blob: bde3a005acbe911642f69dd5d89b4b60cae0f2fb [file] [log] [blame]
2010 April JSPWiki Incubator status report
JSPWiki has been incubating since September 2007.
JSPWiki is a JSP-based wiki program.
Quite a few bugs were fixed in the JSP tier.
Slimbox was upgraded, various media formats are now
supported so you can view youtube or facebook videos, other
wikipages, or even external web-pages.
Also support was added for multi-file uploads.
We also added an experimental wysiwyg editor based on mootools.
ReferenceManager was rewritten to use JCR UUIDs to keep references
between pages.
A couple of bugs were fixed and, and the unit test compliance has climbed
from 96.8 to 99.3 %.
Of the 28 items (1 was recently added) on the graduation checklist,
19 are complete, so in that area there has been not much progress,
with the exception of fixing junit tests..
All open items are documentation and ASF process and infrastructure related.
There still is no 3.0.0-incubating-alpha1 release.
It looks like things have slowed down the last few weeks for an unknown reason.
The developer list currently has 88 members, an increase from 82; and the
user list has 193 members, an increase from 191.