blob: 93e4bf0e54e1a0f98a6d8173bd1558e0a70e9bc6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2001-2008 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
using org.apache.juddi.apiv3;
using org.apache.juddi.v3.client.cryptor;
using org.apache.juddi.v3.client.log;
using org.apache.juddi.v3.client.mapping;
using org.uddi.apiv3;
using org.xmlsoap.schemas.easyWsdl;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
namespace org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config
/// <summary>
/// The UDDIClerk provides an easy way to access a UDDI service. The clerk can be
/// configured programmatically, but it is recommended to specify the server
/// endpoint and access credentials in a uddi.xml file.
/// </summary>
/// Recommended use:
/// {@code
/// UDDIClient uddiClient = new UDDIClient();
/// UDDIClerk clerk = uddiClient.getClerk(clerkName);
/// }
/// </pre> where the clerkName "MyClerk" is defined as attribute on the clerk
/// element
/// <pre>
/// {@code
/// <clerks registerOnStartup="true">
/// <clerk name="MyClerk" node="default" publisher="root" password="root" isPasswordEncrypted="false" cryptoProvider="">
/// <class>org.apache.juddi.example.HelloWorldImpl</class>
/// </clerk>
/// </clerks>
/// }
/// </pre> Credentials: In the clerk section you need to specify the publisher to
/// be used, as well the password. The password can be encrypted and a
/// cryptoProvider class can be set.
/// UDDI Annotations: If you want to register classes containing UDDIAnnotations,
/// then you need to set registerOnStartup="true" and you can list the classes
/// with the annotations as subelements. See the HelloWorldImpl class above, as
/// well as the uddi-annotations example.
/// @author kstam
public class UDDIClerk : IDisposable
private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(typeof(UDDIClerk));
protected String name;
protected UDDINode uddinode;
protected String publisher;
protected String password;
private DateTime tokenBirthDate;
private String authToken;
private String[] classWithAnnotations;
private WSDL[] wsdls;
private String managerName;
private bool isEncrypted = false;
private string cryptoProvider;
private Dictionary<String, Properties> services = new Dictionary<String, Properties>();
/// <summary>
/// use caution calling the default constructor, many of the functions of
/// the UDDI Clerk will not function unless manually set. The Node must
/// be set for using most of the functions provided by this class.
/// </summary>
public UDDIClerk()
public UDDIClerk(org.apache.juddi.apiv3.clerk clerk)
{ =;
this.password = clerk.password;
this.publisher = clerk.publisher;
this.uddinode = new UDDINode(clerk.node);
* A list of classes defined in the config file that have UDDI
* Annotations on them for automated registration
* <br>client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ").class
* @return
* @see org.apache.juddi.v3.annotations.UDDIService
* @see org.apache.juddi.v3.annotations.UDDIServiceBinding
public String[] getClassWithAnnotations()
return classWithAnnotations;
* A list of classes defined in the config file that have UDDI
* Annotations on them for automated registration
* <br>client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ").class
* @see org.apache.juddi.v3.annotations.UDDIService
* @see org.apache.juddi.v3.annotations.UDDIServiceBinding
public void setClassWithAnnotations(String[] classWithAnnotations)
this.classWithAnnotations = classWithAnnotations;
public Dictionary<String, Properties> getServices()
return services;
public void setServices(Dictionary<String, Properties> services)
{ = services;
* The client manager name as defined in the config file client[@name]
* @return
public String getManagerName()
return managerName;
* The client manager name as defined in the config file client[@name]
* @param managerName
public void setManagerName(String managerName)
this.managerName = managerName;
* Performans the process of parsing the configuration defined wsdls to
* UDDI. This is a convenience wrapper Note, if registration fails, no
* exception is thrown
public void registerWsdls()
if (this.getWsdls() != null)
Properties properties = new Properties();
foreach (WSDL wsdl in this.getWsdls())
ReadWSDL rw = new ReadWSDL();
tDefinitions wsdlDefinition = rw.readWSDL(wsdl.getFileName());
if (wsdl.getKeyDomain() != null)
properties.setProperty("keyDomain", wsdl.getKeyDomain());
if (wsdl.getBusinessKey() != null)
properties.setProperty("businessKey", wsdl.getBusinessKey());
WSDL2UDDI wsdl2UDDI = new WSDL2UDDI(this, new URLLocalizer(), properties);
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register wsdl " + wsdl.getFileName() + " ." + e.Message, e);
* Registers a WSDL Definition onto the UDDI node referenced by the
* clerk. Note, if registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param wsdlDefinition - the WSDL Definition
* @param keyDomain - the keyDomain which will be used to construct the
* UDDI key IDs. If left null the keyDomain defined in the node's
* properties will be used.
