zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath, brokerTopicsListener)
// register listener for change of brokers for each topic to keep topicsBrokerPartitions updated
topicBrokerPartitions.keySet.foreach {topic =>
zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic, brokerTopicsListener)
debug("Registering listener on path: " + ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic)
// register listener for new broker
zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath, brokerTopicsListener)
// register listener for session expired event
zkClient.subscribeStateChanges(new ZKSessionExpirationListener(brokerTopicsListener))
* Return a sequence of (brokerId, numPartitions)
* @param topic the topic for which this information is to be returned
* @return a sequence of (brokerId, numPartitions). Returns a zero-length
* sequence if no brokers are available.
def getBrokerPartitionInfo(topic: String): SortedSet[Partition] = {
zkWatcherLock synchronized {
val brokerPartitions = topicBrokerPartitions.get(topic)
var numBrokerPartitions = SortedSet.empty[Partition]
brokerPartitions match {
case Some(bp) =>
bp.size match {
case 0 => // no brokers currently registered for this topic. Find the list of all brokers in the cluster.
numBrokerPartitions = bootstrapWithExistingBrokers(topic)
topicBrokerPartitions += (topic -> numBrokerPartitions)
case _ => numBrokerPartitions = TreeSet[Partition]() ++ bp
case None => // no brokers currently registered for this topic. Find the list of all brokers in the cluster.
numBrokerPartitions = bootstrapWithExistingBrokers(topic)
topicBrokerPartitions += (topic -> numBrokerPartitions)
* Generate the host and port information for the broker identified
* by the given broker id
* @param brokerId the broker for which the info is to be returned
* @return host and port of brokerId
def getBrokerInfo(brokerId: Int): Option[Broker] = {
zkWatcherLock synchronized {
* Generate a mapping from broker id to the host and port for all brokers
* @return mapping from id to host and port of all brokers
def getAllBrokerInfo: Map[Int, Broker] = allBrokers
def close = zkClient.close
def updateInfo = {
zkWatcherLock synchronized {
topicBrokerPartitions = getZKTopicPartitionInfo
allBrokers = getZKBrokerInfo
private def bootstrapWithExistingBrokers(topic: String): scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet[Partition] = {
debug("Currently, no brokers are registered under topic: " + topic)
debug("Bootstrapping topic: " + topic + " with available brokers in the cluster with default " +
"number of partitions = 1")
val allBrokersIds = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist(zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath)
trace("List of all brokers currently registered in zookeeper = " + allBrokersIds.toString)
// since we do not have the in formation about number of partitions on these brokers, just assume single partition
// i.e. pick partition 0 from each broker as a candidate
val numBrokerPartitions = TreeSet[Partition]() ++ => new Partition(b.toInt, 0))
// add the rest of the available brokers with default 1 partition for this topic, so all of the brokers
// participate in hosting this topic.
debug("Adding following broker id, partition id for NEW topic: " + topic + "=" + numBrokerPartitions.toString)
* Generate a sequence of (brokerId, numPartitions) for all topics
* registered in zookeeper
* @return a mapping from topic to sequence of (brokerId, numPartitions)
private def getZKTopicPartitionInfo(): collection.mutable.Map[String, SortedSet[Partition]] = {
val brokerPartitionsPerTopic = new HashMap[String, SortedSet[Partition]]()
ZkUtils.makeSurePersistentPathExists(zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath)
val topics = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist(zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath)
topics.foreach { topic =>
// find the number of broker partitions registered for this topic
val brokerTopicPath = ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic
val brokerList = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist(zkClient, brokerTopicPath)
val numPartitions = => ZkUtils.readData(zkClient, brokerTopicPath + "/" + bid).toInt)
val brokerPartitions = => bid.toInt).zip(numPartitions)
val sortedBrokerPartitions = brokerPartitions.sortWith((id1, id2) => id1._1 < id2._1)
debug("Broker ids and # of partitions on each for topic: " + topic + " = " + sortedBrokerPartitions.toString)
var brokerParts = SortedSet.empty[Partition]
sortedBrokerPartitions.foreach { bp =>
for(i <- 0 until bp._2) {
