layout: default category: advanced title: Joshua file formats

This page describes the formats of Joshua configuration and support files.

Translation models (grammars)

Joshua supports three grammar file formats.

  1. Thrax / Hiero
  2. SAMT [deprecated]
  3. packed

The Hiero format is not restricted to Hiero grammars, but simply means the format that David Chiang developed for Hiero. It can support a much broader class of SCFGs containing an arbitrary set of nonterminals. Similarly, the SAMT format is not restricted to SAMT grammars but instead simply denotes the grammar format that Zollmann and Venugopal developed for their decoder. To remove this source of confusion, “thrax” is the preferred format designation, and is in fact the default.

The packed grammar format is the efficient grammar representation developed by Juri Ganitkevich is described in detail elsewhere.

Grammar rules in the Thrax format follow this format:


Here are some two examples, one for a Hiero grammar, and the other for an SAMT grammar:

[X] ||| el chico [X] ||| the boy [X] ||| -3.14 0 2 17
[S] ||| el chico [VP] ||| the boy [VP] ||| -3.14 0 2 17

The feature values can have optional labels, e.g.:

[X] ||| el chico [X] ||| the boy [X] ||| lexprob=-3.14 abstract=0 numwords=2 count=17

These feature names are made up. For an actual list of feature names, please see the Thrax documentation.

The SAMT grammar format is deprecated and undocumented.

Language Model

Joshua has three language model implementations: KenLM, BerkeleyLM, and an (unrecommended) dummy Java implementation. All language model implementations support the standard ARPA format output by SRILM. In addition, KenLM and BerkeleyLM support compiled formats that can be loaded more quickly and efficiently.

Compiling for KenLM

To compile an ARPA grammar for KenLM, use the (provided) build-binary command, located deep within the Joshua source code:

$JOSHUA/src/joshua/decoder/ff/lm/kenlm/build_binary lm.kenlm

This script takes the file and produces the compiled version in lm.kenlm.

Compiling for BerkeleyLM

To compile a grammar for BerkeleyLM, type:

java -cp $JOSHUA/lib/berkeleylm.jar -server -mxMEM lm.berkeleylm

The lm.berkeleylm file can then be listed directly in the Joshua configuration file.

Joshua configuration

See the decoder page.

Pipeline configuration

See the pipeline page.

Thrax configuration

See the thrax page.