* @param businessKey - the key of the business to which this service
* belongs. If left null the businessKey defined in the node's
* properties will be used.
public void registerWsdls(tDefinitions wsdlDefinition, String keyDomain, String businessKey)
Properties properties = new Properties();
if (keyDomain != null)
properties.setProperty("keyDomain", keyDomain);
if (businessKey != null)
properties.setProperty("businessKey", businessKey);
WSDL2UDDI wsdl2UDDI = new WSDL2UDDI(this, new URLLocalizer(), properties);
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register wsdl " + " ." + e.Message, e);
* Removes the UDDI data structures belonging to the WSDLs for this
* clerk from the UDDI node. Note, if registration fails, no exception
* is thrown
public void unRegisterWsdls()
if (this.getWsdls() != null)
Properties properties = new Properties();
foreach (WSDL wsdl in this.getWsdls())
ReadWSDL rw = new ReadWSDL();
tDefinitions wsdlDefinition = rw.readWSDL(wsdl.getFileName());
if (wsdl.getKeyDomain() != null)
properties.setProperty("keyDomain", wsdl.getKeyDomain());
if (wsdl.getBusinessKey() != null)
properties.setProperty("businessKey", wsdl.getBusinessKey());
WSDL2UDDI wsdl2UDDI = new WSDL2UDDI(this, new URLLocalizer(), properties);
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register wsdl " + wsdl.getFileName() + " ." + e.Message, e);
* Registers the Subscription that is passed in to the UDDI node for
* this clerk.
* Note, if registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param subscription
* @return
public org.uddi.apiv3.subscription register(org.uddi.apiv3.subscription subscription)
return register(subscription, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Register a Subscription to UDDI node passed in. Make sure you use a
* clerk that has credentials for this node. Note, if registration
* fails, no exception is thrown
* @param subscription a UDDI subscription, remember only one filter
* type is allowed by UDDI
* @param node the UDDI node referenced from the config file
* @return the potentially UDDI server modified subscription
public org.uddi.apiv3.subscription register(org.uddi.apiv3.subscription subscription, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
{"Registering subscription with key " + subscription.subscriptionKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
save_subscription ss = new save_subscription();
ss.authInfo = authToken;
//List<org.uddi.apiv3.subscription> subscriptions = new List<org.uddi.apiv3.subscription>();
ss.subscription = new org.uddi.apiv3.subscription[1];
ss.subscription[0] = subscription;
//holder.value = subscriptions;
using (UDDI_Subscription_SoapBinding sub = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISubscriptionService(node.subscriptionUrl))
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Registering subscription " + subscription.subscriptionKey + " completed.");
subscription = ss.subscription[0];
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register subscription " + subscription.subscriptionKey
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
//subscription = holder.value.get(0);
return subscription;
* Register a tModel, using the node of current clerk ('this'). Note, if
* registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param tModel
* @return the TModelDetail of the newly registered TModel
public org.uddi.apiv3.tModelDetail register(org.uddi.apiv3.tModel tModel)
return register(tModel, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Register a tModel. Note, if registration fails, no exception is
* thrown
* @param tModel
* @param node
* @return
public org.uddi.apiv3.tModelDetail register(org.uddi.apiv3.tModel tModel, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
org.uddi.apiv3.tModelDetail tModelDetail = null;"Registering tModel with key " + tModel.tModelKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
save_tModel saveTModel = new save_tModel();
saveTModel.authInfo = (authToken);
saveTModel.tModel = new tModel[1];
saveTModel.tModel[0] = (tModel);
using (UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding pub = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIPublishService(node.publishUrl))
tModelDetail = pub.save_tModel(saveTModel);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Registering tModel " + tModel.tModelKey + " completed.");
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register tModel " + tModel.tModelKey
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
return tModelDetail;
* Register a BindingTemplate, using the node of current clerk ('this').
* Note, if registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param binding
* @return
public org.uddi.apiv3.bindingTemplate register(org.uddi.apiv3.bindingTemplate binding)
return register(binding, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Register a BindingTemplate. Note, if registration fails, no exception
* is thrown
* @param binding
* @param node
* @return
public org.uddi.apiv3.bindingTemplate register(org.uddi.apiv3.bindingTemplate binding, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
org.uddi.apiv3.bindingTemplate bindingTemplate = null;"Registering bindingTemplate with key " + binding.bindingKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
save_binding saveBinding = new save_binding();
saveBinding.authInfo = (authToken);
saveBinding.bindingTemplate = new bindingTemplate[1];
saveBinding.bindingTemplate[0] = (binding);
org.uddi.apiv3.bindingDetail bindingDetail = null;
using (UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding pub = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIPublishService(node.publishUrl))
bindingDetail = pub.save_binding(saveBinding);
bindingTemplate = bindingDetail.bindingTemplate[0];
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Registering template binding " + binding.bindingKey + " completed.");
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register template binding " + bindingTemplate.bindingKey
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
return bindingTemplate;
* Register a service, using the node of current clerk ('this'). Note,
* if registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param service
* @return
public org.uddi.apiv3.businessService register(org.uddi.apiv3.businessService service)
return register(service, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Register a service.
