blob: 7d9442628a350dc737d6af41a362a851d6ab5710 [file] [log] [blame]
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--> (Mar 14, 2013)
Juno is a minor update.
<h5 class='topic w800'>Core API changes</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
New support for relative URIs.
<li>URIs of the form <js>"foo/bar"</js> are interpreted as relative to the context root of the web application.</li>
<li>URIs of the form <js>"/foo/bar"</js> are interpreted as relative to the HTTP authority (e.g. <js>"http://myhost:9080"</js>).</li>
New <c>SerializerContext.SERIALIZER_uriContext</c> and <c>SerializerContext.SERIALIZER_uriAuthority</c> serializer properties for specifying values for relative URIs.
New {@link oaj.annotation.URI @URI} annotation that allows you to specify classes and bean properties as URLs that aren't <c></c> or <c></c>.
New {@link oaj.html.HtmlSerializer#HTML_uriAnchorText} HTML serializer property for tailoring how anchor text is rendered.
Renamed <c>BeanProperty#uri</c> annotation to <c>BeanProperty#beanUri</c> to make it clear that this property represents the URI of the bean itself instead of an arbitrary property containing a URI.
Removed <c>BeanProperty#id</c> annotation.
<h5 class='topic w800'>REST server API changes</h5>
<ul class='spaced-list'>
Improvements to {@link oajr.RestServlet} to automatically handle relative URIs in POJOs.
<li><c>SerializerContext.SERIALIZER_uriContext</c> property set by default to web app context root.</li>
<li><c>SerializerContext.SERIALIZER_uriAuthority</c> property set by default to the request scheme+hostname+port.</li>
Fixed bug involving <c>Accept-Charset</c> header in Chrome that prevented HTML output from rendering correctly in that browser.<br>
<c>Accept-Charset</c> handling should now be fully W3C compliant.