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OpenAPI Serializers
The {@link oaj.oapi.OpenApiSerializer} class is used to convert POJOs to HTTP parts.
Later we'll describe how to use HTTP-Part annotations to define OpenAPI schemas for serialization and parsing
of HTTP parts.
The following example is a preview showing an HTTP body defined as pipe-delimited list of comma-delimited numbers (e.g. <js>"1,2,3|4,5,6|7,8,9"</js>):
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(method=<js>"POST"</js>, path=<js>"/2dLongArray"</js>)
<jk>public void</jk> post2dLongArray(
Long[][] body
) {...}
Under-the-covers, this gets converted to the following schema object:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>import static</jk> org.apache.juneau.httppart.HttpPartSchema.*;
HttpPartSchema schema = <jsm>create</jsm>()
The following code shows how the schema above can be used to create our pipe+csv list of numbers:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Our POJO being serialized.</jc>
Long[][] input = ....
<jc>// The serializer to use.</jc>
HttpPartSerializer s = OpenApiSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>;
<jc>// Convert POJO to a string.</jc>
<jk>try</jk> {
String httpPart = s.serialize(schema, input);
} <jk>catch</jk> (SchemaValidationException e) {
<jc>// Oops, one of the restrictions were not met.</jc>
As a general rule, any POJO convertible to the intermediate type for the <c>type/format</c> of the schema can
be serialized using the OpenAPI serializer.
Here are the rules of POJO types allowed for various type/format combinations:
<table class='styled w800'>
<tr><th>Type</th><th>Format</th><th>Valid parameter types</th></tr>
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td rowspan='4'><c>string</c> or empty</td>
<li><c><jk>byte</jk>[]</c> (default)
<li>{@link} - Read into String and then converted using {@link java.lang.String#getBytes()}.
<li>{@link java.lang.Object} - Converted to String and then converted using {@link java.lang.String#getBytes()}.
<li>Any POJO transformable to a <c><jk>byte</jk>[]</c> via the following methods:
<li><c><jk>public byte</jk>[] toBytes() {...}</c>
<li><c><jk>public byte</jk>[]</jk> toFoo() {...}</c> (any method name starting with "to")
<li>Any POJO transformable to a <c><jk>byte</jk>[]</c> via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<li>{@link java.util.Calendar} (default)
<li>{@link java.util.Date}
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.util.Calendar} via the following methods:
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Calendar toCalendar() {...}</c>
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Calendar toFoo() {...}</c> (any method name starting with "to")
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.util.Calendar} via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<li>Any {@doc PojoCategories Serializable POJO} type.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<li>{@link java.lang.String} (default)
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.String} via the following methods:
<li><c><jk>public</jk> String toString() {...}</c>
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.String} via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}.
<tr class='light bb'>
<td rowspan='1'><c>boolean</c></td>
<li>{@link java.lang.Boolean} (default)
<li>{@link java.lang.String} - Converted to a {@link java.lang.Boolean}.
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.Boolean} via the following methods:
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Boolean toBoolean() {...}</c>
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Boolean toFoo() {...}</c> (any method name starting with "to")
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.Boolean} via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td rowspan='2'><c>integer</c></td>
<li>{@link java.lang.Integer} (default)
<li>{@link java.lang.String} - Converted to an {@link java.lang.String}.
<li>Any POJO transformable to an {@link java.lang.Integer} via the following methods:
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Integer toInteger() {...}</c>
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Integer toFoo() {...}</c> (any method name starting with "to")
<li>Any POJO transformable to an {@link java.lang.Integer} via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<li>{@link java.lang.Long} (default)
<li>{@link java.lang.String} - Converted to a {@link java.lang.Long}.
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.Long} via the following methods:
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Long toLong() {...}</c>
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Long toFoo() {...}</c> (any method name starting with "to")
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.Long} via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}.
<tr class='light bb'>
<td rowspan='2'><c>number</c></td>
<li>{@link java.lang.Float} (default)
<li>{@link java.lang.String} - Converted to a {@link java.lang.Float}.
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.Float} via the following methods:
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Float toFloat() {...}</c>
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Float toFoo() {...}</c> (any method name starting with "to")
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.Float} via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}.
<tr class='light bb'>
<li>{@link java.lang.Double} (default)
<li>{@link java.lang.String} - Converted to a {@link java.lang.Double}.
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.Double} via the following methods:
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Double toDouble() {...}</c>
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Double toFoo() {...}</c> (any method name starting with "to")
<li>Any POJO transformable to a {@link java.lang.Double} via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}.
<tr class='dark bb'>
<td rowspan='2'><c>array</c></td>
<li>Arrays or Collections of any defaults on this list.
<li>Any POJO transformable to arrays of the default types (e.g. <c>Integer[]</c>, <c>Boolean[][]</c>, etc...).
<br>For example:
<li><c><jk>public</jk> Boolean[][] toFoo() {...}</c> (any method name starting with "to")
<li>Any POJO transformable to arrays of the default types via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}
<tr class='dark bb'>
<li>Any {@doc PojoCategories Serializable POJO} type.
<tr class='light bb'>
<td rowspan='2'><c>object</c></td>
<li><c>Map&lt;String,Object&gt;</c> (default)
<li>Beans with properties of anything on this list.
<li>Any POJO transformable to a map via a {@link oaj.transform.PojoSwap}
<tr class='light bb'>
<li>Any {@doc PojoCategories Serializable POJO} type.
For arrays, an example of "Any POJO transformable to arrays of the default types" is:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Sample POJO class convertable to a Long[][].</jc>
<jk>public class</jk> MyPojo {
<jc>// toX method used by serializer.</jc>
<jk>public</jk> Long[][] to2dLongs() {...}
In the example above, our POJO class can be used to create our pipe-delimited list of comma-delimited numbers:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jc>// Our POJO being serialized.</jc>
MyPojo input = ....