* Note, if registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param service the element returned by the server, it may be modified from the original
* @param node
* @return the potentially modified service by the UDDI server
public org.uddi.apiv3.businessService register(org.uddi.apiv3.businessService service, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
org.uddi.apiv3.businessService businessService = null;"Registering service " +[0].Value
+ " with key " + service.serviceKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
save_service saveService = new save_service();
saveService.authInfo = (authToken);
saveService.businessService = new businessService[1];
saveService.businessService[0] = (service);
org.uddi.apiv3.serviceDetail serviceDetail = null;
using (UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding pub = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIPublishService(node.publishUrl))
serviceDetail = pub.save_service(saveService);
businessService = serviceDetail.businessService[0];
log.debug("Registering service " +[0].Value + " completed.");
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register service " +[0].Value
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
return businessService;
* registers a UDDI business. This is a convenience wrapper
* @param business
* @return a possibility modified business entity as registered
public org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity register(org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity business)
return register(business, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Registers a UDDI Business referencing the specified Node from the
* config file
* @param business
* @param node
* @return a possibility modified business entity as registered
public org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity register(org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity business, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity businessEntity = null;"Registering business " +[0].Value
+ " with key " + business.businessKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
save_business saveBusiness = new save_business();
saveBusiness.authInfo = (authToken);
saveBusiness.businessEntity = new businessEntity[1];
saveBusiness.businessEntity[0] = business;
using (UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding pub = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIPublishService(node.publishUrl))
org.uddi.apiv3.businessDetail businessDetail = pub.save_business(saveBusiness);
businessEntity = businessDetail.businessEntity[0];
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Registering businessEntity " +[0].Value + " completed.");
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register business " +[0].Value
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
return businessEntity;
* removes a business from UDDI. This is a convenience wrapper Note, if
* registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param businessKey
public void unRegisterBusiness(String businessKey)
unRegisterBusiness(businessKey, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Unregisters the service with specified serviceKey using the specified
* Node, as defined in the config file Note, if registration fails, no
* exception is thrown
* @param businessKey
* @param node
public void unRegisterBusiness(String businessKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
{"UnRegistering the business " + businessKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
delete_business deleteBusiness = new delete_business();
deleteBusiness.authInfo = (authToken);
deleteBusiness.businessKey = new string[1];
deleteBusiness.businessKey[0] = (businessKey);
using (UDDI_Publication_SoapBinding pub = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIPublishService(node.publishUrl))
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register service " + businessKey
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
* removes a service by key. This is a convenience wrapper Note, if
* registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param serviceKey
public void unRegisterService(String serviceKey)
unRegisterService(serviceKey, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Unregisters the service with specified serviceKey. Note, if
* registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param serviceKey
* @param node
public void unRegisterService(String serviceKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
{"UnRegistering the service " + serviceKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
delete_service deleteService = new delete_service();
deleteService.authInfo = (authToken);
deleteService.serviceKey = new string[] { serviceKey };
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to register service " + serviceKey
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
* removes a binding by key. This is a convenience wrapper Note, if
* registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param bindingKey
public void unRegisterBinding(String bindingKey)
unRegisterBinding(bindingKey, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Unregisters the BindingTemplate with specified bindingKey and
* referenced node defined in the config file Note, if registration
* fails, no exception is thrown
* @param bindingKey
* @param node
public void unRegisterBinding(String bindingKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
{"UnRegistering binding key " + bindingKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
delete_binding deleteBinding = new delete_binding();
deleteBinding.authInfo = (authToken);
deleteBinding.bindingKey = new string[] { bindingKey };
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to unregister bindingkey " + bindingKey
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
* removes a tModel. Note, UDDI just flags tModels as deleted, it will
* still be accessible but not returned in a search. This is a
* convenience wrapper Note, if registration fails, no exception is
* thrown
* @param tModelKey
public void unRegisterTModel(String tModelKey)
unRegisterTModel(tModelKey, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Unregisters the BindingTemplate with specified bindingKey. Note, if
* registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param tModelKey
* @param node
public void unRegisterTModel(String tModelKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
{"UnRegistering tModel key " + tModelKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
org.uddi.apiv3.delete_tModel deleteTModel = new org.uddi.apiv3.delete_tModel();
deleteTModel.authInfo = (authToken);
deleteTModel.tModelKey = new string[] { tModelKey };
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to unregister tModelkey " + tModelKey
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
* removes a subscription by key. This is a convenience wrapper Note, if
* registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param subscriptionKey
public void unRegisterSubscription(String subscriptionKey)
unRegisterSubscription(subscriptionKey, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* removes a subscription by key, referencing the specified node in the
* config file Note, if registration fails, no exception is thrown
* @param subscriptionKey
* @param node
public void unRegisterSubscription(String subscriptionKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
{"UnRegistering subscription with key " + subscriptionKey);
String authToken = getAuthToken(node.securityUrl);
delete_subscription deleteSubscription = new delete_subscription();
deleteSubscription.authInfo = (authToken);
deleteSubscription.subscriptionKey = new string[] { subscriptionKey };
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to unregister subscription key " + subscriptionKey
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
* finds a tmodel. This is a convenience wrapper
* @param findTModel
* @return null if not found or error
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws ConfigurationException
* @throws TransportException
public tModelList findTModel(find_tModel findTModel)
return this.findTModel(findTModel, this.uddinode.getApiNode());
* finds a tModel
* @param findTModel
* @param node
* @return null if not found or error
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public tModelList findTModel(find_tModel findTModel, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
findTModel.authInfo = (getAuthToken(node.securityUrl));
tModelList tModelList = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIInquiryService(node.inquiryUrl).find_tModel(findTModel);
return tModelList;
catch (Exception dr)
log.error("", dr);
// DispositionReport report = DispositionReportFaultMessage.getDispositionReport(dr);
//checkForErrorInDispositionReport(report, null, null);
return null;
* Gets the details of a tModel by the key. This is a convenience
* wrapper
* @param tModelKey
* @return null if not found or error, otherwise the details of the
* tModel(s)
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws ConfigurationException
* @throws TransportException
public tModelDetail getTModelDetail(String tModelKey)
get_tModelDetail getTModelDetail = new get_tModelDetail();
getTModelDetail.tModelKey = new string[] { tModelKey };
return this.getTModelDetail(getTModelDetail);
* Gets the details of a tModel by the key. This is a convenience
* wrapper
* @param getTModelDetail
* @return null if not found or error
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws ConfigurationException
* @throws TransportException
public tModelDetail getTModelDetail(get_tModelDetail getTModelDetail)
return this.getTModelDetail(getTModelDetail, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Gets the details of a tModel by the key using the referenced Node
* from the config file
* @param getTModelDetail
* @param node
* @return null if not found or error
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public tModelDetail getTModelDetail(get_tModelDetail getTModelDetail, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
getTModelDetail.authInfo = (getAuthToken(node.securityUrl));
tModelDetail tModelDetail = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIInquiryService(node.inquiryUrl).get_tModelDetail(getTModelDetail);
return tModelDetail;
catch (Exception dr)
log.error("", dr);
//DispositionReport report = DispositionReportFaultMessage.getDispositionReport(dr);
//checkForErrorInDispositionReport(report, null, null);
return null;
* Finds a service by the key, . This is a convenience wrapper
* @param serviceKey
* @return null if not found or error
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public businessService getServiceDetail(String serviceKey)
return getServiceDetail(serviceKey, this.uddinode.getApiNode());
* Finds a service by the key, . This is a convenience wrapper
* @param serviceKey
* @return null if not found or error
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
* @deprecated see
public businessService getServiceDetail(String serviceKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
get_serviceDetail getServiceDetail = new get_serviceDetail();
getServiceDetail.serviceKey = new string[] { serviceKey };
getServiceDetail.authInfo = (getAuthToken(node.securityUrl));
serviceDetail sd = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIInquiryService(node.inquiryUrl).get_serviceDetail(getServiceDetail);
businessService[] businessServiceList = sd.businessService;
if (businessServiceList.Length == 0)
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Could not find Service with key=" + serviceKey);
return businessServiceList[0];
catch (Exception dr)
log.error("", dr);
//DispositionReport report = DispositionReportFaultMessage.getDispositionReport(dr);
//checkForErrorInDispositionReport(report, DispositionReport.E_INVALID_KEY_PASSED, serviceKey);
return null;
* gets a binding detail by key
* @param bindingKey
* @return null if not found or error, or the binding template
* @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public bindingTemplate getServiceBindingDetail(String bindingKey)
return getServiceBindingDetail(bindingKey, this.uddinode.getApiNode());
* Gets the details of a specific service binding key
* @param bindingKey
* @param node
* @return null if not found, or error, or the details of the binding
* @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public bindingTemplate getServiceBindingDetail(String bindingKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
get_bindingDetail getBindingDetail = new get_bindingDetail();
getBindingDetail.bindingKey = new string[] { bindingKey };
getBindingDetail.authInfo = (getAuthToken(node.securityUrl));
bindingDetail bd = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIInquiryService(node.inquiryUrl).get_bindingDetail(getBindingDetail);
bindingTemplate[] bindingTemplateList = bd.bindingTemplate;
if (bindingTemplateList.Length == 0)
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Could not find ServiceBinding with key=" + bindingKey);
return bindingTemplateList[0];
catch (Exception dr)
log.error("", dr);
//DispositionReport report = DispositionReportFaultMessage.getDispositionReport(dr);
//checkForErrorInDispositionReport(report, DispositionReport.E_INVALID_KEY_PASSED, bindingKey);
return null;
* Looks up the BusinessEntiry in the registry, will return null if is
* not found.
* @deprecated Use getBusinessDetail instead
* @param businessKey - the key we are looking for
* @param node - the node which is going to be queried
* @return BusinessEntity if found, or null if not found.
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public org.uddi.apiv3.businessEntity getBusinessDetail(String businessKey)
return this.getBusinessDetail(businessKey, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Looks up the BusinessEntiry in the registry, will return null if is not
* found.
* @param businessKey - the key we are looking for
* @param node - the node which is going to be queried
* @return businessEntity is found, or null if not found.
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public businessEntity getBusinessDetail(String businessKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
get_businessDetail getBusinessDetail = new get_businessDetail();
getBusinessDetail.businessKey = new string[] { businessKey };
getBusinessDetail.authInfo = (node.securityUrl);
businessDetail bd = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIInquiryService(node.inquiryUrl).get_businessDetail(getBusinessDetail);
return bd.businessEntity[0];
catch (Exception dr)
log.error("", dr);
//DispositionReport report = DispositionReportFaultMessage.getDispositionReport(dr);
//checkForErrorInDispositionReport(report, DispositionReport.E_INVALID_KEY_PASSED, businessKey);
return null;
* Looks up the BusinessEntity in the registry for "related" businesses.
* This means that there is a business relationship defined. This is
* also referred to as a "Publisher Assertion",
* @see PublisherAssertion
* @see PublisherAssertions
* @param businessKey - the key we are looking for
* @param node - the node which is going to be queried
* @return BusinessEntity is found, or null if not found.
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public relatedBusinessesList findRelatedBusinesses(String businessKey, org.apache.juddi.apiv3.node node)
find_relatedBusinesses findRelatedBusinesses = new find_relatedBusinesses();
findRelatedBusinesses.Item = (businessKey);
findRelatedBusinesses.authInfo = (node.securityUrl);
relatedBusinessesList rbl = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIInquiryService(node.inquiryUrl).find_relatedBusinesses(findRelatedBusinesses);
return rbl;
catch (Exception dr)
log.error("", dr);
//DispositionReport report = DispositionReportFaultMessage.getDispositionReport(dr);
//checkForErrorInDispositionReport(report, DispositionReport.E_INVALID_KEY_PASSED, businessKey);
return null;
private void checkForErrorInDispositionReport(dispositionReport report, String Error, String entityKey)
if (entityKey != null && report != null && report.countainsErrorCode(DispositionReport.E_INVALID_KEY_PASSED))
{"entityKey " + entityKey + " was not found in the registry");
if (report == null)
{"Missing DispositionReport");
foreach (result result in report.result)
// log.error(result.getErrInfo().getErrCode() + " " + result.getErrInfo().getValue());
* Gets an auth token from the uddi server using the uddi auth token
* <br>
* Notice: never log auth tokens! Treat it like a password
* notes: changed to public to have access from the subscription
* callback API 8/20/2013 AO
* @param endpointURL
* @return
* @throws TransportException
* @throws DispositionReportFaultMessage
* @throws RemoteException
public String getAuthToken(String endpointURL)
//if the token is older then 10 minutes discard it, and create a new one.
if ((authToken != null && !"".Equals(authToken)) && (tokenBirthDate != null && DateTime.Now > tokenBirthDate.AddMilliseconds(600000)))
discard_authToken discardAuthToken = new discard_authToken();
discardAuthToken.authInfo = (authToken);
using (UDDI_Security_SoapBinding sec = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISecurityService(endpointURL))
authToken = null;
if (authToken == null || "".Equals(authToken))
tokenBirthDate = new DateTime();
get_authToken getAuthToken = new get_authToken();
getAuthToken.userID = (getPublisher());
if (isEncrypted)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cryptoProvider))
log.error("Credentials are encrypted but no cryptoProvider was defined in the config file!");
getAuthToken.cred = (CryptorFactory.getCryptor(this.cryptoProvider).decrypt(getPassword()));
catch (Exception ex)
log.error("Unable to decrypt credentials! sending it as is", ex);
getAuthToken.cred = (getPassword());
getAuthToken.cred = (getPassword());
using (UDDI_Security_SoapBinding sec = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISecurityService(endpointURL))
authToken = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDISecurityService(endpointURL).get_authToken(getAuthToken).authInfo;
return authToken;
* kills the current auth token, aka Logout
public void discardAuthToken()
* kills the provided auth token, aka Logout
public void discardAuthToken(String token)
if (token != null)
discard_authToken discardAuthToken = new discard_authToken();
token = null;
catch (Exception ex)
log.warn("Error discarding auth token: " + ex.Message);
log.debug("Error discarding auth token: " + ex.Message, ex);
/// <summary>
/// This calls a jUDDI implementation specific API call and is used to help
/// configure internode communication between jUDDI servers. This is NOT
/// part of the UDDI specification. Note: this API call should only
/// be used with secure ports (SSL/TLS)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="senderClerk"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public clerk[] saveClerk(UDDIClerk senderClerk)
clerk[] clerkDetail = null;
log.debug("Sending Clerk " + senderClerk.getName() + " info to jUDDI " + getUDDINode().getName());
save_clerk saveClerk = new save_clerk();
saveClerk.authInfo = (getAuthToken(senderClerk.getUDDINode().getSecurityUrl()));
saveClerk.clerk = new clerk[] { (getApiClerk()) };
clerkDetail = getUDDINode().getTransport().getJUDDIApiService(senderClerk.getUDDINode().getJuddiApiUrl()).save_Clerk(saveClerk);
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to save clerk " + getName()
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
return clerkDetail;
* Returns the UDDI node that this clerk is associated with
* client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")@node
* @return
public UDDINode getUDDINode()
return uddinode;
