Joshua command-line options and arguments


multiple language models. The value should be a string named lm.gz (I seem to have had a failure when it was named something else and/or was an absolute path. Specify multiple attributes of the language model(s) at once. test

where the six fields correspond to the following values:

  • LM type: one of “kenlm”, “berkeleylm”, “javalm” (not recommended), or “none”
  • LM order: the N of the N-gram language model
  • whether to use left equivalent state (currently not supported)
  • whether to use right equivalent state (currently not supported
  • the ceiling cost of any n-gram (currently ignored)
  • LM file: the location of the language model file


The differences between lm and lm_file are ... TBD.


whether to parse (if not then decode)


A String argument specifying the file name (Path?) of the translation model.





lm_type = String.valueOf(fds[1]); if (!lm_type.equals(“kenlm”) && !lm_type.equals(“berkeleylm”) && !lm_type.equals(“none”) && !lm_type.equals(“javalm”)) { System.err.println(“* FATAL: lm_type '” + lm_type + “' not supported”); System.err .println(“* supported types are ‘kenlm’ (default), ‘berkeleylm’, and ‘javalm’ (not recommended), and ‘none’”); System.exit(1); }


lm_ceiling_cost = Double.parseDouble(fds[1]);

-lm_ceiling_cost: %s


use_left_equivalent_state = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]); logger

-use_left_equivalent_state: %s


use_right_equivalent_state = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-use_right_equivalent_state: %s



lm_order = Integer.parseInt(fds[1]);

-g_lm_order: %s


use_sent_specific_lm = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-use_sent_specific_lm: %s


use_sent_specific_tm = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-use_sent_specific_tm: %s


span_limit = Integer.parseInt(fds[1]);

-span_limit: %s


phrase_owner = fds[1].trim();

-phrase_owner: %s


glue_owner = fds[1].trim();

-glue_owner: %s


default_non_terminal = “[” + fds[1].trim() + “]”; // default_non_terminal = fds[1].trim();

-default_non_terminal: %s


goal_symbol = “[” + fds[1].trim() + “]”; // goal_symbol = fds[1].trim();



constrain_parse = Boolean.parseBoolean(fds[1]);


oov_feature_index = Integer.parseInt(fds[1]);


true_oovs_only = Boolean.parseBoolean(fds[1]);


use_pos_labels = Boolean.parseBoolean(fds[1]);


fuzz1 = Double.parseDouble(fds[1]);

-fuzz1: %s


fuzz2 = Double.parseDouble(fds[1]);

-fuzz2: %s


max_n_items = Integer.parseInt(fds[1]);

-max_n_items: %s


relative_threshold = Double.parseDouble(fds[1]);

-relative_threshold: %s


max_n_rules = Integer.parseInt(fds[1]);

-max_n_rules: %s


use_unique_nbest = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-use_unique_nbest: %s


add_combined_cost = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-add_combined_cost: %s


use_tree_nbest = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-use_tree_nbest: %s


escape_trees = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-escape_trees: %s


include_align_index = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-include_align_index: %s


topN = Integer.parseInt(fds[1]);

-topN: %s


Random random = new Random(); int v = random.nextInt(10000000);// make it random parallel_files_prefix = fds[1] + v;

-parallel_files_prefix: %s



num_parallel_decoders = Integer.parseInt(fds[1]); if (num_parallel_decoders <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( “Must specify a positive number for num_parallel_decoders”); }

-num_parallel_decoders: %s


save_disk_hg = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-save_disk_hg: %s


use_kbest_hg = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-use_kbest_hg: %s


forest_pruning = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-forest_pruning: %s


forest_pruning_threshold = Double.parseDouble(fds[1]);

-forest_pruning_threshold: %s


visualize_hypergraph = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-visualize_hypergraph: %s


mark_oovs = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]);

-mark_oovs: %s


pop_limit = Integer.valueOf(fds[1]);

-pop-limit: %s


useCubePrune = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]); if (useCubePrune == false) logger.warning(“useCubePrune=false”); logger.finest(String.format(“useCubePrune: %s”, useCubePrune)); else if (parameter.equals(normalize_key(“useBeamAndThresholdPrune”))) { useBeamAndThresholdPrune = Boolean.valueOf(fds[1]); if (useBeamAndThresholdPrune == false) logger.warning(“useBeamAndThresholdPrune=false”); logger.finest(String.format(“useBeamAndThresholdPrune: %s”, useBeamAndThresholdPrune));

else if (parameter.equals(normalize_key(“oovFeatureCost”))) { oov_feature_cost = Float.parseFloat(fds[1]); logger.finest(String.format(“oovFeatureCost: %s”, oov_feature_cost));

else if (parameter.equals(normalize_key(“useGoogleLinearCorpusGain”))) { useGoogleLinearCorpusGain = new Boolean(fds[1].trim()); logger .finest(String.format(“useGoogleLinearCorpusGain: %s”, useGoogleLinearCorpusGain));

else if (parameter.equals(normalize_key(“googleBLEUWeights”))) { String[] googleWeights = fds[1].trim().split(“;”); if (googleWeights.length != 5) { logger.severe(“wrong line=” + line); System.exit(1); } linearCorpusGainThetas = new double[5]; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) linearCorpusGainThetas[i] = new Double(googleWeights[i]);

logger.finest(String.format(“googleBLEUWeights: %s”, linearCorpusGainThetas));

else if (parameter.equals(normalize_key(“oracleFile”))) { oracleFile = fds[1].trim();“oracle file: %s”, oracleFile)); if (!new File(oracleFile).exists()) { logger.warning(“FATAL: can't find oracle file '” + oracleFile + “'”); System.exit(1); }

else if (parameter.equals(“c”) || parameter.equals(“config”)) { // this was used to send in the config file, just ignore it ;

else { logger.warning(“FATAL: unknown configuration parameter '” + fds[0] + “'”); System.exit(1);