blob: d466efc4081f78fa0955614de6c5cc86e64e2bd8 [file] [log] [blame]
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import static org.apache.juneau.BeanContext.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ArrayUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.ClassUtils.*;
import static org.apache.juneau.internal.StringUtils.*;
import static*;
import static*;
import static*;
import static org.apache.juneau.html.HtmlDocSerializer.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import org.apache.juneau.*;
import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
import org.apache.juneau.reflect.*;
import org.apache.juneau.svl.*;
* Applies {@link RestMethod} annotations to a {@link PropertyStoreBuilder}.
public class RestMethodConfigApply extends ConfigApply<RestMethod> {
* Constructor.
* @param c The annotation class.
* @param r The resolver for resolving values in annotations.
public RestMethodConfigApply(Class<RestMethod> c, VarResolverSession r) {
super(c, r);
public void apply(AnnotationInfo<RestMethod> ai, PropertyStoreBuilder psb) {
RestMethod a = ai.getAnnotation();
MethodInfo mi = ai.getMethodOn();
String sig = mi == null ? "Unknown" : mi.getSignature();
String s = null;
for (Property p1 : {
psb.set(, string(p1.value())); // >>> DEPRECATED - Remove in 9.0 <<<
psb.addTo(REST_properties, string(, string(p1.value()));
for (String p1 : a.flags()) {
psb.set(p1, true); // >>> DEPRECATED - Remove in 9.0 <<<
psb.addTo(REST_properties, string(p1), true);
if (a.serializers().length > 0)
psb.set(REST_serializers, merge(ObjectUtils.toType(psb.peek(REST_serializers), Object[].class), a.serializers()));
if (a.parsers().length > 0)
psb.set(REST_parsers, merge(ObjectUtils.toType(psb.peek(REST_parsers), Object[].class), a.parsers()));
if (a.encoders().length > 0)
psb.set(REST_encoders, merge(ObjectUtils.toType(psb.peek(REST_encoders), Object[].class), a.encoders()));
if (a.produces().length > 0)
psb.set(REST_produces, strings(a.produces()));
if (a.consumes().length > 0)
psb.set(REST_consumes, strings(a.consumes()));
for (String header : strings(a.defaultRequestHeaders())) {
String[] h = RestUtils.parseHeader(header);
if (h == null)
throw new ConfigException("Invalid default request header specified on method ''{0}'': ''{1}''. Must be in the format: ''Header-Name: header-value''", sig, header);
if (isNotEmpty(h[1]))
psb.addTo(REST_defaultRequestHeaders, h[0], h[1]);
for (String header : strings(a.reqHeaders())) {
String[] h = RestUtils.parseHeader(header);
if (h == null)
throw new ConfigException("Invalid default request header specified on method ''{0}'': ''{1}''. Must be in the format: ''Header-Name: header-value''", sig, header);
if (isNotEmpty(h[1]))
psb.addTo(REST_reqHeaders, h[0], h[1]);
if (a.defaultAccept().length() > 0) {
s = string(a.defaultAccept());
if (isNotEmpty(s))
psb.addTo(REST_reqHeaders, "Accept", s);
if (a.defaultContentType().length() > 0) {
s = string(a.defaultContentType());
if (isNotEmpty(s))
psb.addTo(REST_reqHeaders, "Content-Type", s);
psb.addTo(REST_converters, a.converters());
psb.addTo(REST_guards, reverse(a.guards()));
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_matchers, a.matchers());
if (! a.clientVersion().isEmpty())
psb.set(RESTMETHOD_clientVersion, a.clientVersion());
psb.set(BEAN_beanFilters, merge(ObjectUtils.toType(psb.peek(BEAN_beanFilters), Object[].class), a.beanFilters()));
psb.set(BEAN_pojoSwaps, merge(ObjectUtils.toType(psb.peek(BEAN_pojoSwaps), Object[].class), a.pojoSwaps()));
if (a.bpi().length > 0) {
Map<String,String> bpiMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (String s1 : a.bpi()) {
for (String s2 : split(s1, ';')) {
int i = s2.indexOf(':');
if (i == -1)
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid format for @RestMethod(bpi) on method ''{0}''. Must be in the format \"ClassName: comma-delimited-tokens\". \nValue: {1}", sig, s1);
bpiMap.put(s2.substring(0, i).trim(), s2.substring(i+1).trim());
psb.addTo(BEAN_bpi, bpiMap);
if (a.bpx().length > 0) {
Map<String,String> bpxMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (String s1 : a.bpx()) {
for (String s2 : split(s1, ';')) {
int i = s2.indexOf(':');
if (i == -1)
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid format for @RestMethod(bpx) on method ''{0}''. Must be in the format \"ClassName: comma-delimited-tokens\". \nValue: {1}", sig, s1);
bpxMap.put(s2.substring(0, i).trim(), s2.substring(i+1).trim());
psb.addTo(BEAN_bpx, bpxMap);
if (! a.defaultCharset().isEmpty())
psb.set(REST_defaultCharset, string(a.defaultCharset()));
if (! a.maxInput().isEmpty())
psb.set(REST_maxInput, string(a.maxInput()));
if (! a.maxInput().isEmpty())
psb.set(REST_maxInput, string(a.maxInput()));
if (! a.path().isEmpty())
psb.set(RESTMETHOD_path, string(a.path()));
