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The <l>UrlEncodedFormResource</l> class provides examples of the following:
<ul class='spaced-list'>
How to use form entry beans to process form POSTs.
How to use the {@link oajr.RestRequest#getClasspathReaderResource(String)} method to
serve up static files with embedded string variables.
The class is shown below:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
* Sample REST resource for loading URL-Encoded form posts into POJOs.
title=<js>"URL-Encoded form example"</js>,
<js>"up: request:/.."</js>,
<js>"source: $C{Source/gitHub}/org/apache/juneau/examples/rest/$R{servletClassSimple}.java"</js>
<js>"&lt;div style='min-width:200px' class='text'&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;Shows how to process a FORM POST body into a bean using the &lt;code&gt;@Body&lt;/code&gt; annotation.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
<js>" &lt;p&gt;Submitting the form post will simply echo the bean back on the response.&lt;/p&gt;"</js>,
<jk>public class</jk> UrlEncodedFormResource <jk>extends</jk> BasicRestServlet {
<jd>/** GET request handler */</jd>
<js>"// Load results from IFrame into this document."</js>,
<js>"function loadResults(buff) {"</js>,
<js>" var doc = buff.contentDocument || buff.contentWindow.document;"</js>,
<js>" var buffBody = doc.getElementById('data');"</js>,
<js>" document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = buffBody.innerHTML;"</js>,
<jk>public</jk> Div doGet(RestRequest req) {
<jk>return</jk> <jsm>div</jsm>(
<jsm>td</jsm>(<jsm>input</jsm>().name(<js>"aDate"</js>).type(<js>"datetime"</js>), <js>" (ISO8601, e.g. "</js>, <jsm>code</jsm>(<js>"2001-07-04T15:30:45Z"</js>), <js>" )"</js>)
<jsm>button</jsm>(<js>"submit"</js>, req.getMessage(<js>"submit"</js>))
<jd>/** POST request handler */</jd>
<ja>@RestMethod</ja>(name=<jsf>POST</jsf>, path="/")
<jk>public</jk> Object doPost(<ja>@Body</ja> FormInputBean input) <jk>throws</jk> Exception {
<jc>// Just mirror back the request</jc>
<jk>return</jk> input;
<jk>public static class</jk> FormInputBean {
<jk>public</jk> String <jf>aString</jf>;
<jk>public int</jk> <jf>aNumber</jf>;
<jk>public</jk> Calendar <jf>aDate</jf>;
The localized messages are pulled from the resource bundle:
<h5 class='figure'></h5>
<p class='bpcode w800'>
# UrlEncodedFormResource labels
<ck>aString</ck> = <cv>A String:</cv>
<ck>aNumber</ck> = <cv>A Number:</cv>
<ck>aDate</ck> = <cv>A Date:</cv>
<ck>submit</ck> = <cv>submit</cv>
The <l>$R</l> variables are request string variables.
<br>In this case, <l>$R{resourceTitle}</l> and <l>$R{resourceDescription}</l> resolve to the values returned by
{@link oajr.RestRequest#getResourceTitle()} and
{@link oajr.RestRequest#getResourceDescription()}.
Pointing a browser to the resource shows the following:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.UrlEncodedFormResource.1.png'>
Entering some values and clicking <l>submit</l> causes the form bean to be populated
and returned back as a POJO response:
<p class='bpcode w800'>
<img class='bordered w800' src='doc-files/juneau-examples-rest.UrlEncodedFormResource.2.png'>
<h5 class='toc'>Additional Information</h5>
<ul class='toc'>
<li class='jm'>
{@link oajr.RestContextBuilder#vars(Class[])}
- Servlet and request variables.
<li class='jm'>
{@link oajr.RestCallHandler#getSessionObjects(RestRequest)}
- Var resolver session objects.