val bidPid = new Partition(bp._1, i)
brokerParts = brokerParts + bidPid
brokerPartitionsPerTopic += (topic -> brokerParts)
debug("Sorted list of broker ids and partition ids on each for topic: " + topic + " = " + brokerParts.toString)
* Generate a mapping from broker id to (brokerId, numPartitions) for all brokers
* registered in zookeeper
* @return a mapping from brokerId to (host, port)
private def getZKBrokerInfo(): Map[Int, Broker] = {
val brokers = new HashMap[Int, Broker]()
val allBrokerIds = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist(zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath).map(bid => bid.toInt)
allBrokerIds.foreach { bid =>
val brokerInfo = ZkUtils.readData(zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath + "/" + bid)
brokers += (bid -> Broker.createBroker(bid, brokerInfo))
* Listens to new broker registrations under a particular topic, in zookeeper and
* keeps the related data structures updated
class BrokerTopicsListener(val originalBrokerTopicsPartitionsMap: collection.mutable.Map[String, SortedSet[Partition]],
val originalBrokerIdMap: Map[Int, Broker]) extends IZkChildListener with Logging {
private var oldBrokerTopicPartitionsMap = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, SortedSet[Partition]] ++
private var oldBrokerIdMap = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Int, Broker] ++ originalBrokerIdMap
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Creating broker topics listener to watch the following paths - \n" +
"/broker/topics, /broker/topics/topic, /broker/ids")
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Initialized this broker topics listener with initial mapping of broker id to " +
"partition id per topic with " + oldBrokerTopicPartitionsMap.toString)
def handleChildChange(parentPath : String, currentChildren : java.util.List[String]) {
val curChilds: java.util.List[String] = if(currentChildren != null) currentChildren
else new java.util.ArrayList[String]()
zkWatcherLock synchronized {
trace("Watcher fired for path: " + parentPath + " with change " + curChilds.toString)
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
parentPath match {
case "/brokers/topics" => // this is a watcher for /broker/topics path
val updatedTopics = asBuffer(curChilds)
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] List of topics changed at " + parentPath + " Updated topics -> " +
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Old list of topics: " + oldBrokerTopicPartitionsMap.keySet.toString)
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Updated list of topics: " + updatedTopics.toSet.toString)
val newTopics = updatedTopics.toSet &~ oldBrokerTopicPartitionsMap.keySet
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] List of newly registered topics: " + newTopics.toString)
newTopics.foreach { topic =>
val brokerTopicPath = ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic
val brokerList = ZkUtils.getChildrenParentMayNotExist(zkClient, brokerTopicPath)
processNewBrokerInExistingTopic(topic, brokerList)
zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic,
case "/brokers/ids" => // this is a watcher for /broker/ids path
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] List of brokers changed in the Kafka cluster " + parentPath +
"\t Currently registered list of brokers -> " + curChilds.toString)
processBrokerChange(parentPath, curChilds)
case _ =>
val pathSplits = parentPath.split("/")
val topic = pathSplits.last
if(pathSplits.length == 4 && pathSplits(2).equals("topics")) {
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] List of brokers changed at " + parentPath + "\t Currently registered " +
" list of brokers -> " + curChilds.toString + " for topic -> " + topic)
processNewBrokerInExistingTopic(topic, asBuffer(curChilds))
// update the data structures tracking older state values
oldBrokerTopicPartitionsMap = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, SortedSet[Partition]] ++ topicBrokerPartitions
oldBrokerIdMap = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Int, Broker] ++ allBrokers
def processBrokerChange(parentPath: String, curChilds: Seq[String]) {
if(parentPath.equals(ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath)) {
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
val updatedBrokerList = asBuffer(curChilds).map(bid => bid.toInt)
val newBrokers = updatedBrokerList.toSet &~ oldBrokerIdMap.keySet
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] List of newly registered brokers: " + newBrokers.toString)
newBrokers.foreach { bid =>
