blob: c6ba41112604a655ffbe5ec9a3bc8f78c424f352 [file] [log] [blame]
<p>Contains all caching-related interfaces and exceptions for performance-enhancing caching during runtime.</p>
<p>In good interface-driven design fashion, JSecurity uses the <tt>Cache</tt> and <tt>CacheManager</tt>
interfaces to separate implementation details from framework components. A <tt>CacheManager</tt> is
responsible for creating and managing <tt>Cache</tt>s. A <tt>Cache</tt> is, as its name might imply, is a
key/value data map.</p>
<p>Common underlying <tt>CacheManager</tt> and <tt>Cache</tt> implementations can support anything from
simple map-based memory caches to more robust distributed network caches like Ehcache, JBoss Cache, JCS, OSCache,
Coherence, GigaSpaces and more.</p>