blob: 41d92b7dc5857f451ad3846c6a18e720fb5b1607 [file] [log] [blame]
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--> (Jan 18, 2014)
Juno is a major update.
<h5 class='topic w800'>Major changes</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li>Brand new REST client API that uses Apache HttpClient for HTTP communication.<br>
The new client API is simply a thin layer on top of <c>HttpClient</c> that performs
serialization and parsing using Juno parsers, but leaves all the details of the HTTP connection
to the Apache code. <br>
See the <del></del> package for details.
<li>New <c></c> package and <c></c> class
for performing REST operations against Jazz servers.<br>
Includes improved support for FORM authentication, and better SSL certificate validation.
<li>Completely redesigned URL-Encoding support.<br>
See <dc>org.apache.juneau.urlencoding</dc> package for details.
<li>Changes to Parser API.
<li>Removal of <c>ExtendedReaderParser</c> abstract class and moved methods into
{@link oaj.parser.ReaderParser} class.
<li>Removal of <c>DataFormat</c> class from API since it was no longer necessary
due to API change above.
<li>Removal of <c>ParserStringReader</c> class.<br>
This was a reader optimized to work with <c>String</c> input.<br>
However, it could interfere with garbage collection of the original string object.<br>
Instead, the existing {@link oaj.parser.ParserReader} was enhanced to work
well with <c>String</c> input, and tests show no significant performance differences.
<li>New <c>org.apache.juneau.parser.Parser.parse(Object,int,ClassMeta)</c> convenience method added.
<h5 class='topic w800'>Other changes</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
<li>Various new methods added to {@link oaj.internal.StringUtils} and {@link oaj.internal.ClassUtils}.
<li>Improved support on <dc>BeanContext.getClassMetaFromString(String)</dc>.<br>
Now supports resolving <c>"long[]"</c>, and so forth.
<li><dc>ResourceDescription</dc> name parameter is now automatically URL-encoded in links.
<li>{@link oajr.RestRequest} now correctly handles cases involving URL-encoded characters in the
path info portion of URLs (e.g. <c>http://host/contextRoot/foo%2Fbar</c>).
<li>Removed lazy-initialization that required locking in {@link oaj.ClassMeta}.
<li>New <c>BeanContext.setDefaultParser(ReaderParser)</c> method added for specifying
a default parser to use in a bean context (used when converting beans to <c>Strings</c> using
Old behavior simply used the default JSON serializer in these cases.
<li>More consistent handling of exceptions across all parsers.
<li>Minor changes to {@link oajr.RestRequest} class.
<li>Changed the order of parameters on <dc>RestRequest#getParameter(String,Class)</dc>.
<li>Added <c>RestRequest.getMapParameter(String,Class,Class,Class)</c> and
<c>RestRequest.getCollectionParameter(String,Class,Class)}</c> methods.