if (! a.rolesDeclared().isEmpty())
psb.addTo(REST_rolesDeclared, strings(a.rolesDeclared()));
if (! a.roleGuard().isEmpty())
psb.addTo(REST_roleGuard, string(a.roleGuard()));
for (String h : a.defaultRequestHeaders()) {
String[] h2 = RestUtils.parseKeyValuePair(string(h));
if (h2 == null)
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid default request header specified on method ''{0}'': ''{1}''. Must be in the format: ''name[:=]value''", sig, s);
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_defaultRequestHeaders, h2[0], h2[1]);
for (String h : a.reqHeaders()) {
String[] h2 = RestUtils.parseKeyValuePair(string(h));
if (h2 == null)
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid default request header specified on method ''{0}'': ''{1}''. Must be in the format: ''name[:=]value''", sig, s);
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_reqHeaders, h2[0], h2[1]);
for (String ra : a.attrs()) {
String[] ra2 = RestUtils.parseKeyValuePair(string(ra));
if (ra2 == null)
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid default request attribute specified on method ''{0}'': ''{1}''. Must be in the format: ''name[:=]value''", sig, s);
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_attrs, ra2[0], ra2[1]);
for (String ra : a.reqAttrs()) {
String[] ra2 = RestUtils.parseKeyValuePair(string(ra));
if (ra2 == null)
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid default request attribute specified on method ''{0}'': ''{1}''. Must be in the format: ''name[:=]value''", sig, s);
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_reqAttrs, ra2[0], ra2[1]);
if (! a.defaultAccept().isEmpty())
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_reqHeaders, "Accept", string(a.defaultAccept()));
if (! a.defaultContentType().isEmpty())
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_reqHeaders, string(a.defaultContentType()));
for (String h : a.defaultQuery()) {
String[] h2 = RestUtils.parseKeyValuePair(string(h));
if (h == null)
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid default query parameter specified on method ''{0}'': ''{1}''. Must be in the format: ''name[:=]value''", sig, s);
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_defaultQuery, h2[0], h2[1]);
for (String h : a.defaultFormData()) {
String[] h2 = RestUtils.parseKeyValuePair(string(h));
if (h == null)
throw new ConfigException(
"Invalid default form data parameter specified on method ''{0}'': ''{1}''. Must be in the format: ''name[:=]value''", sig, s);
psb.addTo(RESTMETHOD_defaultFormData, h2[0], h2[1]);
if (! a.method().isEmpty())
psb.set(RESTMETHOD_httpMethod, a.method());
if (!
if (a.priority() != 0)
psb.set(RESTMETHOD_priority, a.priority());
if (! a.debug().isEmpty())
psb.set(RESTMETHOD_debug, a.debug());
if (! AnnotationUtils.empty(a.logging())) {
Logging al = a.logging();
ObjectMap m = new ObjectMap(psb.peek(ObjectMap.class, RESTMETHOD_callLoggerConfig));
if (! al.useStackTraceHashing().isEmpty())
m.append("useStackTraceHashing", bool(al.useStackTraceHashing()));
if (! al.stackTraceHashingTimeout().isEmpty())
m.append("stackTraceHashingTimeout", integer(al.stackTraceHashingTimeout(), "@Logging(stackTraceHashingTimeout)"));
if (! al.disabled().isEmpty())
m.append("disabled", enablement(al.disabled()));
if (! al.level().isEmpty())
m.append("level", level(al.level(), "@Logging(level)"));
if (al.rules().length > 0) {
ObjectList ol = new ObjectList();
for (LoggingRule a2 : al.rules()) {
ObjectMap m2 = new ObjectMap();
if (!
m2.append("codes", string(;
if (! a2.exceptions().isEmpty())
m2.append("exceptions", string(a2.exceptions()));
if (! a2.debugOnly().isEmpty())
m2.append("debugOnly", bool(a2.debugOnly()));
if (! a2.level().isEmpty())
m2.append("level", level(a2.level(), "@LoggingRule(level)"));
if (! a2.req().isEmpty())
m2.append("req", string(a2.req()));
if (! a2.res().isEmpty())
m2.append("res", string(a2.res()));
if (! a2.verbose().isEmpty())
m2.append("verbose", bool(a2.verbose()));
if (! a2.disabled().isEmpty())
m2.append("disabled", bool(a2.disabled()));
m.put("rules", ol.appendAll(m.getObjectList("rules")));
psb.set(RESTMETHOD_callLoggerConfig, m);
HtmlDoc hd = a.htmldoc();
new HtmlDocBuilder(psb).process(hd);
for (Class<? extends Widget> wc : hd.widgets()) {
Widget w = castOrCreate(Widget.class, wc);
psb.addTo(REST_widgets, w);
psb.addTo(HTMLDOC_script, "$W{"+w.getName()+".script}");
psb.addTo(HTMLDOC_script, "$W{"+w.getName()+".style}");
private Enablement enablement(String in) {
return Enablement.fromString(string(in));
private Level level(String in, String loc) {
try {
return Level.parse(string(in));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ConfigException("Invalid syntax for level on annotation @RestMethod({1}): {2}", loc, in);