SCOUT-82, starting to ugrade poms.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index e007a87..85db167 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -1,104 +1,300 @@
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-		<artifactId>scout-parent</artifactId>
-		<version>1.1-rc1</version>
-	</parent>
-	<artifactId>scout</artifactId>
-	<name>Scout Implementation</name>
-	<description>
-		Apache Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 - JavaTM API for
-		XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR)
-	</description>
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-		<dependency>
-			<groupId></groupId>
-			<artifactId>jaxr-api</artifactId>
-			<version>1.0</version>
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+         xsi:schemaLocation="">
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+        <artifactId>apache</artifactId>
+        <version>6</version>
+    </parent>
+    <artifactId>scout</artifactId>
+    <version>1.1</version>
+    <packaging>bundle</packaging>
-		<!-- external JARs -->
-		<dependency>
-			<groupId>com.sun.xml.bind</groupId>
-			<artifactId>jaxb-impl</artifactId>
-			<version>2.1.9</version>
-		</dependency>
+    <name>Apache Scout</name>
+    <description>
+        Apache Scout is an implementation of the JSR 93 - JavaTM API for
+        XML Registries 1.0 (JAXR)
+    </description>
+    <url></url>
+    <issueManagement>
+      <system>JIRA</system>
+      <url></url>
+    </issueManagement>
+    <ciManagement>
+      <system>Continuum</system>
+      <url></url>
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+          <sendOnWarning>true</sendOnWarning>
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+            <address></address>
+          </configuration>
+        </notifier>
+      </notifiers>
+    </ciManagement>
+    <inceptionYear>2004</inceptionYear>
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+      <mailingList>
+        <name>WS Scout Developers</name>
+        <subscribe></subscribe>
+        <unsubscribe></unsubscribe>
+        <post></post>
+        <archive></archive>
+      </mailingList>
+    </mailingLists>
+    <developers>
+      <developer>
+        <id>anil</id>
+        <name>Anil Saldhana</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </developer>
+      <developer>
+        <id>dims</id>
+        <name>Davanum Srinivas</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </developer>
+      <developer>
+        <id>kstam</id>
+        <name>Kurt T Stam</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </developer>
+      <developer>
+        <id>jfaath</id>
+        <name>Jeff Faath</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </developer>
+      <developer>
+        <id>linsun</id>
+        <name>Lin Sun</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </developer>
+      <developer>
+        <id>tcunning</id>
+        <name>Tom Cunningham</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </developer>
+    </developers>
+    <contributors>
+      <contributor>
+        <name>Deepack Bhole</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </contributor>
+      <contributor>
+        <name>Steve Viens</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </contributor>
+      <contributor>
+        <name>David Jencks</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </contributor>
+      <contributor>
+        <name>Jeremy Boynes</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </contributor>
+      <contributor>
+        <name>Jarek Gawor</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </contributor>
+      <contributor>
+        <name>Geir Magnusson Jr.</name>
+        <email></email>
+        <organization></organization>
+      </contributor>
+    </contributors>
+    <licenses>
+      <license>
+        <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
+        <url></url>
+        <distribution>repo</distribution>
+      </license>
+    </licenses>
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+      <connection>scm:svn:</connection>
+      <developerConnection>scm:svn:</developerConnection>
+      <url></url>
+    </scm>
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+        <!--<dependency>-->
+            <!--<groupId></groupId>-->
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+            <!--<version>1.0</version>-->
+        <!--</dependency>-->
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+            <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
+            <artifactId>geronimo-activation_1.1_spec</artifactId>
+            <version>1.0.2</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
+            <artifactId>geronimo-jaxb_2.1_spec</artifactId>
+            <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
+            <artifactId>geronimo-jaxr_1.0_spec</artifactId>
+            <version>2.0.0</version>
+        </dependency>
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+            <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
+            <artifactId>geronimo-jaxrpc_1.1_spec</artifactId>
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+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
+            <artifactId>geronimo-saaj_1.3_spec</artifactId>
+            <version>1.0.1</version>
+        </dependency>
+        <dependency>
+            <groupId>org.apache.geronimo.specs</groupId>
+            <artifactId>geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec</artifactId>
+            <version>1.0.1</version>
+        </dependency>
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-						<exclude>**/*Abstract*.java</exclude>
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+                    <artifactId>axis-wsdl4j</artifactId>
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+                    <artifactId>commons-discovery</artifactId>
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+            <version>2.1.9</version>
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+                <exclusion>
+                    <groupId>javax.xml.bind</groupId>
+                    <artifactId>jaxb-api</artifactId>
+                </exclusion>
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+          <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
+          <version>4.5</version>
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+        </dependency>
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+          <groupId>org.apache.juddi</groupId>
+          <artifactId>juddi</artifactId>
+          <version>2.0rc7</version>
+          <scope>test</scope>
+        </dependency>
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+          <groupId>org.apache.derby</groupId>
+          <artifactId>derby</artifactId>
+          <version></version>
+          <scope>test</scope>
+        </dependency>
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+          <artifactId>log4j</artifactId>
+          <version>1.2.13</version>
+          <scope>test</scope>
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+                        <exclude>**/*Abstract*.java</exclude>
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+                        <include>**/*</include>
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+                <artifactId>ianal-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+                <version>1.0-alpha-1</version>
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+        <id>website</id>
+        <url>scpexe://</url>
+      </site>
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