layout: default title: Joshua 4.1 User Documentation

This page contains end-user oriented documentation for the 4.1 release of the Joshua decoder.

Download and Setup

  1. Follow this link to download Joshua, or do it from the command line:

    wget -q
  2. Next, unpack it, set the $JOSHUA environment variable, and compile everything:

    tar xzf joshua-4.1.tgz
    cd joshua-4.1
    # for bash
    export JOSHUA=$(pwd)
    echo "export JOSHUA=$JOSHUA" >> ~/.bashrc
    # for tcsh
    setenv JOSHUA `pwd`
    echo "setenv JOSHUA $JOSHUA" >> ~/.profile
    ant all
  3. That's it.

Quick start

If you just want to run the complete machine translation pipeline (beginning with data preparation, through alignment, hierarchical model building, tuning, testing, and reporting), we recommend you use our pipeline script. You might also be interested in Chris' old walkthrough.

More information

For more detail on the decoder itself, including its command-line options, see the Joshua decoder page. You can also learn more about other steps of the Joshua MT pipeline, including grammar extraction with Thrax and Joshua's efficient grammar representation (new with version 4.1).

If you have problems or issues, you might find some help on our answers page or in the mailing list archives.

A bundled configuration, which is a minimal set of configuration, resource, and script files, can be created and easily transferred and shared.