layout: default6 title: Quick Start

The quickest way to use Joshua is to download a pre-built model and use them to start translating data.

Building your own models takes a bit more work, and requires you to supply parallel data that the models can be trained from. Information about how to do this can be found in the pipeline documentation.

Our pipeline.html">pipeline script is the quickest way to get started. For example, to train and test a complete model translating from Bengali to English:

First, download the Indian languages data:

curl -#L > indian-languages.tgz tar xf indian-languages.tgz ln -s joshua-decoder-indian-parallel-corpora-b71d31a input

Then, train and test a model

$JOSHUA/bin/ --source bn --target en \
    --no-prepare --aligner berkeley \
    --corpus input/bn-en/tok/ \
    --tune input/bn-en/tok/ \
    --test input/bn-en/tok/

This will align the data with the Berkeley aligner, build a Hiero model, tune with MERT, decode the test sets, and reports results that should correspond with what you find on the Indian Parallel Corpora page. For more details, including information on the many options available with the pipeline script, please see its documentation page.