1. Introduction

This project builds a ready-to-use JSP Wiki distribution

  • Based on Tomcat 7.0.84 as servlet engine
  • Using HTTP port 9627 to avoid conflicts with existing servers running on port 80 and/or 8080

2. Creating The Native Launchers

The native launchers are under version control and can be re-created manually. In other words there are not automatically build because

  • Considering the complex setup I'm glad that it works on the JSPWiki committer boxes
  • Downloading all the stuff is time-consuming and would slow the build for everyone
  • There should be some manual testing before promoting the native launchers

2.1 Creating The Windows Launcher

Run the following commands

jspwiki-portable> mvn clean package

jspwiki-portable> ant woas:download-launch4j-for-mac woas:create-windows-app
Buildfile: /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/build.xml

    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/unpack/launch4j
      [get] Getting: http://netassist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/launch4j/launch4j-3/3.8/launch4j-3.8-macosx-x86.tgz
      [get] To: /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/unpack/launch4j/launch4j-3.8-macosx-x86.tgz
    [untar] Expanding: /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/unpack/launch4j/launch4j-3.8-macosx-x86.tgz into /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/unpack
   [delete] Deleting: /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/unpack/launch4j/launch4j-3.8-macosx-x86.tgz

 [launch4j] Compiling resources
 [launch4j] Linking
 [launch4j] Wrapping
 [launch4j] Successfully created /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/woas/woas.exe
     [echo] Created /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/woas/woas.exe ...


The generated “woas.exe” can be copied manually to jspwiki-portable/src/overlay/launchers/tomcat/woas.exe after manual testing.

note: on windows platforms, use ant woas:download-launch4j-for-win woas:create-windows-app to create the launcher.

2.2 Creating The Mac OS X Launcher

Run the following commands

jspwiki-portable> mvn clean package

jspwiki-portable> ant woas:download-appbundler-for-mac woas:mac-app-oracle-jdk
Buildfile: /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/build.xml

    [mkdir] Created dir: /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/unpack/appbundler
      [get] Getting: https://java.net/downloads/appbundler/appbundler-1.0.jar
      [get] To: /Users/sgoeschl/work/asf/jspwiki/trunk/jspwiki/jspwiki-portable/target/unpack/appbundler/appbundler-1.0.jar

     [echo] Building Mac OS X launcher for Oracle JDK
[bundleapp] Creating app bundle: woas


The generated “woas.app” can be copied manually to jspwiki-portable/src/overlay/launchers/tomcat/woas.app after manual testing.

note: on windows platforms, use ant woas:download-appbundler-for-mac woas:download-launch4j-for-mac woas:create-mac-app

3. Current State

3.1 Mac OS X

  • The Mac OS X JarBundler 2.2.0 is used to build a native Mac OS X app but it depends on having the Apple JDK installed
  • Supporting a modern Oracle JDK is done using the Oracle's AppBundler Task

3.2 Jetty vesus Tomcat

Over the time Jetty's memory foot-print become larger and larger so I moved back to an embedded Tomcat

2. Available Maven Commands

mvn clean package

3. The Pre-configured Wikis

3.1 Personal Wiki

This configuration makes the following assumptions

  • You are the one and only user of JSPWiki
  • You don't need to authenticate for working with JSPWiki
  • Using BasicSearchProvider reg-exp grepping
  • No page versioning
  • Registered users with admin rights
    • “user”, “user”

3.2 Department Public Wiki

This configuration makes the following assumptions

  • A group of mostly trust-worthy people are using the wiki
  • Anonymous users have with read-only access
  • Using VersioningFileProvider
  • LuceneSearchProvider only picks up changes through JSPWiki
  • Registered users with read/write access
    • “admin”, “lEtMeIn”
    • “user”, “user”