layout: default category: links title: SCALE 2013 Joshua tutorial

If you‘re running Joshua on the HLTCOE file servers, you’re in luck, because if anything the Joshua setup is overfit to that environment. This page contains some notes tailored to a SCALE 2013 tutorial that took place on June 5, 2013.

This page is designed to supplement the pipeline walkthrough, so I recommend you keep both open in separate tabs.

Download and Setup

You can copy Joshua 5.0rc2 from ~lorland/workspace/mt/joshua/release/joshua-v5.0rc2.tgz instead of downloading it directly. I recommend you install it under ~/code/. Assuming you do so, you will have

export JOSHUA=$HOME/code/joshua-v5.0rc2
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/default

You should set the following environment variables. Add these to your ~/.bashrc:

export HADOOP=/opt/apache/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/opt/apache/hadoop/conf/apache-mr/mapreduce
export MOSES=/home/hltcoe/mpost/code/mosesdecoder
export SRILM=/home/hltcoe/mpost/code/srilm

Then load them:

source ~/.bashrc

Now compile:

cd joshua-v5.0rc2
export JOSHUA=$(pwd)


You don't need to install any external software since it is already installed. The environment variable exports above will take care of this for you.

A basic pipeline run

For today‘s experiments, we’ll be translating with a Spanish-English translated dataset collected by Chris Callison-Burch, Adam Lopez, and myself. This dataset contains translations of the LDC transcriptions of the Fisher Spanish and CALLHOME Spanish datasets. These translations were collected using Amazon's Mechanical Turk.

We plan to publicly release this dataset later this year, and in the meantime we ask that you do not distribute this data or remove it from HLTCOE servers.

The dataset is located at /export/common/SCALE13/Text/fishcall. Please set the following environment variable for convenience:

export FISHCALL=/export/common/SCALE13/Text/fishcall

If you're at CLSP, the data can be found instead at

export FISHCALL=/home/mpost/data/fishcall

Preparing the data

The data has already been split into training, development, held-out test, and test sets, both for Fisher Spanish and CALLHOME. The prefixes are as follows:



Run the pipeline

I'll assume here a run directory of $HOME/expts/scale13/joshua-tutorial/runs/. To run the complete pipeline and output results for the Fisher held-out test set, type:

cd $HOME/expts/scale13/joshua-tutorial/runs/
$JOSHUA/bin/           \
  --readme "Baseline run"         \
  --rundir 1                      \
  --corpus $FISHCALL/fisher_train \
  --tune $FISHCALL/fisher_dev     \
  --test $FISHCALL/fisher_dev2    \
  --source es                     \
  --target en

This will start the pipeline building a translation system trained on (Spanish transcript, English translation) pairs, and evaluate on other Spanish transcripts. It will use the defaults for all pieces of the pipeline: GIZA++ for alignment, BerkeleyLM for building the language model, batch MIRA for tuning, KenLM for representing LM state in the decoder, and so on.


You can try different variations:

  • Build an SAMT model (--type samt), GKHM model (--type ghkm), or phrasal model (--type phrasal)

  • Use the Berkeley aligner instead of GIZA++ (--aligner berkeley)

  • Build the language model with SRILM (recommended) instead of BerkeleyLM (--lm-gen srilm)

  • Tune with MIRA instead of MERT (--tuner mert)

  • Decode with a wider beam (--joshua-args '-pop-limit 200') (the default is 100)

  • Add training data (add another --corpus line, e.g., --corpus $FISHCALL/callhome_train)