blob: b08f30bbfefcbb963eb4ac4fb22d8c984752aa76 [file] [log] [blame]
ClassInfo improvements to getMethod (e.g. getMethodExact vs getMethod).Re-add @PathRemainder annotation.
Thrown NotFound causes - javax.servlet.ServletException: Invalid method response: 200
Replace @Bean(findFluentSetters) with @FluentSetters.
HttpResponse should use list of Headers and have a headers(Header...) method.
HttpResponse should allow you to set code.
HttpException subclasses can set status, but does it use code?
HttpException should use list of Headers and have a headers(Header...) method.
JsonSchema should have fluent getters and setters.
@ResponseBody and @ResponseHeaders shouldn't be required on HttpResponse objects.
This has to be easier:
@Schema(description="Routing types that this directive applies to.")
@NotEmpty(message="At least one copy type is required")
@Fetched(primary=true, fetcher=CopyTypes.class)
@Beanp(type=TreeSet.class, params=CopyType.class)
protected Set<CopyType> copyTypes;
public Set<CopyType> getCopyTypes() {
return copyTypes;
public Directive setCopyTypes(Set<CopyType> value) {
this.copyTypes = value;
return this;
assertBodyMatches should tell you at which position it differs and make it obvious in the error.
.extracting(Directive::getLabel, Directive::getStatus, Directive::getStart, Directive::getEnd)
.containsOnly(d.getLabel(), DirectiveStatus.ACTIVE, d.getStart(), d.getEnd());
assertThat(releaseService.sortReleases(Arrays.asList(sb0_224, sb0_226, sb0_222))).containsExactly(sb0_222, sb0_224, sb0_226);
Better support for SortedSet properties.