* client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@name]
* @return
public String getName()
return name;
* client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@name]
* @param name
public void setName(String name)
{ = name;
* client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@node] reference to UDDI Node
* @param uddiNode
public void setUDDInode(UDDINode uddinode)
this.uddinode = uddinode;
* This is the username client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@publisher]
* @return
public String getPublisher()
return publisher;
* This is the username client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@publisher]
* @param publisher
public void setPublisher(String publisher)
this.publisher = publisher;
* If the password is encrypted, it will be decrypted if possible,
* otherwise the cipher text will be returned. client.clerks.clerk(" + i
* + ")[@password]
* @return
public String getPassword()
if (isEncrypted)
return CryptorFactory.getCryptor(cryptoProvider).decrypt(password);
catch (Exception ex)
log.error("Unable to decrypt the password", ex);
return password;
* If the password is encrypted, it cipher text is returned, otherwise
* the clear text will be returned. client.clerks.clerk(" + i +
* ")[@password]
* @return
public String getRawPassword()
return password;
* Use with caution, don't forget to set the IsEncrypted and Crypto
* provider client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@password]
* @param password
public void setPassword(String password)
this.password = password;
* Used for the automated registration of services via WSDL2UDDI<br>
* config file: client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ").wsdl
* @return
* @see WSDL2UDDI
public WSDL[] getWsdls()
return wsdls;
* Used for the automated registration of services via WSDL2UDDI<br>
* config file: client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ").wsdl
* @param wsdls
* @see WSDL2UDDI
public void setWsdls(WSDL[] wsdls)
this.wsdls = wsdls;
public class WSDL
private String businessKey;
private String keyDomain;
private String fileName;
public String getBusinessKey()
return businessKey;
public void setBusinessKey(String businessKey)
this.businessKey = businessKey;
public String getFileName()
return fileName;
public void setFileName(String fileName)
this.fileName = fileName;
public String getKeyDomain()
return keyDomain;
public void setKeyDomain(String keyDomain)
this.keyDomain = keyDomain;
/// <summary>
/// A helper function to create a tModel key generator.&lt;br&gt;
/// Why would I want a key generator? In UDDIv3, you&#39;re suppose to specify what you want the keys (unique identifiers) to be, however there&#39;s
/// a number of naming rules associated with the keys. Generally, use the FQDN of your business or organization.
/// Optionally, when saving an UDDI entity, you can just leave the key name blank and the server
/// should generate one for you. It&#39;s normally a UUID that&#39;s not easy to remember. In this case, there&#39;s no need to call this method. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;
/// In addition, no changes are made to the UDDI server. You&#39;ll have to do that one using code similar to this:
/// &lt;pre&gt;
/// UDDIClerk clerk = ...
/// TModel keygen = UDDIClerk.createKeyGenator(&quot;;, &quot;my domain&quot;, &quot;en&quot;);
/// clerk.register(keygen);
/// </summary>
/// <param name="partitionName">think of this as the domain, i.e., but it can really be anything you want. This will become part of the</param>
/// key associated with the tModel generator (
/// <param name="DescriptiveName">required. max length is 255 char</param>
/// <param name="DescriptiveNameLanguage">optional, max length is 26 char</param>
/// <returns>a populated tModel entity representing a tModel key generator. No changes are made to any connect UDDI service</returns>
/// @since 3.2
public static tModel createKeyGenator(String partitionName, String DescriptiveName, String DescriptiveNameLanguage)
if (partitionName == null || partitionName.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (DescriptiveName == null || DescriptiveName.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if (!partitionName.StartsWith("uddi:"))
partitionName = "uddi:" + partitionName;
// throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("partitionName must have a 'uddi:' prefix");
if (!partitionName.EndsWith(":keygenerator"))
partitionName = partitionName + "keygenerator";
//throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("partitionName must have a ':keyGenerator' postfix");
tModel tm = new tModel(); = new name(); = (DescriptiveName); = (DescriptiveNameLanguage);
tm.categoryBag = new categoryBag();
keyedReference kr = new keyedReference();
kr.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.KEY_GENERATOR_TMODEL);
kr.keyName = (UDDIConstants.KEY_GENERATOR);
kr.keyValue = (UDDIConstants.KEY_GENERATOR_VALUE);
tm.categoryBag.Items = new object[] { kr };
overviewDoc = new overviewDoc();
overviewURL overviewUrl = new overviewURL();
overviewUrl.useType = ("text");
overviewUrl.Value = ("");
overviewDoc.overviewURLs = new overviewURL[] { overviewUrl };
tm.overviewDoc = new overviewDoc[] { overviewDoc };
tm.tModelKey = (partitionName.ToLower());
return tm;
/// <summary>
/// This calls a jUDDI implementation specific API call and is used to help
/// configure internode communication between jUDDI servers. This is NOT
/// part of the UDDI specification.&lt;br&gt;
/// Note: this API call should only be used with secure ports (SSL/TLS)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="node"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public node[] saveNode(apiv3.node node)
node[] nodeDetail = null;
{"Sending Node " + + " info to jUDDI " + getUDDINode().getName());
save_node saveNode = new save_node();
