This provides a server demonstration for Joshua. You can load a model, feed it sentences, add custom rules, and view the translations.

There are two steps:

  1. Start Joshua in server mode. The minimal set of parameters needed are.

    -server-type http -server-port 5674

    So, for example, if you have a pre-built model or language pack, you can simply add these parameters to the invocation. To start a server with an empty model, you can type the following:

    $JOSHUA/bin/joshua -server-type http -server-port 5674 \
      -feature-function OOVPenalty \
      -feature-function "PhrasePenalty -owner custom" \
      -weight-overwrite "OOVPenalty 1 PhrasePenalty -1" \
      -mark-oovs -lowercase -projectcase -output-format %S

    Equivalently, you can use the config file in this directory, which contains all the above parameteres, and simply run it like this:

    $JOSHUA/bin/joshua -config demo.config

    As a third option, you could pass it your own config file on a real pre-built model, such as Joshua's language packs.

    Command-line arguments override values in the config file, so if you need to change the port only, you can use the following

    $JOSHUA/bin/joshua -config demo.config -server-port 5675
  2. Next, load the index.html file, and make sure the values in the “Parameters” tab match your server settings above. You can also pass these values in the query string, e.g.,


    The web demo will connect to the server via AJAX queries using Joshua's RESTful interface. You can translate data, experiment with runtime parameters, and add new rules.

That‘s it! Please direct comments or questions to Joshua’s user mailing list: