Apache johnzon

Apache Johnzon is a project providing an implementation of JsonProcessing (aka jsr-353) and a set of useful extension for this specification like an Object mapper and some JAX-RS providers.

Get started

Johnzon comes with three main modules.


This is the implementation of the specification. You'll surely want to add the API as dependency too:


The mapper module allows you to use the implementation you want of Json Processing specification to map Json to Object and the opposite.


JAX-RS module provides two providers (and underlying MessageBodyReaders and MessageBodyWriters):

  • org.apache.johnzon.jaxrs.JohnzonProvider.JohnzonProvider: use Johnzon Mapper to map Object to Json and the opposite
  • org.apache.johnzon.jaxrs.JsrProvider: allows you to use JsrArray, JsrObject (more generally JsonStructure)