saveNode.authInfo = (getAuthToken(this.getUDDINode().getSecurityUrl()));
saveNode.node = new node[] { (node) };
nodeDetail = getUDDINode().getTransport().getJUDDIApiService(this.getUDDINode().getJuddiApiUrl()).save_Node(saveNode);
catch (Exception e)
log.error("Unable to save node " +
+ " ." + e.Message, e);
return nodeDetail;
* client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@cryptoProvider]
* @param clazz
public void setCryptoProvider(string p)
this.cryptoProvider = p;
* client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@isPasswordEncrypted] default is false
* @param option
public void setPasswordEncrypted(bool p)
this.isEncrypted = p;
* client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@cryptoProvider]
* @return
public string getCryptoProvider()
return this.cryptoProvider;
* client.clerks.clerk(" + i + ")[@isPasswordEncrypted]
* @return
public bool getPasswordEncrypted()
return this.isEncrypted;
public void Dispose()
/// <summary>
/// This is a convenience function that will build and return a TModelInstanceInfo
/// as described in the following link that will enable you to tag web services
/// registered in UDDI with some kind of version information.&lt;Br&gt;&lt;Br&gt;
/// Article source: &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;
/// &lt;Br&gt;&lt;Br&gt;
/// When using this tModel as a tModelInstance, it can be used to describe a
/// version associated with either a service interface, a bindingTemplate
/// service instance. Note: This is a jUDDI specific addon and may not be
/// present in other registries
/// </summary>
/// <param name="version">From the article, no specificity is provided on what to use as a value, but</param>
/// we recommend that you use the string representation of major.minor[.build[.revision]].&lt;br&gt;
/// Example
/// &lt;ul&gt;
/// &lt;li&gt;;/li&gt;
/// &lt;li&gt;1.0&lt;/li&gt;
/// &lt;li&gt;0.1&lt;/li&gt;
/// &lt;/ul&gt;
/// <returns>TModelInstanceInfo populated as described in the article, plus some descriptive information</returns>
public static tModelInstanceInfo createServiceInterfaceVersion(String version, String lang)
if (version == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
tModelInstanceInfo tt = new tModelInstanceInfo();
tt.tModelKey = (UDDIConstants.VERSION_TMODEL);
tt.instanceDetails = new instanceDetails();
overviewDoc doc = new overviewDoc();
doc.overviewURLs = new overviewURL[] { (new overviewURL("", "text")) };
//,new description(
//"Describes a version associated with either a service interface, a bindingTemplate service instance.", lang)};
tt.description = new description[] { new description("Describes a version associated with either a service interface, a bindingTemplate service instance.", lang) };
tt.instanceDetails.Items = new overviewDoc[] { doc };
tt.instanceDetails.instanceParms = version;
//tt.instanceDetails.Items = new object[] { doc };
return tt;
/// <summary>
/// This is a convenience function that will filter a list of binding templates
/// and return a list of bindings matching the specified version number.
/// This implements and expands upon service versioning described in the
/// following link and will enable you to tag web services
/// registered in UDDI with some kind of version information.&lt;Br&gt;&lt;Br&gt;
/// Article source: &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;;/a&gt;
/// &lt;Br&gt;&lt;Br&gt;
/// </summary>
/// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see>
/// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see>
/// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see>
/// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see>
/// <see cref="createServiceInterfaceVersion"></see>
/// This function operates using tModelInstances that are used to describe a
/// version associated with either a service interface, a bindingTemplate
/// service instance. Note: This is a jUDDI specific addon and may not be
/// present in other registries
/// <param name="version">From the article, no specificity is provided on what to use as a value, but</param>
/// we recommend that you use the string representation of major.minor[.build[.revision]].&lt;br&gt;
/// Example
/// &lt;ul&gt;
/// &lt;li&gt;;/li&gt;
/// &lt;li&gt;1.0&lt;/li&gt;
/// &lt;li&gt;0.1&lt;/li&gt;
/// &lt;/ul&gt;
/// <param name="version"></param>
/// <param name="bindingTemplate"></param>
/// <returns>a list if binding templates where the version equals ignoring case trimmed equals the version value</returns>
public static List<bindingTemplate> getBindingByVersion(String version, bindingTemplate[] bindingTemplate)
if (version == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
if (bindingTemplate == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
List<bindingTemplate> ret = new List<bindingTemplate>();
for (int i = 0; i < bindingTemplate.Length; i++)
if (bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails != null)
for (int k = 0; k < bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails.Length; k++)
if (bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails[k].tModelKey.Equals(UDDIConstants.VERSION_TMODEL))
if (bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails[k].instanceDetails != null)
if (bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails[k].instanceDetails.instanceParms != null)
if ((bindingTemplate[i].tModelInstanceDetails[k].instanceDetails.instanceParms.Trim().Equals(version.Trim(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)))
return ret;
* JUDDI-700
* This implements the "find_endpoints" pattern as described in Alex O'Ree's
* Master's Thesis on UDDI. Basically, UDDI never provided a 'simple' way to
* get a list of execution URLs for a web service. This function will resolve
* all AccessPoint and HostingRedictor indirections and provide to you a list
* of URLs that <i>should</i> be accessible for the given service.