<jc>// The serializer to use.</jc>
HttpPartSerializer s = OpenApiSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>;
<jc>// Convert POJO to a string.</jc>
<jk>try</jk> {
String httpPart = s.serialize(schema, input);
} <jk>catch</jk> (SchemaValidationException e) {
<jc>// Oops, one of the restrictions were not met.</jc>
The <c>object</c> type is not officially part of the OpenAPI standard.
However, Juneau supports serializing Maps and beans to HTTP parts using UON notation.
The following shows an example of a bean with several properties of various types.
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> MyBean {
<jk>private static byte</jk>[] <jsf>FOOB</jsf> = <js>"foo"</js>.getBytes();
<jk>public</jk> String <jf>f1</jf> = <js>"foo"</js>;
<jk>public byte</jk>[] <jf>f2</jf> = <jsf>FOOB</jsf>;
<jk>public byte</jk>[] <jf>f3</jf> = <jsf>FOOB</jsf>;
<jk>public byte</jk>[] <jf>f4</jf> = <jsf>FOOB</jsf>;
<jk>public</jk> Calendar <jf>f5</jf> = <jsm>parseIsoCalendar</jsm>(<js>"2012-12-21T12:34:56Z"</js>);
<jk>public</jk> String <jf>f6</jf> = <js>"foo"</js>;
<jk>public int</jk> <jf>f7</jf> = 1;
<jk>public</jk> Long <jf>f8</jf> = 2l;
<jk>public float</jk> <jf>f9</jf> = 1.0;
<jk>public</jk> Double <jf>f10</jf> = 1.0;
<jk>public</jk> Boolean <jf>f11</jf> = <jk>true</jk>;
<jk>public</jk> Object <jf>fExtra</jf> = "1";
We define the following schema:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>import static</jk> org.apache.juneau.httppart.HttpPartSchema.*;
HttpPartSchema ps = <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"object"</js>)
.property(<js>"f1"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>))
.property(<js>"f2"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"byte"</js>))
.property(<js>"f3"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"binary"</js>))
.property(<js>"f4"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"binary-spaced"</js>))
.property(<js>"f5"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"date-time"</js>))
.property(<js>"f6"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, "<js>uon"</js>))
.property(<js>"f7"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"integer"</js>))
.property(<js>"f8"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"integer"</js>, <js>"int64"</js>))
.property(<js>"f9"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"number"</js>))
.property(<js>"f10"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"number"</js>, <js>"double"</js>))
.property(<js>"f11"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"boolean"</js>))
Then we serialize our bean:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
HttpPartSerializer s = OpenApiSerializer.<jsf>DEFAULT</jsf>;
String httpPart = s.serialize(schema, <jk>new</jk> MyBean());
The results of this serialization is shown below:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
f4='66 6F 6F',
The following is an example of a bean with various array property types:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<jk>public class</jk> MyBean {
<jk>private static byte</jk>[] <jsf>FOOB</jsf> = <js>"foo"</js>.getBytes();
<jk>public</jk> String[] <jf>f1</jf> = <jk>new</jk> String[]{<js>"a,b"</js>,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public byte</jk>[][] <jf>f2</jf> = <jk>new byte</jk>[][]{<jsf>FOOB</jsf>,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public byte</jk>[][] <jf>f3</jf> = <jk>new byte</jk>[][]{<jsf>FOOB</jsf>,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public byte</jk>[][] <jf>f4</jf> = <jk>new byte</jk>[][]{<jsf>FOOB</jsf>,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public</jk> Calendar[] <jf>f5</jf> = <jk>new</jk> Calendar[]{<jsm>parseIsoCalendar</jsm>(<js>"2012-12-21T12:34:56Z"</js>),<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public</jk> String[] <jf>f6</jf> = <jk>new</jk> String[]{<js>"a"</js>,<js>"b"</js>,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public int</jk>[] <jf>f7</jf> = <jk>new int</jk>[]{1,2,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public</jk> Integer[] <jf>f8</jf> = <jk>new</jk> Integer[]{3,4,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public float</jk>[] <jf>f9</jf> = <jk>new float</jk>[]{1f,2f,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public</jk> Float[] <jf>f10</jf> = <jk>new</jk> Float[]{3f,4f,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public</jk> Boolean[] <jf>f11</jf> = <jk>new</jk> Boolean[]{<jk>true</jk>,<jk>false</jk>,<jk>null</jk>},
<jk>public</jk> Object[] <jf>fExtra</jf> = <jk>new</jk> Object[]{1,<js>"2"</js>,<jk>null</jk>};
For this bean, we define the following schema:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
HttpPartSchema ps = <jsm>schema</jsm>("object")
.property(<js>"f1"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f2"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"byte"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f3"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"binary"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f4"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"binary-spaced"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f5"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"date-time"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f6"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"string"</js>, <js>"uon"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f7"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"integer"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f8"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"integer"</js>, <js>"int64"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f9"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"number"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f10"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"number"</js>, <js>"double"</js>)))
.property(<js>"f11"</js>, <jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"array"</js>).items(<jsm>schema</jsm>(<js>"boolean"</js>)))
Serializing this bean produces the following output:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
f6=@('66 6F 6F',null),
<ul class='notes'>
Array properties can also use CSV/SSV/PIPES for array notation.
<br>Various notations can be mixed throughout.
Schemas and POJOs can be defined arbitrarily deep.
Schemas are optional.
They can be skipped or partially defined.
We make our best attempt to convert the input to the matching type.
However, you will get <c>SerializeExceptions</c> if you attempt an impossible conversion.
(e.g. trying to serialize the string "foo" as a boolean).