blob: 7bdecf73d0de382ac4d92ad98a36fd338fcfbe66 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
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Built-in Parameters
The following URL parameters have special meaning and can be passed in through the URL of the request:
<table class='styled w800'>
<th><l>GET Parameter</l></th>
<td class='code'>&amp;plainText=true</td>
Response will always be <l>Content-Type: text/plain</l> and the returned text will be human-readable
({@link oaj.serializer.WriterSerializer#WSERIALIZER_useWhitespace WSERIALIZER_useWhitespace} enabled).
<br>Useful for debugging.
<td class='code'>&amp;debug=true</td>
Request body content will be dumped to log file.
<td class='code'>&amp;noTrace=true</td>
If an error occurs, don't log the stack trace to the log file.
<br>Useful for automated JUnit testcases testing error states to prevent the log file from filling
up with useless stack traces.
<td class='code'>&amp;method=X</td>
Overload the HTTP method as a GET parameter (e.g <l>"POST"</l>).
<br>Must be enabled via {@link oajr.annotation.Rest#allowedMethodParams() @Rest(allowedMethodParams)} setting.
<td class='code'>&amp;Header-Name=headerValue</td>
Specify a header value as a GET parameter.
<br>Must be enabled via {@link oajr.annotation.Rest#allowedHeaderParams() @Rest(allowedHeaderParams)} setting.
<td class='code'>&amp;body=X</td>
Pass in the HTTP body content on PUT and POST methods as a UON-encoded GET parameter.
<br>Must be enabled via {@link oajr.annotation.Rest#allowBodyParam() @Rest(allowBodyParam)} setting.
<td class='code'>&amp;x-response-headers=X</td>
Pass-through headers to the response.
<br>Must be a UON-encoded map of key-value pairs.