* @param serviceKey
* @return
public List<String> getEndpoints(String serviceKey)
List<String> items = new List<String>();
businessService serviceDetail = null;
serviceDetail = this.getServiceDetail(serviceKey);
catch (Exception ex)
log.error("Unable to fetch the specified service's details", ex);
if (serviceDetail == null)
return items;
if (serviceDetail.bindingTemplates != null)
for (int k = 0; k < serviceDetail.bindingTemplates.Length; k++)
catch (Exception ex)
log.warn("error parsing binding", ex);
return items;
private List<String> GetBindingInfo(String value)
List<String> items = new List<String>();
if (value == null)
return items;
get_bindingDetail b = new get_bindingDetail();
b.authInfo = (getAuthToken(this.getApiClerk().getNode().getSecurityUrl()));
b.bindingKey = new string[] { (value) };
bindingDetail bindingDetail = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIInquiryService(this.getApiClerk().getNode().getInquiryUrl()).get_bindingDetail(b);
if (bindingDetail.bindingTemplate != null)
for (int i = 0; i < bindingDetail.bindingTemplate.Length; i++)
return items;
* The API Clerk is the JAXWS generated "Clerk" element that is used
* both on the jUDDI Client and on the jUDDI Web Service (not part of
* the UDDI spec).
* @return
public clerk getApiClerk()
clerk apiClerk = new clerk(); = (name);
apiClerk.node = (uddinode.getApiNode());
apiClerk.password = (password);
apiClerk.publisher = (publisher);
return apiClerk;
private List<String> ParseBinding(bindingTemplate get)
List<String> items = new List<String>();
if (get == null || get.Item == null)
return items;
if (get.Item is hostingRedirector)
//hosting Redirector is the same as "reference this other binding template". It's actually deprecated so
//don't expect to see this too often
if (get.Item is accessPoint)
String usetype = ((accessPoint)get.Item).useType;
if (usetype == null)
//this is unexpected, usetype is a required field
else if (usetype.Equals(AccessPointType.bindingTemplate.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
//referencing another binding template
else if (usetype.Equals(AccessPointType.hostingDirector.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
//this one is a bit strange. the value should be a binding template
else if (usetype.Equals(AccessPointType.wsdlDeployment.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
//fetch wsdl and parse
else if (usetype.Equals(AccessPointType.endPoint.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
//treat it has an extension or whatever
return items;
* fetches a wsdl endpoint and parses for execution urls
* @param value
* @return
private List<String> FetchWSDL(String value)
List<String> items = new List<String>();
if (value.StartsWith("http://") || value.StartsWith("https://"))
//here, we need an HTTP Get for WSDLs
org.apache.juddi.v3.client.mapping.ReadWSDL r = new ReadWSDL();
tDefinitions wsdlDefinition = r.readWSDL(value);
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("keyDomain", "domain");
properties.put("businessName", "biz");
properties.put("serverName", "localhost");
properties.put("serverPort", "80");
WSDL2UDDI wsdl2UDDI = new WSDL2UDDI(null, new URLLocalizer(), properties);
businessService[] businessServices = wsdl2UDDI.createBusinessServices(wsdlDefinition);
for (int i = 0; i < businessServices.Length; i++)
if (businessServices[i].bindingTemplates != null)
for (int k = 0; k < businessServices[i].bindingTemplates.Length; k++)
catch (Exception ex)
log.error("error fetching wsdl for parsing", ex);
return items;
* Gets service details or NULL if it doesn't exist or an error occurred
* @param getDetail
* @return
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws ConfigurationException
* @throws TransportException
public serviceDetail getServiceDetail(get_serviceDetail getDetail)
return getServiceDetail(getDetail, this.getUDDINode().getApiNode());
* Gets service details or NULL if it doesn't exist or an error occurred
* @param getDetail
* @param node
* @return
* @throws RemoteException
* @throws TransportException
* @throws ConfigurationException
public serviceDetail getServiceDetail(get_serviceDetail getDetail, node node)
getDetail.authInfo = (getAuthToken(node.securityUrl));
serviceDetail tModelDetail = getUDDINode().getTransport().getUDDIInquiryService(node.inquiryUrl).get_serviceDetail(getDetail);
return tModelDetail;
catch (Exception dr)
//dispositionReport report = DispositionReportFaultMessage.getDispositionReport(dr);
log.error("error fetching service detail", dr);
return null;