val brokerInfo = ZkUtils.readData(zkClient, ZkUtils.BrokerIdsPath + "/" + bid)
val brokerHostPort = brokerInfo.split(":")
allBrokers += (bid -> new Broker(bid, brokerHostPort(1), brokerHostPort(1), brokerHostPort(2).toInt))
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Invoking the callback for broker: " + bid)
producerCbk(bid, brokerHostPort(1), brokerHostPort(2).toInt)
// remove dead brokers from the in memory list of live brokers
val deadBrokers = oldBrokerIdMap.keySet &~ updatedBrokerList.toSet
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Deleting broker ids for dead brokers: " + deadBrokers.toString)
deadBrokers.foreach {bid =>
allBrokers = allBrokers - bid
// also remove this dead broker from particular topics
topicBrokerPartitions.keySet.foreach{ topic =>
topicBrokerPartitions.get(topic) match {
case Some(oldBrokerPartitionList) =>
val aliveBrokerPartitionList = oldBrokerPartitionList.filter(bp => bp.brokerId != bid)
topicBrokerPartitions += (topic -> aliveBrokerPartitionList)
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Removing dead broker ids for topic: " + topic + "\t " +
"Updated list of broker id, partition id = " + aliveBrokerPartitionList.toString)
case None =>
* Generate the updated mapping of (brokerId, numPartitions) for the new list of brokers
* registered under some topic
* @param parentPath the path of the topic under which the brokers have changed
* @param curChilds the list of changed brokers
def processNewBrokerInExistingTopic(topic: String, curChilds: Seq[String]) = {
// find the old list of brokers for this topic
oldBrokerTopicPartitionsMap.get(topic) match {
case Some(brokersParts) =>
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Old list of brokers: " + => bp.brokerId).toString)
case None =>
val updatedBrokerList = => b.toInt)
import ZKBrokerPartitionInfo._
val updatedBrokerParts:SortedSet[Partition] = getBrokerPartitions(zkClient, topic, updatedBrokerList.toList)
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Currently registered list of brokers for topic: " + topic + " are " +
// update the number of partitions on existing brokers
var mergedBrokerParts: SortedSet[Partition] = TreeSet[Partition]() ++ updatedBrokerParts
topicBrokerPartitions.get(topic) match {
case Some(oldBrokerParts) =>
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] Unregistered list of brokers for topic: " + topic + " are " +
mergedBrokerParts = oldBrokerParts ++ updatedBrokerParts
case None =>
// keep only brokers that are alive
mergedBrokerParts = mergedBrokerParts.filter(bp => allBrokers.contains(bp.brokerId))
topicBrokerPartitions += (topic -> mergedBrokerParts)
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] List of broker partitions for topic: " + topic + " are " +
def resetState = {
trace("[BrokerTopicsListener] Before reseting broker topic partitions state " +
oldBrokerTopicPartitionsMap = collection.mutable.Map.empty[String, SortedSet[Partition]] ++ topicBrokerPartitions
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] After reseting broker topic partitions state " +
trace("[BrokerTopicsListener] Before reseting broker id map state " + oldBrokerIdMap.toString)
oldBrokerIdMap = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Int, Broker] ++ allBrokers
debug("[BrokerTopicsListener] After reseting broker id map state " + oldBrokerIdMap.toString)
* Handles the session expiration event in zookeeper
class ZKSessionExpirationListener(val brokerTopicsListener: BrokerTopicsListener)
extends IZkStateListener {
def handleStateChanged(state: KeeperState) {
// do nothing, since zkclient will do reconnect for us.
* Called after the zookeeper session has expired and a new session has been created. You would have to re-create
* any ephemeral nodes here.
* @throws Exception
* On any error.
def handleNewSession() {
* When we get a SessionExpired event, we lost all ephemeral nodes and zkclient has reestablished a
* connection for us.
info("ZK expired; release old list of broker partitions for topics ")
topicBrokerPartitions = getZKTopicPartitionInfo
allBrokers = getZKBrokerInfo
// register listener for change of brokers for each topic to keep topicsBrokerPartitions updated
// NOTE: this is probably not required here. Since when we read from getZKTopicPartitionInfo() above,
// it automatically recreates the watchers there itself
topicBrokerPartitions.keySet.foreach(topic => zkClient.subscribeChildChanges(ZkUtils.BrokerTopicsPath + "/" + topic,
// there is no need to re-register other listeners as they are listening on the child changes of
// permanent nodes